
Chapter one

Twenty-two year old Marianne was finally home from woking at the twenty-four hour diner for the past twelve hours, her feet hurt from the skates they were made to wear to serve their customers, she kept her food on the counter as she went to take a shower.

While in the shower she heard a thud not the soft kind but the loud big thud coming from her living room, she turned off the shower wrapping a towel around her and letting her grey hair fall to her lower back.

Stepping out she felt a gush of wind almost blow her off her feet peeking into the living room she saw what looked like the portals she would watch in a marvel movie like doctor strange and endgame blowing air everywhere.

She goes to make a run for it but she gets sucked into the portal and immediately after it closes like nothing happened.

Chapter two

She fell from the sky and appeared in a different place grass and trees all around, she was still wearing a towel that was threatening to fall as she recovered by holding it quick walking around.

She makes her way to a door fifteen feet high, gold in color with black accents, curiosity got the better of her and she opened it to a big hall covered in gold and people bowing down to her.

at first she was confused to why they were bowing to her like she was royalty, which she was not and she thought she would know if she was judging by the fact she was raise at foster care for almost all her life.

A maid came to grab her and took her upstairs to a room filled with ballgowns big and small, after she left Marianne dressed up and went back to the hall in a big puffy purple dress.

"I think you have the wrong person, no offense." Marianne said looking at the people at the landing of the staircase.

"we don't have the wrong person, the portal brought you here did it not?" the man in black dress robe answered in a posh accent

"well yes, but it could have appeared anywhere in London and it appeared at my place so I mean not to be rude but I think its broken." the hall filled up with gasps everywhere.

"Ze portal is never wrong, it goes to za person of za kingdom when ze person iz of age." another person a woman this time in a green dress covering up her matching heels underneath.

"The portal is never wrong, it brings the rightful heir to this kingdom but unfortunately it brought you." another woman said her hair in an up-do with a blue dress.

"Well it did and if you have a problem that's on you, I know I said it might be broken but if your going to be rude to me at least do it behind my back" Marianne complied starting to get angry

"I don't gossip you're just lucky to have heard me." the woman retorted making Marianne very angry then she was thrown to the other side of the hall.

All eyes laid on Marianne, it was obviously her. You could see rage in her eyes and her hands in fists, her hair floating upwards while she was levitating that was only subjected to the royal family.

Chapter three

The royal family had an heirloom called their royal sorcery. It was only defended down to royal blood and was the only proof that Marianne is indeed royalty.

As a kid at foster care, the other kids Marianne was with would call her witch because of her abilities which made her watch Harry potter a lot .

The woman was rushed out of the building and Marianne fell rolling down the stairs.

A few minutes later she woke up and was said to get ready for her coronation that would happen in the later hours of the day.

She got ready and was escorted out of the vanity room greeting with everyone reluctantly, she didn't want this immediate transfer of power but after what had happened she knew she couldn't back out.

The man that was in black before with Marianne later knew by sir Xavier had told her a little back story as to how she was indeed royalty.

"Well, it started when your parents lost you on their way back from the mortal world. I can obviously see that it was not the first time you were using your powers because immediately after you passed out witch was due to a power surge."

"So i'm basically like a battery." Marianne intruded

" Well yes, but as I was saying, only the royal family has powers and if not them no one in this whole world knows only the people of this kingdom. The stunt you pulled could have gotten you in trouble like Magenta but that story is for another time."

"But why can't you tell me now, I mean we still have some time so please do tell me who is Magenta."

"Magenta was part of the royal family before she was corrupt with the powers given to her, she was cursed by the gods and her powers are still intact except for the pain she feels every time she uses it, we were lucky enough to find you before she did." their talk was cut short by a maid that told her to come sit on the throne for the ceremony.

She was seated on a throne when Sir Xavier walked up to her and as he was about to place the crown on her there was a gush of wind turning out all the candles in the hall.

A woman walked out her hair in a shade of purple and the area of her eyes were black almost like a very dark shade of smokey eye makeup.You could tell she was evil, she turned to look at Marianne then almost immediately Marianne were surrounded by the guards of the palace but that didn't stop her from coming after her throwing the guards away from Marianne with her powers wincing every time she uses them while you were left to look at her in fear then she grabs her by the wrist so tightly Marianne won't be surprised if she left bruises.

" Well hello your majesty, I've come to save you." she said in a chilling creepy voice as goosebumps appeared on the girls skin.

"Magenta you will leave her alone and go back to wherever you came from." Sir Xavier spoke

"Oh come on Xavier, I'm just having some fun." she looks over to the lady squirming underneath her grip. "Right princess, you're pretty weak for someone who's suppose to be queen, too bad your mom and dad aren't here."

"Well, I've made enough of a scene. Bye bye now don't miss me, huh?" she pulls Marianne up and hols her by her neck before disappearing into thin air.

But is that where the story ends I think not, why aren't there a present queen or king, why Marianne, what happened to the rude lady and finally who is Magenta and what did she want to do with poor Marianne that we would never know.

April 23, 2020 20:45

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Robert Schueller
17:59 May 02, 2020

I wanted the story to continue, to find out what powers she had to lead others to believe she was a witch.


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Jackson Brown
23:38 Apr 29, 2020

I liked the story! Although the punctuation struggled a bit, I still understood the story and thought it was well done! It was a really nice plot, and I liked how you ended it in a way to keep the audience thinking about your story. Good job!


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