My story is entitled Mr. Kweku Ananse the young man went missing that nobody seems to either know or remember him.

Written in response to: Write about a missing person nobody seems to know or remember.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Mystery Adventure

My story is entitled Mr. Kweku Ananse the young man went missing that nobody seems to either know or remember him. Once upon a time, Mr. Kweku Ananse was in a lorry going home on a holiday from his home when he then overheard two of the passengers planning to kill one of the other passengers. Mr. Kweku Ananse during this sad incident got missing during his journey to his destination. He then tried to save some of the other passengers who were in danger by then. Mr. Kweku Ananse and the older men got out from the vehicle. Again the rest of the passengers including the two men climbed down from the back of the lorry. Again they all went to aboard the ferry or the ship. You must also be careful by then. Mr. Nobody then whispered to Mr. Kweku Ananse. This was because it is easy to fall off a ferry, especially when someone pushes you and you may get missing. Also Mr. Kweku Ananse hastily left the side of the ferry where he had been gazing into the river and stood close to the lorry. He then allowed himself to sink into a day dream. All seemed so safe with the two ferry men pulling on the ferry chain and singing to keep in time. The rest of the passengers were then talking and laughing happily that their journey was nearby entirely. Also suddenly a man carrying a large bundle came walking unsteadily around the end of the vehicle. The young man face and chest were quite hidden by the bundle. Again it appeared that he wanted to pass Mr. Kweku Ananse, the young missing man. There was a polite young boy. As observed in the way he stood aside to let the man pass without thinking of any sort of danger. The size of the bundle forced him to bend nearer to the edge of the ferry which had no rail whatsoever. When the man passed, Mr. Kweku Ananse saw that there was another smaller man behind him with a stick. Mr. Kweku Ananse never knew how the stick became entangled with his legs and he could not regain his balance of his body. Again Mr. Kweku Ananse fell in the river and he nearly got missing because he was being carried rapidly downstream by the current swollen by the first early rains. As the young man sank below the surface of the water, Mr. Kweku Ananse experienced some sort of horror. There were crocodiles that were swimming upstream within this first flood water. He had to swim to get to the bank of the river as soon as he can. Also fortunately he kept his head close entirely. He had also learnt to swim at school and without thinking he gradually began to move his arms and legs to keep himself afloat always. He then passed to get his breath when he came up to the surface again and he noted which way the current of the river was then carrying him. Then he also began to swim in that direction. Mr. Nobody saw with some sort of horror that this young companion was apparently being carried away by the flood water. The young man felt helpless and was very unhappy by then. Again it was his fault that the poor Mr. Kweku Ananse stood in some sort of danger of death and could not rescue himself though he would willingly have done so entirely. Also the ferry man near the two towns shore and there Mr. Nobody stared despairingly at the water around, Mr, Kweku Ananse head. The young man saw the ripple as a watching crocodile then dived beneath the surface of the water. There was a shout of dorm that went up from the crowd by then that Mr. Kweku Ananse the young man was missing . Again who could possibly help Ananse now? There was a great good luck, however that a man in a little motor boat was tied up to the river bank and might be missing. However when he later saw what had happened, he then seized his riffle and also kept guard over Mr. Kweku Ananse till he was able to reach the river bank. Mr. Kweku Ananse remained a young man who got missing that nobody seems to know or either remember is whereabout. In addition, the Police had to search and do their own investigations in order to find Mr. Kweku Ananse the alleged missing young man. Also an advertisement and a reward was mentioned of in the media that is the radio, television, and other newspapers. This also states that whoever finds the young man Mr. Kweku Ananse will be rewarded with the huge sum amount of one million dollars.All other necessary investigations was being carried out in search of the missing Mr. Kweku Ananse. As noted Mr. Kweku Ananse remained missing in action that nobody really knows his whereabout entirely. Finally, Mr. Kweku Ananse was named as the spider because since he got missing in action that nobody was able to remember or know his whereabout in life. Others could not recognize Mr. Kweku Ananse because he looks more like an old spider. Also rumours has it that the young man Mr. Kweku Ananse might be hiding away from all sorts of criminals and may be eating fufu with groundnut soup and chicken as a celebration of victory in telling interesting stories to all other kids in America and other children within his home country. Mr. Kweku Ananse is noted as a very good story teller in his home country. He is polite and also very respectful in his community at large. Lastly Mr. Kweku Ananse is always delight and also happy in meeting people and other children of all walks of life in order to share his stories with them. Also what actually excites Mr. Kweku Ananse is the fact that although he remains as a missing person that nobody seems to know his whereabout, he can be seen at the corner of most rooms of households minding his own business in life. Mr. Kweku Ananse had about ten wives and often eats yam with Palava sauce with his family in order to solve the hunger problem within his family and most families.

October 28, 2021 17:44

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