
One day it was a girl named Mia. Mia was home alone one day and there she saw. It was a magical portal. Mia wanted to go in the portal.But Mia was doubting about going into the magical portal because she thought it would take her somewhere bad. Mia was so curious so she walked in. When she walked in she was spinning around and only saw purple and blue. Then she fell out of the magical portal and saw a sign that said ´Candy Town. She was confused when she first got there.Mia had noticed that there was candy everywhere. Mia went to go ask for help when she met a girl named Kira. But when Mia looked back the magical portal was gone. Kira gave Mia a tour of the town and invited Mia to stay with her. Since Mia has nowhere to stay she yes and took the bus to the store and the library. Kira told Mia her address so she can meet her there. When Mia went to the library she bought a book all about Candy Town. When Mia went to the store she got a 300 page journal so she can write about her experiences at Candy Town. When she got back to Kira's house she asked how the people in town were. Kira said "Most of the people in town are nice, and some are grumpy. Kira then went to sleep while Mia stayed up to write in her journal. Mia then went to sleep. Mia got up to the smell of unicorn eggs. When Mia grabbed her plate Kira asked Mia "How old are you?" Mia said "I'm 16." Kira told Mia "Oh ok me too, I was just trying to see if you can go to high school." Mia then asked why. Kira said " The age to get out of high school in Candy Town is 16, so when you leave high school you become an adult. Mia said "Oh ok let's go to the mall". The girls went to the mall and got a lot of clothes. When Mia looked back she saw the portal. The portal whispered "Hurry back you don't like it here!" Mia then thought " Should I go back now?" Mia shook her no and watched the magical portal close. Mia thought"Well I guess I'm stuck here". Mia kept walking when she got to Kira she asked "Do you have a job?" Kira said "Yep I do, they pay 10,000 dollars a month." Mia asked"What job do you work for?" Kira said "I work at the taffy factory,I think you'll like it." Mia said" I sure will I love taffy. The next morning they went to Kira's job. Mia really liked the job and started working there. In two months Mia made 20,000 dollars and found a house on sale for 12,000 dollars. Mia bought the house. Kira wasn't sad that she moved out because Mia's house was right beside Kira's house. The house was two story house with 4 bedrooms and a pool. Mia found out when you live in Candy Town for a few months you get powers. Mia got the power to fly. Kira got the power to teleport. Kira was so excited she teleported to Mia's house and told her the power she got. Mia said "Oh ok Cool". The girls then went to work. When they got off of work they went to a fancy restaurant called Unicorn Garden. After they ate they were so full. When they went outside Kira asked "Do you want to be bestfriends"? Mia started jumping around because she has never had a best friend before. Mia said yes and they went home to have a sleepover. When they was was watching a movie Mia heard what Kira was thinking. Right before Mia was about to tell Kira. The magical portal came back. Kira and Mia looked back and saw 3 tall people standing in front of the portal with swords. The 3 tall people took Mia and Kira back to Mia's house.Mia and Kira have to live the life that Mia lives. Mia told Kira all about how they leave school at age 18. Kira said okay but when they went to school Kira noticed that Mia had no friends. When they walked down the hallway people was calling her name's and making fun of her. Mia had ran home and told Kira to call the school and say she is sick. Kira told Mia that she is better than everyone in the whole school and to remember that her powers never did go away. The next week when they went back to school they didn't have any problems anymore. The girls made straight A's in school and was on the volleyball team. When school ended they found away to open the portal back. When they went back inside the portal but they knew that they had to hide so when the got to Candy Land they got their 1 million dollars from their bank account. Then they bought a plane ticket to a city called Pizza Land where every thing is shaped like a pizza.When they got there they built an underground pizza house. They left the pizza house in year 2025 and went back to Candy Town and moved back into their house. Everyone was so excited to see them again. They went back to their job and got an 5 story mansion. Then Mia told Kira about her powers to read minds. Kira was so happy because she could know if some people is planning something bad and Mia could stop it. Then a few days later Kira got her second powers which was mind control. When Kira told Mia they vowed to never use their powers for bad. Kira and Mia built houses,schools,hangout areas,and gave everyone new clothes. Mia became president of Candy Town and Kira became the vice president. The girls lived happily every after. "So Mommy that's the story of Grandma Mia and Grandma Kira" said Nyia. "Yep it sure is, you are brave and courageous just like them"said Lia. "Oh they're here!" said Nyia. "Oh how you doing our sweet little grandbaby" said Grandma Mia and Grandma Kira.

April 19, 2020 19:22

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Sue Marsh
00:16 Apr 30, 2020

It is a cute story, and I did enjoy it however there is a lot of rambling in the first part of your story. The dialogue needs work.


Kierra Hodges
00:40 Apr 30, 2020

Thank you! This is my first contest I've ever entered. Also I will work on that, thanks for your critique!


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Ruby Macann
22:14 Apr 26, 2020

I really like your story! It's fun and I've always wanted to go to Candyland. I also love the end part where the granddaughter is being told the story of them.


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17:27 May 26, 2023

i like it


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