The Comic Collector

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt



The second Andy finished school, he rushed down the bus steps and headed into his house. As usual, he called to his mum saying he's back, removed his shoes, and thumped up the old stairs that led to the attic: his room.

 Ignoring his mother's singing from the kitchen, he dumped his school bag onto his bed and settled down comfortably beside it.

  His room wasn’t amazing. Ever since he moved in, he begged his mum to let him have the attic. It was the only place he could think. What with his two little twin sisters always arguing and his mum’s singing, the attic was the best place for him. 

It wasn’t much though, just a small bed at the corner, a brown heavy cupboard and a desk with his computer on it.

 But there was one thing which made it his room. Shelves. His room was covered with shelves at every corner possible. It contained books crammed at every shelf. 

They all were similar. They were all comics. Superhero comics, to be exact. 

Andy loved comics. In fact, he had a new one today. He rummaged deep into his school bag which contained bent textbooks, his half eaten lunch and bits of paper.

 After a few moments of rummaging, he emerged with a half tattered book. 

He smiled happily. It had taken ages to track this book down. He smoothed the edges and sat down at his desk, switching on the study light. 

He opened the book, and started reading. It was the last Green Lantern- Green Arrow comic in the collection. 

Andy felt a feeling of accomplishment. He found the first Green Lantern - Green Arrow comic book in January. And now, November twenty first, he had found the last one in it’s collection. He turned to the first page and started reading. 

After a few hours, Andy had reached the ending of the book. After reading loads and loads of superhero comic books, he could zoom through one quite easily, even the books that have over 400 pages. 

Like the one he just read. Right after Andy closed his book, he heard the unmistakable voice of his mother shouting form below for him to wash up and come down for dinner. 

Andy was surprised. He didn’t know that the time had passed so fast. Well, he shouldn’t have been surprised. That always happened every time he read one of his comics. 

Andy closed the book and went to the shelf behind his bed. This shelf was half full. That was the one that contained the rest of the Green Lantern- Green Arrow collection. 

There sure were a lot of books in that collection. Proudly, Andy put the last book on the shelf. 

After a few moments of staring at it, he rushed downstairs not wanting his mum to get any angrier. 

His two twin sisters were sitting at the table, wearing identical clothes and bickering. This time it was about who got the bigger piece of the steak. Andy’s mum looked annoyed as she tried to stop them.

‘Now, now i’m sure there’s no need for an argument. Sally, stop pulling your sisters hair and Sarah,  stop shouting at the top of your voice! If you both don’t calm down at once you won’t be having any steak at all!’ said mum sternly.

Neither of them seemed to be calming down. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse.

‘It's not my fault mum! I took that steak first! She grabbed it from me!’ one wailed.

‘Oh you liar! I took it first! Oh, you monster! That’s my hair! Ow!’ another cried.

‘That’s it! Both of you! No one is getting that piece of steak! Since you both can’t behave, I'm giving it to you brother!’ and with that, mum gave the huge piece of steak to Andy who felt his mouth watering. It really was the juiciest, and biggest part.

 He started eating trying to ignore the glares coming his way from his sisters. Even though Andy was older,

 he was more quiet and gentle and always gave in, while his sisters were more rude, demanding and well, noisy. 

So that’s how Andy’s twin sisters always blamed everything on Andy. So Andy quickly ate his steak and rushed upstairs to avoid the stares from his sisters. 

He settled in bed and slept soundly until the next day.

Andy was woken up that morning by the usual volley of screams coming from below. His sisters were fighting again

Probably about stealing each other’s clothes. That was Andy’s alarm clock every morning.  Groaning, he got up and dragged himself down to the shower. 

About thirty minutes later, Andy was ready for school and started to head down for breakfast. 

Oh, I just forgot! Andy thought. He snatched the last series of Green Lantern - Green Arrow book and stuffed it in his bag. 

His English teacher, Mrs Kindley, had asked him to pick a book for reading time. Obviously Andy chose the last book in Green Lantern- Green Arrow. It was his latest accomplishment!

 Right when he reached the dining table, he heard a horn outside. 

Oh no! Andy thought. He grabbed his sandwich and started to head out the door.

‘Hey Andy! Eat your breakfast properly here first!’ Mum shouted to him whilst holding a spatula and a flowery apron.

‘Sorry mum! The bus is here! Gotta go!’ He replied and dashed out.

He got in just in time as the bus driver gave him a look that told Andy he better be earlier next time. 

Andy made his way to the back of the bus. There, his friend Thomas was waiting for him. But instead of greeting Andy as usual, he was deep in a book.  Andy took a seat next to him and tried to get his attention.

‘Hullo Thomas! Can you see me! Hey, i’m right next to you. What book are you reading?’ Andy tried.

For all these questions, Thomas replied with a nod of his head. Finally. Andy gave up. He grabbed the book out of Thomas’s had and said

‘Thomas! Answer me please! And what book are you reading that makes you this occupied?’ Andy asks in confusion.

