Holiday Drama

When Adriel announced that he wanted to be a cardiovascular surgeon, I asked him if he'd be okay with patients wanting never to see him again; he blinked and said," That's okay, Mum, as long as they're alive to wish it."

Being a single mom was hard both financially and emotionally, with a recently started psychiatric practice and just a few guilty calls by my ex to ask after Addy and checks sent 'with remorse' for child support. Who will support the mom? I wanted to scream sometimes. I was desperate for better credentials to get employed in a well-established firm, preferably one where the installed electric appliances actually worked.


Just an hour to a new year, I proclaimed gleefully to myself. About to leave for the party Adriel had been pestering me to accompany him to, I stopped in my tracks when I saw that my brain had conveniently ignored one patient at the bottom of the list: Emilia Brien. Fuming silently, I rang up my receptionist, whose name I was too furious to recall, who always said even "Hello?" like it was a question.

Me: What is this? I told you no patients after 10:50.

Receptionist: They said they're paying double even for half-time(clearly after snickering at my financial tight spot)

Me:(anger miraculously ebbing away)FINE.

Oh,well, maybe I could buy Addy a new surgeon's kit to make up.

Saving the world one mental illness at a time...


I was picking the hair out of the common bathroom soap, wondering if I could isolate a thesis in it- 'The Disgustingly Sticky Tendencies Of Human Hair', maybe? That, or 'The Annoying Habits Of Bored Kids'- both were inextricably related; it would bring me money, along with the attention of young parents... Emilia knocked. Washing the filth off my hands, I smiled warmly and told her to take a seat. She was a petite, pretty girl of about thirteen, with a seemingly confident demeanor. This was where my creative experiment set in. If she took the couch, it meant that she was mentally in a confined space, feeling suffocated and needed air. If she took the easy chair, it meant that she was feeling unusually vulnerable. This was just an speculatory trick to guess at the patient's ailment, but usually gave astonishingly accurate results.

She took the couch.

"Hi Emilia! I'm Apolline. Before we begin, I'd like to assert that this is all strictly confidential. I'll just be telling my diagnosis to your folks." An enthusiastic and genial tone often soothed patients enough to confess their deepest inhibitions.

:Yeah, fine, doc-", she began in the characteristic sullen monotone of teenagers,

"Call me Apolline."

"Apolline, I don't care with whom you share our conversation- or monologue- which one is it? I just want to feel- well, not like personified darkness all the time."

"Well, darling, it says here that you have recurring dreams about coffins and- graveyards?'

"Cemeteries," she corrected. "A cemetery is a plot set aside specifically for burial, while a graveyard is always located in a churchyard. I'm not Catholic."

Well, well, well, who wouldn't want to spend NYE with Ms. Know-It-All spouting discrepancies?

"Yeah, so about that?"

" In them, I'm wandering among coffins in a cemetery Suddenly, someone comes up from behind and shoves me into a coffin. I try to scream but my throat constricts, and- well, you get the idea."

Ugh. I shuddered inwardly at the macabre description. "Well, sweetie, how long has this been happening?"

"Two weeks."

" Just the nightmares?"

"No,"she swallowed nervously. "Yesterday, we were passing by a cemetery. Suddenly I felt choked and there was a pressure pushing me down..."

Hmm, slightly schizophrenic symptoms.

" Death is all I think about. I claw through caskets only to find my ruined bones and no body. I stop breathing and retch..." She continued describing herself when she thought about getting buried, but I was not listening.


This girl had feretrophobia. It was, indisputably, one of the rarest cases I'd ever see in my practice.

Feretrophobia was the fear of coffins, caskets and getting buried alive. I was 99.9% sure about my diagnosis. I had never even heard anyone talk about it in my social circles, which were, admittedly, microscopically small, yet...

An animal psychologist( whose thesis was 'Chickens prefer beautiful people') told me once about the most eccentric mental fears: omphalophobia (fear of the navel), pteronophobia( the fear of getting tickled by feathers), arachibutyrophobia( the fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the top of your mouth), optophobia( the fear of opening one's eyes), and so on. My experience with feretrophobia was limited to reading Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Premature Burial', but I sensed that my candor would not be expedient here.

