Adventure Historical Fiction Mystery

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. They met on a life or death situation. After saving her life that day, she wanted nothing more than to be with her one true love, the light bringer, a Morningstar. She seemed to have forgotten how theirs is a forbidden love.

Queen set out on her journey to go get dark energy for her people and kingdom's survival, or so she said. It had been her responsibility as the chosen one of the dark. She had been doing this since her 13th dark age.

"Bring forth your weapon and duel with me, oh beautiful maiden, before I permit you through these gates" Lucifer Morningstar mocked, holding his fiery sword against an armless Queen.

Lucifer was a tall, athletic bodied, handsome young man of twenty-one light years. He was the most beautiful creature of all of heavens, second only to Queen, as he had always teased.

His kind and gentle nature, could boil, not just warm, the coldest of hearts. His bright grey eyes, could freeze the worlds and make them stare for a million light years. His calm, deep, yet soft voice, could put any creature to sleep, entrapped in a love spell regardless. His beautiful grey hair sat perfectly on his head and his flawless white skin was unrivaled, looking like Sean Richard O'Pry, the supermodel of today's Earth.

"Really, you want to be doing that to a harmless, innocent, maiden?" She asked rhetorically as she moved forward with her enchanting smile, starring into his eyes with her mesmerizing beautiful brown eyes.

Lucifer's fiery blade was put out as he grabbed her by her head and kissed her passionately, moving his hand through her long, silky, mermaid-like hair.

"How did you escape your kingdom unnoticed" She inquired, as she broke away from the kiss.

"Well, I told them I was going out to get energy now that I have got nothing doing. I'm still surprised they have no idea today is also the day someone from the kingdom of the dark is also doing same. I mean, not even my sister, the omniscient, knew". He replied.

"I told you my mother's pendant will block all powers on you while you're wearing it". She bragged.

"Oh yeah?! Well let's see how long her powers can fool both kingdoms for". Lucifer dragged. 

He swept Queen off her feet and ran through the portal he created while complimenting the powers of Queen's antique pendant. 

*  *  *

Nemureal bounced from her bed. She had a terrible nightmare of her little brother making love to a creature of the darkest pit. "No way! He's fine! He went to bring light to us like every light bringer before him had". She murmured, assuring herself nothing of such is happening.

She held her head in anguish, trying to deny the truth as her powers continued giving her flashes of the events.

Queen and Lucifer sat naked on a garden, as Lucifer plucked flowers, adorning Queen's hair with them. He was a perfect artisan, as he was slowly transforming his lover's hair into beautiful strings of colourful flowers.

"Wait!" Commanded Queen, as she noticed the empty neck of her lover.

"Where is the pendant?" She asked furiously.

Lucifer touched his neck, felt the absence of the neckpiece as his eyes opened in shock. "I had it on, all the time. It might have fallen off while we..."

"No! No! No! We are doomed. One second you don't have that thing on, your attractive light energy sends a huge blast of vissions of our forbidden acts to every seer in all the worlds that cares to see". She explained in fear, as she broke into tears.

"Calm down. Let's find it first and worry about consequences later. It's mom's remember? We can't afford to loose it". He responded, sounding worried, only of the fact that the pendant was the last memory his lover had of her mom.

"Forget that and let's get out of here now. The entire world would be searching for us to end us and avoid future doom". She begged her lover who was already busy going round, trying to to find the neckpiece.

"Found it!" He shouted as he brought out the necklace from under an apple tree placing it back on his neck.

"Relax, this place is safe. It was created from my own imagination. Only someone as powerful as an elder can find it and break the magic holding the place together." He added as he walked close to his lover and held her hands.

He tried to bring her closer to him for a kiss, when, a strange, air tight barrier appeared between them, it sperated and pushed them from each other.

the_sAge, a twelve year old boy apparition of the leader of the twenty-four elders of heaven, appeared before them. He spread wide his wings and legions of armies flew into the chimera world of the lovers. Queen snapped her fingers and she and her lover became fully clothed immediately.

Lucifer rushed to where his lover was and stood in front of her, holding her close to himself, in bid to trying to protect her from any harm.

"Stay away from that enchantress". Commanded Nemureal, as she entered the premises.

"Oh of course, if it isn't the one who knows all". Lucifer complained, on seeing his sister.

He held Queen's hand and they both vanished from that dimension and appeared back in Heaven. They took no time, as they took to their heels, running and flapping their wings at intervals as they flew high up to the seventh heaven.

Only the two of them could enter the home of the eternal Light and Dark energies unharmed.

They barged into the palacial fortress of the Masters and shut the door tight behind them with their magic.

"I'm very sorry. I was so careless, I never knew..." Lucifer tried apologizing but several bangs on the door interrupted him.

"It's fine. I'm happy to spend the whole light and dark day with you. I'm happy to die by your side". Queen complimented in tears.

"Don't say that. We are not dying today. We won't go down without a fight, at least" He bragged as he stood up fiercely like a soldier that he is.

He went round, trying to get a weapon powerful enough to defend them.

Queen stood up as well, using her dark magic to continue sealing the door so no one could enter.

While Lucifer rampaged the seventh heaven for something to defend himself, he heard whispers in his head. 

"Come forth, yee son of the Morningstars. Come to thy master and receive powers to tear down thyne enemies with a wave of thy hand and save thyne woman thou loveth" A cold, scary and dreadful voice, beckoned to him.

Lucifer immediately became entrapped, as he walked up the stairs slowly like a remote controlled zombie on a mission. He got to a very dark pit and stretched forth his left arm.

He started to chant the energy absorption spell in a trancious state.

Dark smoke covered him, the shadowy figures romanced round his body until he was lost in them. Then, they started entering him. 

The sharp pain from their entry brought him back to his senses. He tried to free himself, as he emanated light from his body and his eyes. But all that was visible, were two light beams from his eyes, like a car's headlight shinning in a forgy night. He screamed out for his lover, in pain. 

Queen was busy exhausting herself, as she used all she had to prevent their enemies from coming through the gates and harm them, when she heard the horrifying cry of her lover. She dropped all she was doing and ran straight to where the cry was coming from.

She met him hung in mid air with all the darkness in the worlds surrounding him and tearing him apart as they fill his body with their essence.

She ran head on, into the darkness and was pushed back, by a mighty telekinetic force, halfway across the hall. She hit her head hard on a pillar and passed out.

She regained consciousness a little while after, but by then, it was too late. The body of her lover layed lifeless on the floor and his once, grey, beautiful hair had turned all black but still beautiful...

Adapted from my Novel (WIP)

Since the Beginning

November 16, 2020 13:16

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