He glanced at the book. It was a superhero book. And to Andy’s ultimate surprise, it was a book he hadn’t collected yet. A book he had not seen before. And yet it was a comic. A superhero comic.

‘God, Andy, sorry. And yeah this comic is really good! You should try it. It’s a whole collection you know. This is just the first book.’ Thomas said delighted.

Slowly, Andy smiled from cheek to cheek.. A whole new collection of superhero comics he’d never read before. A whole new adventure to collect.

July 01, 2020 08:17

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Niveeidha Palani
08:40 Jul 01, 2020

Wow, Nirosha, I felt this story really nailed it! Perhaps check a little of your punctuation? Personally, I feel it was a typo. Other than that, this was so interesting! To be honest, I had to search up Green-Lantern-Green-Arrow and find out that it was a superhero too! Haha


Nirosha P
02:10 Jul 05, 2020

Thanks for your advice Niveeidha! Yea i think i need to work on my punctuation. 😅


Niveeidha Palani
02:12 Jul 05, 2020

No problem :)


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Audrey Winter
09:32 Jul 05, 2020

Hi Nirosha! You've written a sweet little story here! I think everyone with a sibling (or two) can relate to the bickering of the sisters and wanting to flee from it. I liked the ending as well. For your next one, see if you can find synonyms to words that aren't too common (ex. rummaging, felt a feeling) - these are small things but will give your language more flow. Looking forward to reading more from you!


Nirosha P
10:56 Jul 05, 2020

Thanks very much Audrey! Yeah, you're right about the siblings part. 😂Thanks a lot for giving feedback :) I'll use synonyms next time!


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Colette L
02:10 Jul 05, 2020

Hi Nirosha, this story was so amazing! I am new here but you seem like an amazing writer! Well done!


Nirosha P
02:13 Jul 05, 2020

Thank a lot Shalini, i really appreciate your comment! 😊


Colette L
02:14 Jul 05, 2020

No problem Nirosha :) Glad to read one of your stories :)


Nirosha P
02:15 Jul 05, 2020

Thanks! I can't wait to read your stories too! :)


Colette L
02:20 Jul 05, 2020

Haha, maybe I won't submit...I'm not sure though...I just love reading other stories and commenting on them :D


Nirosha P
02:23 Jul 05, 2020

haha... never mind i like doing that too :)


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Kathleen March
02:21 Jul 09, 2020

A few grammar items and spelling need attention. Proofreading is no fun. Use of commas and aligned verb tenses will also help. I like where the story ended up, but bet you could do even more with it.


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Charlotte Sander
02:33 Jul 05, 2020

Hey Nirosha, this story was so lovely, I loved how the sisters fought about every single!


Nirosha P
02:36 Jul 05, 2020

Haha.... 😂 thanks a lot Charlotte! Glad you like my story!😊


Charlotte Sander
02:38 Jul 05, 2020

No problem :)


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B. W.
22:16 Sep 11, 2020

Hey its kinda been a while but i was wondering if you could maybe help me with something?


Nirosha P
22:32 Sep 11, 2020

Yea sure, anything :) what can I help you with?


B. W.
22:34 Sep 11, 2020

Well do you know my demi-god series? i'm not sure if you do but thats going to end soon and i thought of doing a spin off type thing for it so i was wondering if you could help me get ideas for it?


Nirosha P
22:46 Sep 11, 2020

Hmmm, actually, I'm in a class now, sort of. So i'll reply you later if that's okay :)


B. W.
22:53 Sep 11, 2020

Oh sorry! yeah thats fine, i understand


Nirosha P
06:26 Sep 12, 2020

I'm sorry to ask, but could you state all the stories that are in your demi-god series? 😅😅 I think I read two of them but not the rest. It'll be easier to read the rest and give feedback if you could state all the stories in the series. Thanks! I'll reply as soon as i can :)


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B. W.
15:31 Aug 25, 2020

im probably going to look and comment at all of your stories, this one is really good as well. im going to give it a 10/10


Nirosha P
12:18 Aug 27, 2020

Thanks again! :)


B. W.
13:23 Aug 27, 2020

Still no problem i don't think i've looked at all of your stories yet so i might do that later


Nirosha P
05:59 Aug 29, 2020

Sure :)


B. W.
06:14 Aug 29, 2020

okay i don't think ive told you yet but ive made 2 parts for "goddess child" the one you read a while ago. the first one being "The camp" and the other one being "Not his fault" could you maybe go and check those two out? i'd like to see what you have to say for those two. sorry if you've already seen both of them though


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08:39 Jul 21, 2020

A straightforward and yet heartwarming story ...I can relate to how it feels like when you get a whole new series of book with an amazing adventure awaiting !


Nirosha P
08:45 Jul 21, 2020

Glad you like it. :) The story was sort of based on how I feel when I see books! :)


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