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        Another day done, another day wasted on a business trip, and one more paycheck. Of course half of it is eaten up by my cheap boss making me pay for my own room at this old hotel! And eating at the stinking hotel restaurant! Sure I can fill out a form for reimbursement, but he’s always late in paying me back! I just want to go back up to my room and… sleep off the migraines. To the lift and up to the sixth and top floor… gotta say, the hotel is not that bad; has an olden rustic feel. On the surface at least. The drywall work is dusty and shoddy, its easy to peel off the wallpaper where its used, and the wood furniture and business fixtures are plastic! No wonder the boss loves this place. It’s as cheap as he is! Into the elevator, the actually old, rickety, partially retrofitted, lift. It’s clearly at the bare minimum to pass today’s building codes. At least there’s no tacky music. Too cheap for that! Into the tiny box barely enough for one person. Doors close slowly, and it actually starts going up immediately! That’s a nice change of pace! At least that’s going for-


               What in the? What was that sound? Was too distracted with the sudden stop that-


               Oh great! Now the lights are out! Argh! Can this day get any-


               Argh… and now… the elevator feels loose… on its tether. Alright! I can just pull out my phone and call some- it’s in the middle of an update cycle! Struggling to get a signal too. More likely to run out of power before it finishes up its mandatory un-skippable updates. Can’t even check the time… I hate my life. Why’d the boss even convince me to buy this model? At least it’s a tiny bit of light, as uncomfortable as LCD lighting is. All there is to do is wait and remain still. I certainly do not want to test how durable this thing really is. Rules out trying to escape myself. Not a good idea usually, unless there’s a fire or something. What floor am I on? Man, if only I could lay down on the floor. The few times when doing nothing is uncomfortable. At least it’s the only elevator in the building. Be very noticeable if it goes down. Shouldn’t take too long…

               Air’s starting to heat up. I’m beginning to sweat. Even if the power were still on there’s no ventilation on any elevator. Except maybe some super expensive lab elevators or something. I could do without my phone, or even standing only, if I had the space to walk about in circles and let my mind wander! To spend some energy at least; it’d lower my body heat. Man… even my migraines are starting to get aggravated! Digital lighting… Maybe I should turn off my phone. I guess even this little light isn’t worth it. Darkness isn’t taking it away, going to need an aspirin or at the very least a rag with ice. Heck even if it were just a little cooler or the air less stale…

               Feels like I’ve been here for a couple of hours. Really, really want to move about right now. Either expend enough energy to be tired or just go to sleep and lower my body temperature. No word or sound of rescue. There was never any elevator music and any work would be heard through the empty shaft. I’m feeling real squirrely… need to expend this pent-up energy on something… Is this what solitary is like? It’s definitely not the lack of social activity; had enough of that today and imaginary friends are not my thing. I just want to move around and not be locked up in a cage!

               Come on someone! I’m going crazy in here! I just want to jump all around or run in place at the very least! I don’t care if I need to wait a full day, just give me some space to move and a stable surface to rest! Has someone even noticed the dang thing is not working? It wasn’t nearly that late at night when I got on! With how people view hotels these days, elevator service is mandatory! I can only imagine the reasons… maybe this hotel is as cheap as my boss. That would explain the half-done retrofits and loose lift. Need to be calm man… calm down. Can’t afford to make sudden movements…………. LET ME OUT OF HERE! This is worse than solitary confinement! I’m gonna pound at the doors! I don’t care anymore! I’ve got to let someone know someone’s in here! I need out!



               Huh? The door is moving… someone’s prying it open! I can see the light of a torch! At last! They help me out of the dark elevator and onto the floor. One of the maintenance workers.

“Oh thank you! Thank you! What happened?”

“As far as I’ve found, the local transformer blew a few minutes ago.”

“… What?”

“Yeah. I remember seeing you going in there a bit ago. Just needed a few moments to grab a crowbar.”

                A few minutes? That was hours in there! I swear! It usually takes a good bit longer for the delusions and craziness to pop up in real detainment like that. Why was… never mind. I’m way too far done with today. I don’t care now. I’m checking out of this situation. Don’t care if there’s no AC anymore; I’ll just crack open a window or two and get to sleep! Once I take something for my head… I just hope the rest of my week goes better. Knowing the boss, he’ll just make me eat out with him at someplace more expensive on my own dime. Without reimbursing afterwards… I’d probably prefer a week of real solitary confinement, like in jail, than going out with him again! That louse… Why did I even leave the lift?

September 11, 2020 20:19

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1 comment

Yonina Kronfeld
00:22 Sep 17, 2020

I love how you went into detail about what the character was thinking.


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