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Adventure Fantasy Teens & Young Adult

Panthera’s Princess

Aurora finally evaded Seamus, her elderly, very strict tutor, as she made her way out of the kingdom’s giant iron doors. She was almost one hundred percent sure that no one saw her face as she dashed away with a gray hooded cloak around her shoulders. 

She had been trying to sneak away from Seamus for what felt like forever as they walked the streets of Panthera. As far as her tutor knew, they were out of the royal palace that afternoon so they could stretch their legs after hours of what Aurora deemed boring history about the kingdom she came from. In reality, Aurora had tried to get the old man to let her “roam” the kingdom so she could use that as an attempt to escape. 

“A young lady of twelve years should not be out there alone,” Seamus said. “Especially not the princess.

Aurora had poked out her bottom lip and showed Seamus her best doe-eyed look.

“I would be totally safe here in the kingdom’s walls, Seamus. Pleeeeaaaaase.”

Seamus had looked at her. She could tell he was considering it. 

Come on!

Seamus’s face softened. “Alright.”

Aurora was about to jump for joy when Seamus put his hand up to stop her. 

“However, I will accompany you. As I said, you should not be walking around outside of the palace alone. Even if you feel safe.”

Shoot. Aurora tried to hide her disappointment. 

After that, they left the royal palace and went strolling through the market area of Panthera. Aurora was looking for any opportunity to slip away from her tutor and royal babysitter. 

She told Seamus that she wanted a very nice bracelet she had seen one day out in the market, but she couldn’t remember the vendor that had it. While Seamus was trying to describe the bracelet to one of the vendors, she took that moment to blend in with a passing group of shoppers. Once she had some distance between Seamus and herself, Aurora took off towards the iron doors of Panthera. 

She was twelve-years-old and had never set foot outside of Panthera’s walls. Her family constantly reminded her it was a dangerous world out there, especially for her. 

But she was very curious. There had to be more than just Panthera. She knew about The Guild, the group of powerful wizards who traveled across the land, doing various jobs for people. Where they resided wasn’t far. 

In fact, that’s where she wanted to go. Members of The Guild had come to Panthera frequently, including the Guild Leader. As well as Lars Alexander. 

Lars was a couple of years older than her, and super cool. His particular magical ability was lightning. He had close cropped blond hair and piercing gray eyes. She enjoyed seeing him whenever he showed up in Panthera. Unfortunately, they hadn’t spoken to each other much. 

Now, she walked down a path in the forested area outside of Panthera, feeling a bit excited. She was on her way to The Guild, finally, where she could possibly see Lars. And the other members, of course. 

As she got further away from home, something dawned on her. 

She wasn’t entirely sure which direction The Guild was in. She hadn’t even thought to ask anyone for directions. She was too occupied with getting out of the kingdom’s walls before anyone realized the princess was leaving alone. 

After pausing momentarily, she decided that she would just ask the next passerby. Surely she had to encounter someone on the path. People were visiting Panthera all the time, so it couldn’t be long before she saw someone. 

Could it?

She shook her head as if she was getting rid of her doubt and continued walking. It was a few minutes later when she noticed that there was a young boy sitting in a tree just ahead. 

He had short dark hair, curling around his ears. He wore short sleeves and shorts, and she saw that he had light brown skin. And if Aurora was honest, he looked a little wild, like he spent all his time in the forest. 

He wasn’t looking in her direction. In fact, he looked like he was asleep, with his back against the tree. Aurora approached him cautiously, trying not to startle him. 

Before she could speak, he opened his mouth and spoke to her. 

“Why are you out here all alone?”

Was he serious, Aurora thought. No greeting or introduction? 

“That’s none of your business,” she replied defensively. Who was this kid? 

The boy opened his eyes and gave Aurora a look. A smirk appeared on his face. 

“It’s pretty dangerous for a little girl to be traveling in the forest with no escort.”

Aurora’s eye twitched. Little girl? This boy had to be around her age. “If you must know, whoever you are, I have a destination in mind. Is this the direction of The Guild?” 