Well, first things first: how did this phobia develop? Most phobias developed as a result of frightening events, stressful events, frightening experiences or trauma. For example, catoptrophobia ( the fear of mirrors) developed not due to low self-esteem but usually by hallucinations of seeing phantasms in mirrors. Thanks a lot, Bloody Mary.

"Emilia, can you think of any recent traumatic event that evidently left you feeling suffocated or claustrophobic?"

"Um-",she began reluctantly. " I was very nearly assaulted three weeks ago in a malfunctioning lift."

I nodded encouragingly, with what I hoped was a placid expression on my face, to hide, in equal parts, my overflowing sympathy and abject horror, Usually, traumatic incidents like attempted assault left indelible marks on the survivor.

" I want to become a pediatrician, but I hate biology. I was going for a biology study session with my friends, when it suddenly creaked to a stop. There was a man in the lift when I had come in- a tall, obese man in his mid-forties." Her voice wavered, and I offered a glass of water to her.If she could get through this, she would become exponentially more emotionally stable. She gulped it down and exhaled loudly, the way kids did after taking it all down in one breath. " I was in a hurry to get there and didn't notice when it happened, but suddenly all the lights went out. I tried to call my mom, but there was no damn signal. All I could think about was the golden rule of our house-' Don;t get into a lift if you're not alone.' I panicked and started frantically waving my phone around in search of a signal. Then there was a pressure on my shoulder: the man had placed his hand there. He said," Don;t worry, I'm here, baby." He started touching me-",Here she hiccuped, sobbing so loudly her words became nearly unintelligible. " I backed up into a corner, and he followed me, saying," Don't run from me, dear." I felt suffocated with him pressing me down. I wanted to screech out with all my goddamned might but a lump formed in my throat. All I could choke out was a tiny, pathetic,"Don't." You see, overpowering him was quite unimaginable; he had the advantage both in height and weight. All I could think about was the irony that I wanted to save lives, but couldn't save my own. Then, the adrenaline kicked in- I wasn't going to end up as a teenage statistic- and I shoved him, then went through my bag while he recovered from the unexpected blow, searching for a weapon, a pointed object, something to hit the animal with. He stood up, which was when I decided that enough was enough. I hit him with my phone so hard he spat blood." She grinned smugly through the glimmering sheen of tears on her face, apparently having regained her equilibrium.

"I bet he was the one crying then," I interjected, unable to stop myself.

" Oh no, he was incorrigible. He got up again and whispered 'menacingly', "You little daughter of a-", but I didn't let him finish his scintillatingly eloquent expression of pain. I'm a feminist; I don't believe in women cowering behind male chauvinist pigs, begging them for mercy, and this man and his kind were the ones I would tell my reed to first. I kicked him in the stomach and banged his head against the metal door, shouting in his ear,"No more, you animal, no more, This isn't the 1900s, you know." And for special dramatic effect, I threw him on the ground and kicked his back, the bones of which made a satisfyingly crunching sound. Uptil now, he had been too overwhelmed- no doubt he had assaulted many teens without them raising a voice. Now, though,he recovered his strength and venomously said," Oh! Have a lot of fight inside, do you? " ,and threw me down. By now, I was feeling out of breath- I'm asthmatic- and when he sat on me, his weight crushed me. This time, it was my bones cracking. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and said"This is going to be delightful," as if we were going out to explore a new city. I thought I was going to die and felt sick to my stomach. I just couldn't imagine all my dreams, ambitions, hopes and wishes going down as the headline of some local: 'Teen Brutally Assaulted and Killed, Murderer Pleads Not Guilty' . I shrieked before he could gag me- a caterwauling, blood-curdling scream- and suddenly, as if this was what the lift had been waiting for, it groaned back to life. The nanosecond it opened, I sprinted out, not looking behind."

