Romance Drama High School

   I know that this doesn't fit the prompt.  This is the second part of the dance with me series.  Read book one to understand this part of the story.

Tuesday 6:15

Last night me and Millie had so much fun searching for dresses!  I couldn’t really sleep because I was busy thinking about Caleb. He was texting me at 6:00 am.  He gets up really early.  

I texted Millie a morning text like everyday and she didn’t respond.  Maybe her phone died.  Her phone never dies because she charges it at night.  It's so unlike her to not respond. I'm actually kind of scared.  I’m on my way over to her house.  I hope she's okay.  When I got to her house her car was there but no one answered her door.  I didn’t mention the part where I gave Caleb her phone number so that he could give it to his friend.  Could asher have picked her up today?  I drove to school worried and scared.  She's fine. I keep telling myself.  As soon as I get to school I text Caleb.  We have the same homeroom so I asked him if Millie was there.  He responded ‘IDK why?’ I said, ‘bc i need to know pls’  then I wrote another ‘I’ll meet you in class’  Luckily I went the right way today.  Not through the traffic.  

I searched the room for Millie.  Then the teacher takes attendance.  Millies not here.  Where is she?  I run to the bathroom and Caleb chases after me.  He stands outside of the girls bathroom and softly starts talking to me.

“Addi, it's going to be okay.  Millie’s going to be fine.  Asher picked her up today.  He asked her to be his girlfriend.  She said yes.  Your friend is okay.  Asher probably took her to coffee and donuts or something to celebrate.  They might just miss one day.” His voice is… so warm.  Like a cozy blanket and a good book by the fire.  I somehow find my way out of the bathroom and into his arms.  He wraps his arms around me as my tears roll down my face.  He wipes my tears.  I realized that they’re black from the mascara that I put on today. Him and I walk into the bathroom unnoticed.  

He helps me clean my tears and then kisses me with his warm lips.  The kiss gives me the strength to walk back to class.  The teacher asked if I was okay.  I took a deep breath and replied yes I think that I’m going to be okay today.  

I have science next.  That is like the only class that I have no friends in.   Only a few of my friends-friends like 2nd friends if that makes sense.  Science is so fun!  We made volcanoes today.  Mine exploded with pink foam.  It was cool.  Then our science teacher had to explain it.  The boring part of science.  Actually today is okay because she’s talking about volcanic acids. 

Finally lunch.  My second favorite part of the day.  I am eating the same thing that I had yesterday.  But Caleb and May sat by me.  May and Caleb were almost dating like 5 years ago.  But he decided otherwise and that is probably a good thing because… they don't seem like the kinda couple that would work out.  Their still friends in a way.  Sometimes they talk and hang out a little but that’s basically it.  They are sitting by me because Millies not here today and I don’t really have any friends besides Caleb, May, and Millie.  Which is nice of them.

They are awkwardly looking at each other like “umm…” So I just start silently eating my food because, why not.  Plus if I waste my time looking at them then lunch time will be gone and I will have food leftover and I can’t let that happen!  My mom would wonder why I didn’t eat.  Then that would be a problem.  She would take me to the doctors and that's my least favorite place to go.  So I try to stay away from there.

My lunch is quiet.  Peaceful. Well except for the other noise kids.  Gotta block them out.  After that very awkward silence, I walked to my next class which is History. I like history because we learn a lot about famous people and people that weren’t ever mentioned in my life.  

Today we’re learning about Laura Ingles Wilder.  She was on the Oregon Trail. She also wrote the Little House on the Prairie series.  Really good books if you ask me.  You should read them sometime.  History is not my favorite class but I'm not going to die.  We do it every week.

A long time later… We finally got out of history.  Next I have music class.  I play the guitar.  Millie plays the piano.  She’s REALLY good.  Way better than I am at guitar.  Which I’m okay at guitar but when Millie sits down in front of the piano and starts playing, your head might explode from her awesomeness.  Our music teacher takes attendance then we break off into groups.  I am part of the “country” group.  That's what our teacher calls it at least.  I’m learning “Die From A Broken Heart” by Maddie &Tae.  I really like that song.  I write songs sometimes.  Not very often though.  I also remake songs.  Kinda like a...remix almost.  Music went fast!  I am going to take the bus today.  Caleb’s on my bus at least I think.  

On The Bus (3:45 PM)

I sat down near the back and started reading a book.  Then a group of boys walked onto the bus.  They all walk towards the back.  Boys usually try and sit as close to the back of the bus as they can.  Caleb did come onto the bus like I guessed.  I stared at him as he walked down the crowded isle.  He walked up to my seat and asked “May I sit here?” 

So I replied “Sure” and smiled. He looked at my drawing.    

  “Hey nice drawing!  I really like it.  What kind of flowers are those?”  I’ve been working on a drawing of flowers towards the outside of my paper and a girl in the center.  The girl is Millie.  I’m working on it for her birthday.  It's 3 days after the school dance.  

