Mystery Horror Thriller

The creature had thick, damply tangled locks of hair hidden under his dirty and torn hood. He stared at me with his bloodshot eyes which gave me the feeling of creep rise from my feet throughout my entire body. "Who, who are you", I asked trembling (with the least hope that I'll get an answer) to the figure who was standing right before my eyes. He did not seem human to me at all, after all my expectations were satisfied when I unbelievably came to see he was floating in mid-air.

I could think no more. I felt the long nail of the creature pierce into the back of my neck.

The next thing I knew was my state was better than before, in fact way better. I felt so very grateful though I still didn't know to whom. It seemed that I had fainted with shock near the silver lake. The piercing into the neck remained as a light, unnoticeable scar. It was quite sometime before I quit in explaining to them what I had experienced, but they did not share my point of view, no one, not even my best friend, Steve. "This is the trillionth time I'm telling you with the utmost aspiration that you will believe the truth, I saw it. It, it tried to kill me." "I find it hard to believe ya, anyways then, it's only thanks to a Mr. Oliver, you survived that tremendous, imaginary murder of yours." replied Steve.

I swore to myself there was no living being around in two miles. I found it pointless, trying to convince Steve so I decided to handle things by myself even though the intense feeling of creep existed within me. I decided to keep these affairs away from my mind for the day and begin my personal investigation as soon as possible. I was discharged the very next day as the only bruise on my forehead wasn't quite deep. I left the hospital with a bandaged head at around eleven in the morning. I went straight to my house, where I saw Steve standing pale white, and his face revealed to me that he had the desire to tell me something right then.

"Jay, I, I saw it, it's back, it's not a" he panted and fell into my arms. I took him inside and brought him back to his conscious mind. He started revealing all his sights to me and at once, I felt like someone whispered the conclusion of my experience yesterday and his sights which were undoubtedly linked with specific connections. "I came by your house to check if you were alright an' what I saw shook the nerves outta ma' whole body. There was a figure inside though I could only make out it wasn't ya, I felt suspicious and peeped through your window an' I saw a massive creature who possessed all your description from yesterday, but the next thing I saw was a transformation, the creature had transformed into a man who was might have been in his late thirties.

He was remarkably tall with dry pale skin and thick oily hair. He was continuously mumbling something which my sense of hearin' couldn't overcome, it seemed like curse words."

He broke into tears that I so badly wanted him to rest a while but my eagerness did not allow me to. "Go on Steve, we don't have much time", I reluctantly told him. "I couldn't see his face because he stood facin' the TV fixed in the opposite wall. And then I assumed he saw me through the reflection of the TV. He threw an icy cold stare at me an' disappeared into thin air with the last words, I WILL DO WHAT I CAME FOR. "C'mon, we got to hurry, quick Steve!" I shouted. "But where are we goin'?" asked Steve annoyingly. "I'll explain later, told you, time won't wait for us."

We ran to the post office and gathered all the information that was necessary. "Now wot?" asked Steve. "We need to get to the address given in this postcard. And then without panicking, we will solve the mystery of the figure we both saw and go back home peacefully." I said, trying to sound non-panicky as I could. "Well, then we gotta take the bus at four to The Gardens at the end of the street, that's the first bus." said Steve. "How about we have lunch in that restaurant?" I suggested, pointing to a fairly big building opposite the roadway. We both went into the restaurant and joined a surly-looking man in torn rags. It was very odd to see rag-clothed people fancying to dine in a 3-star hotel. Anyways I had more important things on my mind, so I finished lunch a bit earlier than Steve and went outside the restaurant.

A cool breeze swept across my face and I spotted a stranger smoking a cigar nearby. I went up to the man and asked him what he knew of The Gardens. "Excuse me sir, but do you know the whereabouts of the owner of The Gardens?" "You mean, The Haunted Gardens at the end of this street?" he replied with a look of terror in his face. "Er, that's the place I'm referring but why is it called so?" I asked the stranger. "You, you don't know, but how..". "I swear I don't know what you're talking about." "Then you will find out or maybe you're that one, er, nothing."

"Jay, I've been looking for you inside and you're here." came Steve panting. "Oh sorry!" "No worries, now can we go?" Assuming I couldn't possibly get more details from the smoking man I decided to take the bus that was round in a couple of ten minutes. "Yeah, and thank you."

We boarded the bus and journeyed in silence until we got down. It took about twenty-five minutes and as soon as we reached, the atmosphere had returned to the creepy feeling I had experienced that midnight. The sign board read, Mr. Oliver Whitebridge but the house seemed abandoned for years. With extremest courage we went up to the door and it appeared as if we had kept someone waiting for a long time.

On the doorstep, lay a piece of notepaper and on it wrote: "Get up, it's time, it's Dylan's birthday today and we're already late!" I woke up in the morning with a yawn and realized it was all a horrible nightmare but I had to think twice about it when I felt the scar at the back of my neck hurting light.

July 30, 2020 18:43

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15:35 Aug 01, 2020

Here, as requested. 👏👏👏 Wow, terrific job! This story was amazing, Kate. Keep writing! ~A


Sam S.
15:36 Aug 01, 2020

Thank you so much!! Again, loved your story!!


15:36 Aug 01, 2020



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Keerththan 😀
06:59 Jul 31, 2020

Superb story. Good dialogues. Keep writing. Waiting for more of yours....


Sam S.
07:40 Jul 31, 2020

Thank you so much!! Sure, I'll be writing more.


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. .
03:51 Sep 13, 2020

Incredible talent! I love how clear the story was setout and it wasn't one bit confusing. The first sentence, in particular, was full of talent- The creature had thick, damply tangled locks of hair hidden under his dirty and torn hood. It was so engaging, the vocabulary in this was just amazing! Just from reading the first sentence, I can just tell you are such a talented writer and need to keep writing. Keep up the great work -Sarah P.S I'm having a really good time reading your stories right now so thank you for that


Sam S.
17:03 Sep 13, 2020

Thanks a loads Sarah. This is the first time I'm rereading that sentence and well, guess it was kinda good. I actually wrote the story in basic English using normal, casual words and then replaced them with synonyms (literally, googled up the synonyms of a few words). Again, thank you for taking time to leave feedback on my stories. No problem XD


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