Suddenly, she burst out," Did you know that whale poop and whale vomit is used to manufacture 'exotic' perfumes, and that eyeshadows and lipstick shine are made using fish scales? I'd go easy on the makeup if I were you. God knows it would save lives, including yours."

Just when I thought I couldn't like her audacity more. I could have lashed out, in another universe. I suddenly became a huge fan of the Multiverse theory. I could tell that Emilia was the sort of person who thought of bringing world peace and conveniently forgot about it five minutes afterward.

A long, decidedly uncomfortable pause ensued. "Um..good to know that?" Ugh, I was turning into my receptionist. " Well, it seems that you have the extremely rare feretrophobia, which is the fear of caskets, coffins and getting buried alive. No worries, even George Washington had it." Seeing her vague disinterest, I decided not to mention that in the 19th century, people began to put bells in their coffins and to request a wake of more than five or six days, due to an outbreak of feretrophobia. "Well, I am prescribing some medicines to help with the nightmares. Come back next year..." I trailed off lamely, seeing that she hadn't gotten the joke."I mean, in two weeks, and we'll see how you're getting on, all right?"

"Sure, doc."

I didn't bother to correct her. "And Happy New Year!"

"Maybe if the morbid dreams stop," she said cryptically with the air of an enlightened saint, revealing the secret of life, or in this case, the secret of how to get an advance payment.

"I hope so, darling!" I enthused. Keeping this ebullience up was exhausting, for both of us.

She smiled a little at me and walked out, shutting the door behind her softly. I glanced at the wall clock; it was 12:10. Zenith, notorious for her perkiness that did not cheer people up, had texted," Happy New Year!"

How creatively expressed. I then glanced at the thought of the day on my home screen: Life isn't meant to be understood, but to be lived.

If only philosophers could read it.

I texted to Zenith, "Bonne annee!" Same blandness, different language.

I locked the door to the office and began to think about one of the weirdest P.H.D.s in the world: 'Why Wet Underwear Is Uncomfortable' .Relatable, but I was only innovative enough to stick to human hair and its gross inclinations...

January 03, 2020 18:52

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L. M.
03:19 Jun 03, 2020

There are some really interesting concepts and ideas in this story.


Pragya Rathore
04:15 Jun 03, 2020

Thanks!! :p


L. M.
01:31 Jun 04, 2020

You're welcome!


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Jubilee Forbess
04:43 Jun 02, 2020

You obviously did your research; it shows it your writing! :)


Pragya Rathore
04:44 Jun 02, 2020

:) Thanks a ton Rhondalise!


Jubilee Forbess
04:47 Jun 02, 2020

No worries again, I look forward to reading more of your stories! Be on the lookout for my new one. :)


Pragya Rathore
04:48 Jun 02, 2020

You bet I am :p


Jubilee Forbess
05:07 Jun 02, 2020

Just got done! Read away and tell what you think of the ending! :D


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21:39 Jun 01, 2020

I loved the story and the unique topic. the only downside that i can see is that it felt a little rushed, maybe try slowing down your writing a bit. Great story though.


Pragya Rathore
03:16 Jun 02, 2020

Thanks a lot Katherine!


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18:08 Jun 01, 2020

what a way to spend New Year's Eve! At first I wasn't sure that feretrophobia was a real thing, but I was convinced by the end


Pragya Rathore
18:09 Jun 01, 2020

Thanks! I love your feedback..


18:11 Jun 01, 2020

You're very welcome!


Pragya Rathore
18:13 Jun 01, 2020

Thanks again! Please review the others too( if you get the time)


18:20 Jun 01, 2020

sure thing! I've enjoyed the other ones I've read so far, and I hope you write more in the future


Pragya Rathore
18:23 Jun 01, 2020

Thank you, thank you!!!