He leaned forward on the branch where he was perched, as if he was interested in that bit of information. 

“I don’t think that’s somewhere you should be going.” 

“What do you know?” Aurora was getting irritated now. She had intended to ask this boy for directions, but there was such an arrogance about him that made him difficult to talk to. 

He smiled at that, showing teeth. “I know a lot of things. The answers don’t usually come free, though.”

Aurora glared at him. “I will not be giving you any money.” 

“Suit yourself,” the boy said. “Let’s see if you can find The Guild on your own then.” 

Aurora clenched her teeth and stormed off, walking past the dirty, arrogant boy. She would find her own way to The Guild. Or at least find another traveler to ask for directions. 

She didn’t get very far when she heard a thump behind her. She turned and saw that the boy had hopped out of the tree and was walking towards her. 

How did he jump from that high without getting hurt? 

“I must say, you’re going in the wrong direction.” He still had that infuriating grin on his face. 

Aurora narrowed her eyes at him. “Why does it matter, when you won’t even tell me how to get there?”

The boy held up a finger. “I told you I don’t give out answers for free.”

“Ugh!” Aurora was not usually violent, but she wanted to slap the smile of his dumb face. 

“Was that meant to be a word?” he asked, like he had no idea why she was frustrated. 

“Leave me alone,” she said through clenched teeth. She turned her back to him once again and continued walking. 

Aurora could hear his feet crunching the leaves as he followed her. 

“You’re not being very nice. What’s your name?” 

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she called out over her shoulder. She decided she wasn’t wasting anymore time on this vagabond. 

She walked a little further before she realized he hadn’t replied. There wasn’t even the sound of footsteps behind her anymore. Aurora turned around to see what happened. 

He disappeared. But how? It was too quick, she thought. 

Whatever. He was annoying anyway. 

She turned back around, and before she could take a step, there was a sack thrown over head. 

Aurora was stunned for a second, then she struggled to fight off her attacker. She felt strong arms around her, and found it hard to get out of their grip. 

Her brother and father taught her some self defense. Even though she was a princess, they wanted any threats to regret thinking she was a harmless damsel. But no matter how much she fought, the arms didn’t loosen.

“Let go of me!” Aurora yelled. This couldn’t be that wild boy. He was only a little taller than her, and scrawny. This person holding her had to be taller than the boy, and definitely well built. 

“You are a feisty one, aren’t ya?” a raspy voice grunted in her ear. 

“Don’t hurt her, you dolt,” said another voice. This one was deeper. Maybe he was in charge, Aurora thought. “We need her unharmed.” 

“She keeps fighting me!” the raspy brute said angrily. 

“How do you know she’s the right one?”

It’s the boy! Aurora stilled as his voice registered. What was he doing with these two? Was he there to stop and distract her? She should’ve known he was trouble. How naive she had been. 


“Take that off her head, Roderick,” the deep voice said. 

The sack came off Aurora’s head and her hood was pulled down. Her long, curly black hair fell down her back. As her vision adjusted to the light coming through the forest, she noticed the boy standing in front of her. He was looking slightly ashamed, as if he didn’t quite like what he had a part in. 

Next to him stood a tall, lanky man with a bald head and a black goatee. There was an old scar across his nose. His dark eyes were on Aurora as he inspected her. 

“It’s her,” he said with a smile. “She has long black hair and hazel eyes. Plus, the brown skin.” 

“But why is she so special?” the boy asked. “Are we just kidnapping a princess?”

The tall man turned to the boy next to him with a frown. “‘Just a princess.’ She is not a mere princess, boy. She’s probably the most dangerous creature in these parts. Apart from her father, of course.”

The boy now looked at Aurora with more interest. Even curiosity, and a little bit of fear. 

They couldn’t know about her secret, Aurora thought. How could they? Not even the people of Panthera knew. No one besides the royal family and Seamus. 

It had to be some other secret, she thought, trying to convince herself that these three holding her couldn’t know what even her kingdom didn’t. 

But she had doubts. The tall man had said “dangerous creature”. 

