Adventure Fiction Funny

“Ahhhhhh. The summer solstice is tomorrow and I can’t wait !” I said to my brother, Jake.

“Me too, Amelia,” said Jake.

Jake and I were brother and sister.

Jake had short blonde hair and was tan. I on the other hand, had dark brown long hair which I always put in a ponytail, had brown eyes,and had a crab as a pet.

“Whack!” the tennis ball we were playing with went over the fence and into the street.

“Darn it!” Jake yelled. That was our last ball so we had to head home.

Plus, it was time for dinner so we needed to go home anyway.

The bike back to home was about ten minutes away from the park me and Jake were playing tennis at.

When we got home we opened the garage and put our bikes away.

As we were heading up the stairs from the garage we could spell something tasty.

“Dad's grilling!” We said in unison.

“Haha. Jinx!” I said to Jake. For dinner we had steak and potatoes that my mom made in the oven.

Our dad rarely ever grilled, but it tasted so good.

“So. How did you guys do in tennis today?” Dad asked us.

“Pretty good. I hit another ball over the fence though.” Jake announced to dad. We all shared a laugh then finished our meals.

After dinner me and Jake watched some television in the living room.

It was nine o’clock so mom told us we had to go to bed.

We went to our room where we shared a bunk-bed.

Jake slept on the top bunk and I slept on the bottom bunk. 

We have wanted our own rooms since we moved but there was not enough room for a new one.

I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited that the summer solstice was tomorrow.

Finally, I fell asleep at eleven o’clock at night. I woke up super early though because I was super excited about the solstice. 

I woke up Jake and then we went to the kitchen where we found our dad making coffee.

“What are you doing up so early?” I said to dad.

“The real question is, what are you doing up so early?” he said back to us.

“He has a point.” Jake said. We had cheerios for breakfast then got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

“What should we do for the first part of the day?” Amelia asked.

“We could take the dog for a walk.” Jake said

“Sure.” Said Amelia. We put the collar and leash on our dog, then took him for a thirty minute one mile walk in our neighborhood.

While we were on the walk we heard rustling in the bushes.

We could hear some hissing so we knew it was a snake immediately. 

Me and Jake ran as fast as we could to home. We ran so fast we barely even noticed that the collar was pulled off our dog. 

When we got home we each chugged a whole bottle of water. After we did that we both remembered about the dog. 

He was probably out wandering the streets and we needed to get him.

We went to get him on our scooters because it was a way faster way to get there rather than running there.

We searched around the spot where we saw the snake, and saw him lying in someone's front yard, rolling in the grass and eating the flowers.

We put him on his leash then scootered home with him following right on the side of us.

We dropped him off at home then decided that we were going to take the golf cart down to the country club and go for a swim.

We got our swimsuits on the started on our way there.

Our dad drove us there but then we remembered about our friend, Hannah.

Her house was along the way so we asked if she wanted to come to the country club with us.

Thankfully she said yes. She got dressed in her swimsuit and then came out.

“We will need some floats too, so can you bring some?” Amelia asked Hannah.

“Sure thing.” Hannah said. 

Hannah brought her biggest float with her but it wasn’t blown up. 

The people at the country club had an air pump so we just used that. 

The float was a giant banana boat that five people could sit in. 

The water felt good on our bodies because it was already ninety degrees outside at eleven in the morning. 

We swam around in the pool for about an hour and a half then had lunch.

For lunch we had maruchan instant lunch noodles.

That was one of my favorite lunch meals to eat after we swam in the pool.

After we ate, we all got back in the water and got on the banana boat.

Jake pushed me right into the water and I thought I saw a shark coming at me but it was just a giant inflatable pool toy that some little kids were trying to get underwater.

I got back up on the banana boat then pushed Jake into the water for payback. 

Hannah and I laughed and paddle away from Jake to prank him. When he got up from the water he looked around for us and finally saw us. 

He swam as fast as he could towards the banana boat and grabbed the back and tipped us in the water. 

I did a belly flop and Hannah did a dive slash faceplant kind of thing.

Hannah dared me to go on the high dive but I had to think about it. 

I had a very bad fear of heights but I loved to make big splashes. I thought long and hard and finally said yes.

The high dive was twenty eight steps up and each step was more wet than the other. I made it to the top and then decided that I was going to do a cannonball into the water.

I jumped, felt like I was flying for two seconds, then splashed into the water.

I made such a big splash, some water hit kids in the shallow end.

“Woo hoo!” I said. A couple minutes later my dad came up to us and told us that we had to get out and go home because it was already four o’clock in the afternoon.

My dad drove us to Hannah's house and we begged if we could stay for a sleepover.

Finally, he said yes and we went into her house. We played a video game for two hours then had dinner. 

We had fried rice and cucumbers then went out on the front deck to watch the sunset.

“It's beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked Hannah.

“Yeah. There's nothing like it.” 

June 21, 2021 15:09

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21:40 Jun 21, 2021

This story is very simple and there's not much conflict, but the world needs stories like that sometimes. Well done. :) A few critiques: "Bodys" should be "bodies". "AFter" should be "After". You mention "Amelia" in the story without telling the reader who she is. Who is Amelia? In the beginning of the story, there are a few instances where you use "me" that should use "I" instead. Other than that, this was a great story, and such a sweet read. I love the brother-sister relationship between Jake and Andrea, and I wish I had a giant bana...


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00:59 Jan 28, 2022



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Thanks for the feedback! I will go ahead and make those edits on my story. Also, I think you can buy a banana float on amazon if you want!


01:24 Jun 25, 2021

Thanks for the tip, and you're welcome! It was super fun to read! :)


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