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Thotsuki Bakuhoe
08:14 Jun 01, 2020

Great story, It was really good. I only have one thing. You need to spread out your words and stuff, it was a little confusing, but overall great story. Have a good day! : )


Pragya Rathore
08:17 Jun 01, 2020

You're being too kind, but thanks for the advice! : p


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
08:20 Jun 01, 2020

No, I am not being too kind. It is all true and you deserve the kind words and everything. Your welcome for the advice. Have a great night.


Pragya Rathore
08:23 Jun 01, 2020

Wow, you're very sweet! Thank you so much for your love. I saw your posts and they were great!


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
08:30 Jun 01, 2020

Thank u so much. I am trying to make more. Lol, ok I'm going to bed. Have a great night.


Pragya Rathore
08:37 Jun 01, 2020

Good night!


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Thotsuki Bakuhoe
08:30 Jun 01, 2020

Thank u so much. I am trying to make more. Lol, ok I'm going to bed. Have a great night.


Pragya Rathore
08:36 Jun 01, 2020

Good night!


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E. Jude
07:54 Jun 08, 2020

Nice. Like the storyline and the beginning is great. I would love it if you could check out my stories too!! XElsa


Pragya Rathore
11:25 Aug 14, 2020

Thanks, Elsa! What a beautiful name! I'll definitely check your stories out :)


E. Jude
14:51 Aug 20, 2020



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Asianzu Victoria
06:40 Jun 04, 2020

😂😂🥰🥰😍, I loved it. I'm becoming your loyal follower Pragya


Pragya Rathore
06:49 Jun 04, 2020

Thanks a million times, Asianzu!! That means a lot coming from you! XD


Asianzu Victoria
16:22 Jun 04, 2020

It's my pleasure dear 🥰


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Agnes Ajadi
06:31 Jun 03, 2020

I was kinda confused at first, but along the line, I got it. Feretrophobia....you really did a great research on it. Nice job!


Pragya Rathore
06:33 Jun 03, 2020

Thanks a ton, Agnes. (You have such a unique name!)


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06:32 Jul 08, 2021

This was great! I love how you put this together!


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Angel {Readsy}
03:35 Apr 28, 2021

I am a nightingale; I read and sing your stories in the flowering garden and all birds, firefly, fairy and flowers are smiling and very thankful to you for writing such an excellent story.


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Charles Stucker
04:09 Oct 05, 2020

"This was just an speculatory trick"- a speculative trick I think you could omit the opening background and just say, "Adriel, my son," in the part about wanting to go to the party with him. The scene in the psychiatrist's office is done relatively well, but I think you should shorten your list of odd phobias. Lists are not often interesting to the average reader, and the longer they are, the more boring they become. Bored readers stop reading, and... You certainly display a remarkable insight to the process of gaining PhD's. Pick a diss...


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. .
07:21 Sep 03, 2020

Beautifully written!


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נιмму 🤎
20:08 Jul 11, 2020

I really like the quote in your bio <3 so true


Pragya Rathore
11:25 Aug 14, 2020

Thanks, Celeste! But what did you think of the story? Any errors to look out for?


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Ola Hotchpotch
10:53 Sep 29, 2020

You have written about a lot of phobias. They must be true. My mother in law was admitted in a hospital. I saw her in ICU. I was told she was recovering . That night I had a nightmare. A woman, very ugly and thin was sitting on top of me and saying 'I'm taking her' and I was saying 'please don't'. I woke up and woke the maid sleeping next to me and told her about my dream. Mother in law died in the early hours of next morning. A few hours after I had my dream ! This must also be some kind of mental illness no doubt in the books of psychiatr...


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Batool Hussain
17:25 Aug 11, 2020

Okay i decided to leave a feedback on an old one since you asked . Also, I've read your recent one already. This is so good. So powerful . Everything is so on point. And the title is the best:)


Pragya Rathore
17:34 Aug 11, 2020

Thank you so much, Batool, though I'm afraid you're being too kind! :)


Pragya Rathore
17:34 Aug 11, 2020

Any constructive criticism??


Batool Hussain
17:42 Aug 11, 2020

Just one error: its too good:) Great job!


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