
Long ago,there were three great business men.They set up a great business empire.One day three of them had decided to get retired from their routine hectic life and to enjoy a free life ,they earned a lot of wealth and now they became old and tired. They even didn’t smell a rose in the garden and now their siblings were grown up and they all were best groomed up and were now capable for gear up a great business empire.So,they got retired and made a headway towards the hills,They hired three sweet rooms in a luxury hotel.They used to woke up late in the night and awakened the midday.Then they used to wear sneakers and trousers for a long walk.life was very easy because Hotel used to provide them with all the facilities of life.They were very happy and satisfied with their lives.They dedicatedly made a plan that after these vacations ,before winter ,will head for a world trip along with their wives.

One night the three aged friends were sitting in a luxury hall drinking coffee.It was very cold and it was also great mist out.It was very difficult for a driver to drive.So in the means while a young man entered the hall.He was handsome ,tall,wearing very fashionable spectacles,wearing a hat and a long coat.He sat on a near by sofa and ordered a Coffee and some snacks.

In the meanwhile ,the three old friends decided to call on the man to join them.The gentleman very happily came and shook hands with them.I’m Jefferson,Managing Director Jefferson Chemicals,I’m David Cameron,from Cameron real estate,I’m George Smith,from GS Sugars Mills.The gentleman introduced himself as a Jim Brain Managing Director Longman Leather Mills.

All of a sudden,Mr Jafferson looked to wards Mr Jim Brain and said”gentleman you have a great resemblance with one of my college mate,Mr Ray Hudson “,”yes sir he was my father,he died four years ago”.said Jim Brain”A thorough gentleman”said Mr Jafferson.

Now they were all drinking coffee and watching news .

Mr David Cameron said while taking a puff of a cigar,”how did you get in business field”Sir my father in law was already heading a Leather Mills ,so after getting married his daughter,I stepped in the leather business,actually my wife is her only child,so he handed over me the business”.What’s the name of your respected Father in law”asked Mr David Cameron” .”Sir Mr James Howard”.replied Mr Jim Brain immediately”,James Howard,he was also a city club member,I and Jafferson used to meet him very oftenly,a very fine gentleman but sorry to say he died a very mysterious death”.Said Mr David Cameron.I think no clue of his death found,"again said Mr David Cameron."His dead body was found in a big drench outside the city.This is a great disgrace that man of such high class character ,died like this.”said Mr Jafferson very adversely.Where were you gentleman at that time of his murder”?.asked Mr George Smith.I and my wife were in other city attending a weddings ceremony of my cousin". "But according to the newspaper reports,Mr James Howard was not in a good terms with his only daughter."Said Mr Jefferson."No,no,His daughter my wife were enjoying good relationship with him,this is all miss reporting." “Once I saw Mr James Howard talking to his daughter,I heard that he said to his daughter,Rimsha,her name was Rimsha ,”asked Mr Jafferson”yes”said Mr Jim Brain,that I would give all my properties to the trust,because I came to know that you and your husband are involved in a notorious illegal arm business.I worked day and night establishing a great empire and now you both are setting up all this to fire,before the disclosure of all this notorious game,I would hand over or I would sell all my shares in the businesses,you both are a big stigma for my good name and reputation,which took Thirty years to built”said Mr James Howard very angrily."I think then after three days he got killed” said Mr Jafferson.”No,no,this is not correct”said Mr Jim Brain,”” sorry, I think you are also not sure about her terms with her father later when she left him in the club’s car park I was sitting in the car close to their car,I heard their hot discussion",said Mr Jafferson,looking towards Mr Jim Brain very concernly ,”.May be you heard something else,”Mr George Smith wink to Mr Jafferson."we should order for some more coffee”said Mr George Smith.”it’s all right,you order for your self ,I would leave in an hour,it’s just Ten o’clock”Said Mr Jim Brain.He went to wards wash room.When Mr Jim Brain left them ,Suddenly Mr George Smith said to Mr Jefferson”dear what are you doing,leave them on their own,that gentleman became brash”.No,George,I was just getting some knowledge about his mysterious death,actually George, it is very bad that a man very sincerely and hardworking establish an empire and then the notorious siblings disgrace him,this is a great cruality,this is not fair.”But Jafferson who knows who killed him and why should we investigate”said George Smith.George you know a very old proverb “Where there is a fire there is a Smoke”.In the meanwhile the waiter brought the coffee.They dedicatedly drinking coffee.In the meanwhile Mr Jim Brain came and joined them.David Cameron said “Gentleman, you know every criminal left his foot prints behind,don’t you worry, the murderer would be cought one day,”But how it would be possible the police failed to detect,than I called Detectives from the Scotland Yard,they also didn’t help to get the clue”Mr Jim Brain addedly said.”I’m not a detective but gentleman I know one thing to think that who is the benefactor from this murder or the sufferer also,I think the wife of Mr James Howard died some years before his death,in a very mysterious condition,this is very coincidental that the wife of Mr James Howard was also my best friend,.Mr James Howard ,Reena,his wife ,and I were college mates and some times Reena,your's mother in law,used to travel with me to attend the business seminars to other cities,but to my extent she also didn’t die a natural death,she was also found dead in his villa,I don’t know why this family always been facing a death in a very mysterious way”.Said Mr Jefferson very concernly and sadly.In the meanwhile Mr Jim Brain cell started buzzing,he picked up very quickly,"what! what are you saying,Rimsha has been killed,oh my God,".He cought his head in his hands,when the three friends heard they also stood up,came near to Mr Jim Brain and starting comforting him but he was badly shocked,for a while he became mum.”I think you better leave now”.They dedicatedly said.Mr Jim Brain rush towards the parking lot and reversed his car in a great hurry,The lot was already slippery due to heavy rain fall and mist,the car skid while reversing and been fallen down deep in the ditch and burst.Mr Jim Brain also met his fate.

…The End…

July 18, 2020 14:33

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Tariq Saeed
15:39 Mar 12, 2021

Thank you khan Shereen,for liking my story.God bless you.


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Zahida Babar
15:30 Sep 07, 2020

Good story.


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Tariq Saeed
18:49 Sep 04, 2020

Yes,Ali it is a little suspense story.


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Ali Hassan
18:41 Sep 04, 2020

Good store


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Ali Hassan
18:41 Sep 04, 2020

Good store


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Yousaf Jan
16:50 Aug 31, 2020



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Furqan Babar
16:39 Aug 29, 2020

Mr. Jim Brain seems to be a greedy man and at the end of the day he lost every thing. Thanks for sharing a valuable story.


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Badar Babar
12:28 Aug 12, 2020

good story


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Le Pathaan
19:14 Aug 06, 2020

Good story. Need more like this.


Khan Shereen
08:50 Mar 10, 2021

Real good story Tariq well written keep up


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Sheejee Babar
18:30 Aug 06, 2020

Keep it up


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