Two characters watching a sunrise and end it with one of them seeing the moon reflecting off a lake

Submitted into Contest #68 in response to: Start your story with two characters watching a sunrise and end it with one of them seeing the moon reflecting off a lake.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Thriller

Sunrise was slowly but delightful today. Sky was smokeless and shining with gold colours and joyfully dancing to the music of a morning breeze. The sun was looking like a ring of fire. Snow wrapped mountains were glittering with sunrise and sunrays were reflecting in a lake. Birds were flying in the sky. Dews on the leaves of trees were glittering like a diamond in sunrise. Surroundings were naturally beautiful and awesome.

Holding eachother's hand sitting on a small mound, Hira, a young boy and Naz, a beautiful blue eyed young girl, were seeing the sky painted with golden colours for long. They were new to this beautiful small village, situated near a lake. Both ran away from home due to fear of their lives and separation from each other.

Hira was native of a small village 'Tuna', very far away from this remote place. He was in love deeply with Naz, a beautiful and young lonely daughter of 'Mir Mustafa'- a small time Muslim trader of a small town-adjacent to Hira's village Tuna. The story of their first-at-sight love was interesting.

Hira used to go to the town for selling his crops to the shop of Mir Mustafa-father of Naz.

Naz,too, used to come oftenly to her father's shop because she was very fond of watching market activities. She was in her early seventeen and her blue eyes were full of joy and life.

One day, Naz was sitting in her shop when she saw that some farmers were arguing with Mir Mustafa over the prices of their crops as during Monsoon, their crops were badly damaged so they were demanding more price for their crops to compensate their loss. But, Mir Mustafa, a cunning trader, was keen to earn more profit so he was asking for less price for damaged crops. Chaos was loomed large all around. Naz was keenly seeing this scene.

Suddenly, a six-feet high wheatish coloured young boy, around in his early 20s appeared and raised his hands to make quiet the farmers. Someone shouted at him, "Hira, keep away from from here." But, that young boy whose name was called as Hira, ignored the warning and said that this was not justified way to get reasonable price for their damaged crops. He further added that we should constitute a cooperative society for farmers and get our crops insured to safeguard our interests. He said that this would protect us from natural calamities every year and there is no need to demand high prices like beggars. Further, he requested to farmers and Mir Mustafa to compromise on a mutually agreed price to solve this problem. Both parties were agreed later on a compromised price and the whole matter was solved amicably.

After this incident, that young boy named Hira emerged as a hero not only for farmers, but also traders who feared to lose their business if farmers would have diverted to other faraway markets.

The whole incident occurred before Mir Mustafa's daughter, Naz. She got impressed by Hira's impressive leadership to deal with the situation. His charming personality too attracted this young girl. Meanwhile, Hira,too, saw this beautiful girl in Mir Mustafa and got stunned to see her flawless beauty. This was their first encounter to start a new love story of its kind. Both were fascinated by each other but both were clueless to start to talk to each other.

Days were passing on and both were eager to each other. They got a chance when Hira came to Mir Mustafa's shop for some work, but Mustafa was out of city. His daughter, Naz, was sitting on his seat. Both saw eachother and smiled. Despite knowing that Mustafa would not come that day, Hira sat there in the shop and both started talk and slowly- slowly, they knew everything about eachother. By talking, many hours passed on and the market activities were getting off slowly. Then, both dispersed with promise to see again very soon. Both were very happy with first meeting and excited about their expectations.

With this, they started meeting each other almost daily and their relationship took a serious turn the utmost emotions and passion. Their meetings spread rumours like a wildfire in the town and every one was talking about in own way. Hira and Naz, both, were unaware of this happenings. One day, Mir Mustafa, too, came to know about the affair of his daughter with a kafir. The whole matter was a great shock for him as this would bring disrepute to his family and clan. But, he could not let this whole matter out of control,so he imposed instructions upon his daughter and put her in the house with instructions not to go outside and meet strangers. Therefore, Naz, a beloved daughter of Mustafa, was bound to the boundaries of her house. This happened so sudden that Hira could not get informed. He used to come to meet to Naz, but she had not come to meet him. Days were passing on. For not seeing Naz for many days, Hira's mental health was getting worse. Naz, too, on the other hand was worried about Hira for not seeing him for long.

In between, Hira, managed to know about Naz and what happened to her. Knowing this, he got purturbed and decided to approach his beloved. One day,in the garb of street permormer, Hira managed to contact Naz and both decided to run away from home for marriage.

Hira daily came to the outside of her house and performed singing. One day, seeing the opportunity, both ran away from home. For many days and nights, they were on run.

Ultimately, they stopped at a small village, surrounded by mountains. A lake was also there. Seeing it's natural beauty and scattered houses, they decided to recide there to pass remaining life there.

Both had not slept for many days and were exhausted. They immediately slept under a tree.

Next morning, they got awaken with the sunrise and chirping of birds. Seeing the beauty of the sunrise, they were feeling better.

Naz: Where shall we get stuff for home from?

Hira: I shall go to the forest for wood and arrange manpower from the village for construction. I have some money. You don't worry, my darling!

Naz:Ok, it is right. But, villagers may doubt our identity.

Hira: No, don't worry. I would call you 'Hiri' from now. 'Hiri', my love, my life, Hiri.

Naz: Ok! It is Ok. We shall get marry very soon. I am feeling hunger and you are also getting late for forest.

Hira extracts out some fruits from his beg and gives to Naz alias 'Hiri'.

"These fruits are for you. In evening, I would bring some eatables for dinner. By then, take bath in a lake and take rest. See you in the evening." Asks Hira and moves to the forest.

After bath, Naz ate fruits and laid down to sleep under the tree.

She was thinking about their future. Her heart was filled with fear and excitement. Thinking it, sleep caught her eyes.

Falling of chirping of birds in her ears and sensing some cold breeze, she opened eyes. By now, the sun was setting and moon was appearing in the sky. But, Hira had not come till then and there was no idea of his coming. It was too late and dark was approaching.

Sensing inauspicious, she prayed for him in heart, she was very much worried thinking about Hira.

The shadow of moon was falling in the lake, but Hira was nowhere to be visible.

Her eyes were full of tears due to evil. She was praying repeatedly facing the sky. Her words were echoing in the serenity of atmosphere. Sounds of beetles were hearing but Hira was nowhere to be visible.

Till now, full moon was blooming in the sky and shadow of the moon was falling in the lake.

November 19, 2020 10:09

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