My Royal King!

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Fantasy Mystery Thriller

Shall I speak about that eerie feel? That moment of powerlessness?

 That morning, I woke up under my usual groans. Though it was hard to get off the bed early, yet I tried while munching on the bed cover that itself rolled down at the bedside, trolling the stories of my night snake adventures. The dream was still floating over my sub-consciousness. Wake up!! Oh my gosh!

For me, the snakes always appeared to be mysterious creatures. My curiosity led me, spend my whole past weekend, watching stuff, related to the snakes. It was the first time in my whole life that I saw a snake with my own eyes. It was strange! I must have been afraid, terrified, and shivered, but, I remained calm. It was unbearable for me.  I watched several documentaries, some were about the sea snakes, the others were about the venomous snakes. In one of the documentaries, I couldn’t believe my eyes, the black Mamba beat the fastest running jeep in the desert of Sahara. My eyes popped out and it ravished my interest, I decided to bang open my grandma’s door to hear the oral stuff about the old mythical tales. At first, she didn’t concede, but, later, upon my consistent insistence, she agreed to shake off her long-lost memories. I took my seat, eagerly fixing my eyes upon her wrinkled face, she started slowly pouring out, one after the other, the unbelievable tales.

‘The snakes take their abodes usually at the top of the mountains’, she started, ‘your grandfather used to go far-off lands, sweeping through the jungles, thickets and the unseen places’, she continued, ‘He killed many snakes, those who came across his way; they were huge monsters, often took out their invisible legs to attack.

‘Oh! grandma! I waved my hand to signal her, ‘Stop, please! what the heck? No, ‘grandma! They could be the other reptiles like lizards sort of ….! A snake never wears the limbs! I startled.

‘Ha-ha, did you time-float to the old days? The grandma touched my cheeks and planted unconditional kisses at my innocence, who knows!

‘My love, now, these beautiful creatures are lost under the mist of the urban-world. People killed them while clearing off the lands, they sneaked out into the unknown worlds, never seen later. There were some species, that the natives used to eat to bring back their youth. Grandma kept on speaking, I didn’t stop her this time.

‘Seriously? No… hmm! Is this the reason, how the Chinese seem young and juvenile?’ I poked a question at grandma. My curiosity rose.  

‘No, only an old man could restore his young age’.

‘But, grandma…it’s an exaggerating and hyperbolized narrative… I am done, I got to go…please!

‘Oh! listen, my baby! Snakes have their own world…mysterious, creepy, and untouched!’

 That night, I couldn’t sleep. I dreamed of an underworld; fenced, and fortified, ruled by a snake king, wearing the royal, green robe, away from the human settlements. I sneaked into the kingdom of the snakes, the courtesans seemed annoyed at the human entry. They kicked me at the mercy of the limbless creature, I lifted my gaze; a mermaid with her sparkling beauty laid over the crown, I gathered the courage to speak. But my eyes opened at the first call of the cock!

Earlier that night, I woke up horrified after seeing a group of snakes fanged at me. Why snakes?  

Today, the voice of the milkman stroked my eardrums and I had to resign from the sleep! Walking past the T.V Lounge, I ran like a marathon runner, thinking otherwise, the milkman would strike hard against the doorbell. The milkman is my morning cock. Another gruff and raspy!

‘Coming! Wait Majoo…wait, please!!!’ I had to shout out to keep him numb.

I reached for the doorknob and released the pressure against the torque.

’ Patience is not thy name, man!!!!’, I exploded.

 ‘Oh, Baji (sister), I have to move door-to-door, earlier than the morning. Pardon me! He defended himself. He was used to this narrative for the last 5 years. 

Anyway, I picked up the milk container and rushed towards the Kitchen. I slid open the door and started navigating for the saucepan to boil the milk.

My day started that day, perhaps, under the bad vibes. Despite much of the struggle, I failed to grab on some clean pot. My mind was tossing in the whirlpool of a nap, suddenly, my feet stroked against a soft mass. Irritated already, I carelessly lowered my head to find the reason, I jumped horrified. After moments, I got back, tried to restore my senses. To my utter fright, what I saw… I couldn’t believe my eyes. A long slithering snake was hissing at me with its two venomous fangs. I lost my nerves. Gosh, the stare! I felt I was dominated by some underworld king. Couldn’t believe if the dream came true or I was still under the spell of the dream!  How bewitching it was! I fell to his magical beauty …. This was not an animal, but, a king!  He moved slightly yet precisely. I took advantage of his retreat and thought of my rescue. But my feet froze. I looked into his round, bold eyes. So fearless, he is the king! I halted.

This moment was everything that I wished for. I wanted to offer my subjectivity to this magical creature. I felt as if I had been a gladiator opposed to this monster in a Roman arena, ready to face the defeat! But, the revelation was horrible, how powerless I was! I couldn’t convey my love for this uncrowned king in my own world. His precise movement stirred the music of the windy air! The rhythm of slithering, the underworld king was dancing like an Egyptian princess to entertain her pharaoh. I wanted the spell to remain forever.

Suddenly, a loud bash, the door slid open and mom walked in. her first gaze captured the sight of the snake. She was motionless, shocked, and nearly unconscious! My feet froze over the ground, powerless again, and numb. Maybe after seconds, I restored my senses and heard the Mom’s loud shriek!!!!! I cried. But, it was too late.

 I looked at my snake that was invisible from the sight of humans. Grandma was right! 

September 04, 2020 17:46

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