The Blood Moon Ball

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Fantasy LGBTQ+ Drama

The Blood Moon Ball

by Phoebe


this is a episode from a long series of books I’ve written, if it seems like it should be in the middle of a series, it should. I took a script that I had written and turned it into a short story. I wrote this and edited this and the script in one week and then I chose one to put in the contest.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

I wake up to Piper shaking me back and forth, I rub my eyes and roll out of bed. “Piper! It’s 5 in the morning, why are you awake?!” I groan at her.

“Because we need to get ready for the party! And no it’s not 5:00 it’s 6:09!” Her glasses bounce on her nose as she explains my apparent stupidity. 

“What party?” 

“The blood moon ball of course! How clueless are you?” 

Suddenly Elodie bursts into the room. “Guys! Get up! We need to get ready for the ball! Oh, i’m so excited!”

“That’s what I was-” Piper starts to say.

“I’m not gonna hear it! Come on we need to figure out what we’re wearing!” Elodie commands, cutting her off.

I sigh and stand up, Piper does the same. We all go into Darbie and Elodies room to get ready. Darbie is sprawled out on the bed and rolls over when we come in.

“Come on guys the blood moon ball is so rare! Only on blood moons!” Piper says dreamily.

Light grey sparks dance around Elodie as she makes herself a dress. She ends up with a dark green silky dress that sparkles with her magic. Her hair is pulled up in the back. Piper’s golden magic sparkles engulfs her and she gets a magnificent black turtleneck dress, hair in a bun, and golden eyeshadow. Darbie simply finds a dress from the ginormous wardrobe Elodie has for some reason, puts it on, and then lights the thing on fire. I make my water magic form a dress around me. (Salt water so you can’t see through, although personality prefer fresh water.)

The rest of the day we continue getting ready.

I try to have fun, but I can’t. I can feel my powers slowly draining. By 10:00 at night I can barely walk. 

“Fiona what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Piper asks me,

“I’m fine.” I don’t want to worry her and make her not enjoy tonight. 

At 11:00 I collapse and can’t get up. The most I can do is breathe and concentrate on keeping my heart beating. This has become a habit for me usually but tonight it is quite the challenge. (Obviously.) Piper drops to her knees “Fiona! I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong!” 

“I’m losing my magic Piper!” I whisper. (I always like to have quit the dramatic flair.

“Of course!” Piper breaths. “Everyone loses their magic during the blood moon. For witches, it’s like a weight being lifted. But if a spirit stays out during a blood moon then the spirit will die. Spirits travel to a special void during the blood moon. You, I’m guessing, are more like a spirit than a witch and you use your magic to save alive. Therefore if your magic disappears then you will die. Do you know any spirits that might help you out?”

“Emily,” I nearly choke on the words and Piper looks like I just suggested that we all jump off a cliff. Then a thought comes to me. “What about Scarlet?”

“Scarlet’s not a spirit!” Piper tells me.

“I know she’s not a spirit, but she got magic from one”

“She’ll be fine. She’s more human than anything else, so the magic… or not magic won’t bother her.” Piper looks into my eyes. “What we do need to worry about is how to find Emily.”


Great just great! Now we need to get Emily to help us. Great!

Emily used to be my familiar, but I let her free to become a water spirit, Fiona just happened to fall into the lake where the spirit was (Emily) and her heart stopped, Emily saved her by forcing water magic into her. Fiona uses her water magic to keep her heart beating and her blood flowing. Or not blood but water because there is no blood in her veins just water. later Emily helped Elodie to kidnap Peter although she ended up saving everyone in the end. Later Emily was also the one who abandoned Fiona when Fiona lost her memorizes. It’s kinda up and down with her so you Never know if she will help or harm.


“Hello fellow earthlings!” I call out to the two female teenage humans who are currently looking upset. 

“Emily?” asks Piper 


“We were just looking for you!” 

“No you weren’t. Fiona’s not looking at anything right now and you are sitting next to her, doing nothing.”

“Wha?! What do you mean she’s not looking at anything?” 

“She’s sleeping Piper, you know that thing that some humans do”


“Fionaissickorsomthingshe’slosinghermagicsoifyoudon’ttakeherwithyoushewilldieandthatwouldbesadandshewoulddieandIwouldcrysopleasehelpus!” I say in a rush of words 

“What?” Emily asks

“Fioa is sick or something she's losing her magic so if you don’t take her with you she will die and that would be sad because she would die and I would cry so please help us,” I say, slower this time 

“Whoa okay okay! I’ll take her with me into the void”

“You will?” 

“Yes of course! For a price of course”

“What do you want?” I ask, I would pay anything for Fiona, anything!

“Hmmm, how about whenever I need help you help me, no backing out ok?” 

“Yes! Anything!” I shout, Emily’s weakening already .

“Good,” she says and both Emily and Fiona disappear… 

Epilogue, Fiona

I wake up to Piper kissing me, I kiss her back then sit up. “That was the worst blood moon ever.” I declare 

“Definitely.” Piper replies  

“There’s a prom coming up, want to go together?” I ask  

Piper smiles. “Definitely!” 

May 12, 2021 14:17

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17:24 May 17, 2021

This was a really good story, I liked your world building and characters. I do have two critiques though, you have very minor grammar and spelling errors throughout the story and it made it hard at times to focus on the plot. The second one is, at times plot progression feels rushed and catering towards the reader rather than the characters. Other than that you did a really good job, keep up the good work!


Phoebe Cummings
18:47 May 17, 2021

Thanks for the feedback!


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Phoebe Cummings
18:47 May 17, 2021

Thanks for the feedback!


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Phoebe Cummings
18:47 May 17, 2021

Thanks for the feedback!


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