My story is entitled : The unexpected betrayal of Jesus Christ by Judas Iscariot.

Written in response to: Start your story with an unexpected betrayal.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Adventure Mystery

My story is entitled: The unexpected betrayal of Jesus Christ by Judas Iscariot.

Once upon a time, Judas Iscariot who happens to be one of the twelve disciples betrayed Jesus Christ. It was Judas Iscariot who found all sorts of means to betray Jesus Christ during their last supper.

Judas Iscariot had the suggestion that he wanted Jesus to overthrow the Roman rule of Judea.

However in this view Judas became a disillusioned disciple betraying Jesus not so much due to the fact that he loved money. Judas Iscariot actually betrayed Jesus Christ because he loved his country and he thought Jesus Christ had failed it. Also Judas Iscariot thought that Jesus Christ had no vision for his country that he might be a false prophet.

Judas Iscariot although a disciple of Jesus Christ disliked Jesus Christ, although he healed the sick and then performed miracles to the inhabitants within the country.

At times Jesus Christ spent some time with his disciples telling them stories, parables and healing the sick.

In the Bible it was not only Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus Christ but also Peter another disciple also betrayed Jesus. Peter the disciple was noted to have denied Jesus Christ that he knew him not on the day of the crucifixion about three times.

As according to the Gospel of Matthew, Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Also Judas went to the chief Priest before the last supper and agreed to hand over Jesus in exchange for thirty silver coins.

It can be noted and observed that Judas was present during the last supper and in order to betray Jesus Christ before the supper came to a climax.

Jesus during the Last supper, took bread and also a cup of wine then blessed it , and mentioned do this as often in remembrance of me.

Whenever someone is accused of being a Judas it means that you are accusing them of being deceitful and betraying their friends or country.

Also Judas Iscariot desired to follow Jesus simply because he saw a greater number of people following and then believed that he could actually profit from the collections being taken.

According to the Motives of Judas, there is the theory that Judas betrayed Jesus because he was greedy for money.

Judas Iscariot was only upset because Mary sold the perfume for a group and he would have accessed the proceeds and then taken some for himself.

Also Judas Iscariot was well noted as a man lacking great character because he stole money that should have been given to the poor people.

Again it is important to note that Judas was an outsider who traveled with Jesus Christ.

During the betrayal of Jesus Christ, Judas kissed Jesus before he was crucified.

In addition Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve Apostles who happens to be notorious for betraying Jesus by actually disclosing Jesus whereabout for thirty pieces of silver.

It was Judas Iscariot who brought men to arrest Jesus and then identified him with a kiss.

Jesus Christ was then arrested, tried and later executed on the cross.

Others argue that Judas betrayed Jesus due to his financial greed and love for money as depicted in Matthew 26:14-16.

As noted Judas Iscariot desire for wealth led him to willingly betray Jesus, by disregarding his close relationship as a disciple and master.

However many actually believed that Judas betrayal was part of a larger divine plan.

When examining the story of Judas betrayal it helped in providing us with some profound lessons.

Despite Jesus knowledge of the impending betrayal, he did not attempt to stop Judas or retaliate against him.

Also Jesus remained calm and then continued to show love and compassion towards Judas even as he carried out his act of betrayal by identifying Jesus Christ to the authorities with a kiss.

Some people argue that Judas may have been disillusioned with Jesus peaceful message and was then seeking a more forceful Messiah.

Other people believed that money was the primary motivator for Jesus betrayal.

Aftermath of the betrayal, Jesus Christ was arrested, tried and then crucified leading to his resurrection and the eventual spread of Christianity and the Gospel.

The betrayal of Jesus Christ by Judas Iscariot remains a significant event in Christian theology that emphasizes themes of forgiveness, redemption and the fulfillment of prophecies.

Also the betrayal of Jesus Christ occurred during the Last supper. It can be noted that Jesus did not retaliate against Judas. The motives for Judas betrayal includes disillusionment and money.

Later after the betrayal, Jesus Christ was arrested, tried and then crucified.

Also during the time that he was arrested, tried and then he was made to carry the cross to the crucifixion grounds. Although some of his disciples saw him carrying the cross and struggling they offered him no help. Jesus Christ was very weak, even some of the Roman soldiers asked Peter one of the disciples of Jesus Christ who was looking at Jesus by then: “Do you know this man.?”

Due to the fact that Peter the disciple was scared and afraid he denied that he does not know Jesus Christ at all.

Peter the disciple also commented that he had nothing to do with Jesus Christ at all.

The Roman soldiers out of ignorance accepted the fact that the disciple Peter did not know Jesus Christ at all.

Jesus Christ was made to carry the cross all by himself whilst struggling to the crucifixion grounds to be crucified and then killed.

The only sympathy one of the Roman soldiers offered him on the cross is by providing him water on the cross when he was crucified and then thirsty.

They tied a cup to a long string and pulled it to him on the cross to drink before he finally died.

Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross with two alleged thieves one of them was Barnabas.

Lastly after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross his crucifixion emphasized much about forgiveness, redemption and finally prophecy fulfillment. 

March 15, 2024 19:28

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