If the people of Panthera knew…

“We should get a big reward for her, shouldn’t we, boss?” Roderick said excitedly, his tight hold still on Aurora. 

“Oh, definitely,” the boss said. “As long as you don’t hurt her, like I told you, you big brute. Loosen your grip before you break her!” 

Roderick’s arms went a little loose around Aurora then. When she tried to fight him off moments ago, she couldn’t get a good angle to attack.

“Sorry bo—agh!” 

Roderick’s apology was suddenly cut off with a yelp. His hold on Aurora went slack and she heard him fall back with a loud thump. 

In front of her, the boy and tall man had shock on their faces.

“You guys are asking for trouble.” 

That voice. Aurora knew that voice. What was he doing out here? 

She turned around to see who had helped her. She saw his blue eyes and short blond hair. 

“Lars…” she said breathlessly. 

“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” he said to Aurora, walking up to stand beside her. Although, he only gave her a quick glance as he approached. He was more focused on the two still standing behind her. 

“Lars Alexander,” the tall man said, making it sound like Lars’ name had more letters than it did. 

“Scum,” Lars replied coolly. 

Aurora noticed he had an intense look in his eye. She also realized that there was energy coming off of him.


“Now now,” the man said, putting his hands up in a placating gesture. “No need for hostility. We were just escorting the dear princess here back home.”

“Liar.” Lars clenched his fists and took one step forward, towards the boy and bald man. He held up his right hand and opened his fist. 

Aurora could see gold lightning crackling around Lars’ open hand. Was he going to blast the two who were involved in capturing her? She could guess Roderick suffered that fate. He still lay unconscious on the ground. Well, Aurora hoped he was just knocked out and not dead. 

“Think about what you’re doing,” the man said apprehensively. He moved closer to the boy next to him and gripped his arm. The boy’s face showed he was definitely afraid of what Lars might do. 

Aurora stepped closer to Lars and reached out to him. “Hey, Lars…maybe we can just let them go?” The arrogant boy and bald man should be punished, but she didn’t think they should be struck down so harshly. 

Lars didn’t look at her, but his fingers twitched just a little. A lightning bolt suddenly struck the ground between them and the other two, causing Aurora to flinch. As the bright light faded and smoke cleared, she noticed that the man and boy were gone. 

Just like the boy disappeared earlier.

She then remembered Roderick and looked down. He was gone as well. 


She turned to Lars, only to realize he was looking at her. She startled and took a step back, his gaze too much for her at that moment. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked. His tone was nonchalant, his face showing no expression. It was like he put what just happened behind him. 

“N-nothing,” Aurora stammered. “Thank you. For rescuing me.” 

Lars’ eyes narrowed slightly as he continued to look at her. He then gave her a quick nod. 

Aurora decided to jump at this chance. “Actually, would you mind helping me a little more?”

“With what?” Lars asked. His tone was still the same. Or maybe a little annoyed, Aurora thought. This is the most she had spoken to him! 

“I was out here because I was on my way to see y—I wanted to see The Guild.” She almost slipped up and revealed too much. 

“Does your family know you’re going to see The Guild without an escort?” 

No. “My tutor does. He was actually with me when we got separated out here.” 

Lars stared at Aurora. Then she noticed a slight twitch at the corners of his mouth. It looked like he was trying to hide a smile. 

“You’re a terrible liar, you know that?”

Aurora’s eye twitched for the second time that day. She sighed. “Look, will you help me or not?” 

Lars looked in the direction she had been going. For a moment, it seemed like he might ignore her. Then he spoke again. 

“Keep up.”

He turned on his heel and walked away. Aurora was stunned for a moment. 

Yes! That wasn’t so difficult. 

She almost skipped after Lars to catch up, overflowing with excitement. The scary events that just happened were quickly fading from her mind. 

September 14, 2024 01:44

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1 comment

Kim Olson
23:41 Sep 19, 2024

I am not normally a reader of fantasy, but I really enjoyed your story! I could see it being part of a full length book. I really wanted to know more about the secret magical powers of the princess. Good job!


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