  “Well they're all different kinds of flowers but the girl in the middle is Millie.  I’m making it for her birthday.  Do you think she’ll like it?”  I wanted another opinion.  I hope Millie’s okay.  

 “Yes.  I think she’ll love it.”  he said slowly then pulled me down so you couldn’t see our heads from over the seats and the bus driver couldn’t see us. 

 What's he doing?  Then he slowly leans in to kiss me.  I couldn’t deny it.  This is what I've always wanted.   Our kiss felt like it lasted for hours even though it was only a couple of minutes.  My heart, pounding out of my chest.  Then once we stop he notices that I'm blushing.  I couldn’t stop!  I turn my face to the window.  He stares at me.  I watch the hill as we get to the top.  Then, I watch and feel the bus drop down the hill.  We slowed down.  I see 2 ambulances, a fire truck then I see a car.  In the ditch a Red Jeep.  I tug on Caleb’s shirt and point out the window

“What kind of car does Asher drive?” I asked really fast.  My heart races.  Could Millie have been in the car with Asher when it crashed?  

Caleb’s mouth drops.  He hugs me.  Well that doesn’t answer my question.  Then he whispers softly into my ear, “He drives a car just like that.”  Oh no.  I opened the bus window and asked if there were any survivors.  No answer.  Here comes the river of tears.  I can’t stop.  I call Millies mom.

“Where are you?” I ask crying

“At home.  Why?  What’s wrong sweetie?  Is Millie with you?”  Millie's mom is nice. She always calls me sweetie or honey.  She’s almost like a second mom to me.

“I haven’t heard from her all day.  There was a car crash on Springwater.  Did she drive in a red jeep with a boy today?” I asked

“Oh, dear.  I can’t remember.  I think she did.”

I don’t say anything.  I just cry harder.  

Millie’s mom cries.  I get off at her house.  Not my usual stop but, her mom lives about a block away so I figured that I should go over there to talk to her.  She comes to the door and lets me in.  We sit down and I look at a picture of me and Millie from when we were 7 years old.  I cry.  She cries.  We cry for a long long time until it starts to get dark.  Then I get up and say that I should get going so I’m not late for dinner.  

I eat dinner in my room because I told my parents what happened and they said that they would make this allowed just this once.  Caleb keeps Snapchatting me.  I don’t respond once until he says this “addi do you want to meet up tonight?  By the oak tree?”

The oak tree is a spot close to my neighborhood.  I will walk. I would rather walk to the tree since it's not very far.  I ask my parents if I can go for a walk to clear my head.  They agree because they know how I’m feeling right now.  It doesn’t take long to get to the oak tree so I walk slowly dragging my feet.  When I finally get there the time on my phone is 8:59 right on time.  I sit down under the tree and look up at the moon through the branches.  Then not 20 seconds later Caleb shows up.  He walks over to me and gives me a huge hug.  We talk a little but not for very long.  The time is 9:15 and my parents wanted me home at 9:20 so I told Caleb that I should get going.  Before I go I kiss him.  The longest kiss I have ever had.  I run away blushing. 

I wonder what will happen next...

December 13, 2020 00:59

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18:03 Dec 13, 2020

Nooooo I need to read more! I LOVE this story I like it better than the first part. You need to make a part 3!


Lauren :)
18:44 Dec 13, 2020

Thank you CJ! I will plan on writing a Part 3! :) ~Lauren


23:10 Dec 13, 2020



Lauren :)
17:03 Dec 14, 2020

Hey CJ whats your email? I can email you the google doc that has Part 3 on it if you want.


20:09 Dec 14, 2020

Ok, it’s cademaye27@midlandps.org


Lauren :)
20:15 Dec 14, 2020

Okay! I sent it to you. :)


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Water Isdeep
10:40 Jan 12, 2021

This was sad when they figured out what happened to Asher and Millie. Half because they're probably dead and half because their not going to go to the dance if they are dead. The suspense ramps up when Addison asks what car Asher drives. I'm heartbroken. But in a good way. Does that even make sense?


Lauren :)
17:09 Jan 12, 2021

It totally makes sense :) I'll can let you know when Part 3 comes out if you want?!


Water Isdeep
22:51 Jan 12, 2021

Please do!


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Louis Lyman
16:10 Dec 14, 2020

NOOO Not Millie PLZ you have to make it so she's okay other than that and the gross parts it was a really good book.


Lauren :)
17:01 Dec 14, 2020

Louis ur funny. I so sorry but Millie's gone and Adi will be like the Nancy Drew for this storie (spoiler alert)


Louis Lyman
19:05 Dec 14, 2020

IDK who Nancy Drew is but why Millie couldn't the home room teacher have been it instead?


Lauren :)
19:18 Dec 14, 2020



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01:51 Dec 13, 2020

This was a nice part 2! I only noticed a couple grammer errors like capitalization, other than that, great work!


Lauren :)
18:43 Dec 13, 2020



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