My story is entitled: The soothsayer Joshua is someone who can be observed as always looking toward the future.

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Write about someone who is always looking toward the future.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Mystery Suspense

My story is entitled the soothsayer Joshua is someone who can be observed as always looking toward the future.

The soothsayer Joshua is someone who can always foretell the future. Again, a fortune teller is also known as a soothsayer. The soothsayer Joshua claims to be able to predict the future. Also, long ago, a soothsayer might have been considered a useful consultant, even for the government, but at today soothsayers are more likely to be scoffed at entirely.

Again, soothsaying is the act of foretelling events. The prediction, prophecy is the act of soothsaying. The soothsayer or the fortune teller seeks to warn people to beware of the future. A soothsayer is a person supposed to be able to foresee the future. Others also claim that the soothsayer is a person who predicts the future by magical, intuitive or more rational means.

The soothsayer Joshua was considered important in this story because they were a class of Ancient Roman Priests. They were also called haruspex who were trained at all times to practice haruspicy.

The soothsayer can possibly read the guts of sacrificed animals to predict their future. Almost all soothsayers including Joshua at State fairs tells you, you will soon meet someone tall dark and also handsome. The old soothsayer Joshua has always been around a very long time cursed with premonitions. He usually keeps them to himself because his entire dreams came true no matter how much warning he seem to offer. But also, sometimes a dream is too important to ignore.

Also, in this story it was the soothsayer who foresees into the future that the invincible man was going to die and will rise up on the third day to help mankind. Also, history has it that most inventions in our world was by the help of the invincible man. The knowledge of the invincible man was considered unique by the soothsayer.

The soothsayer can not raise the dead but can easily foresee the future and tell you your destiny in life. In some traditions, it is only the soothsayer that helps in marriage of couples and since he foresees their future before the marriage itself. 

Others also claim that it is only the soothsayer who can tell and foresee the destiny of each and every one of the community. The soothsayer Joshua had dyed hair bright yellow. He held a black cat in his arm and often than not snuggled it. The cat was called Shadow.

Where the soothsayer Joshua lived everything screamed nature. The soothsayer Joshua seems to shine at all times. It is only the soothsayer who can predict the age and destiny that one will possibly live on this earth till eternity.

The soothsayer, Joshua is well noted as someone who can be observed as always looking toward the future. The soothsayer is always expected to give a prophecy of a bright future in expectations of what will happen in the near future. It is only the soothsayer who seems to cultivate the habit of foretelling and prophesying about the future. The soothsayer Joshua in the aspect academic circles is considered wise because of the manner and means by which he looks into the future is termed mostly as magical and a thought provoking issue.

In some communities and other neighbourhoods, it is always the soothsayer or the Fortune teller who helps to solve problems of disputes arising on our land between friends and some other relatives.

In addition, the soothsayer Joshua is the only man who can assist in solving problems. As the story indicates it is only the soothsayer like Joshua who can easily look into the future.

It is only the soothsayer who can easily look into the future and foretell the destiny of all individuals. Some soothsayers unlike Joshua can easily foresee the destiny of individuals within the community and charge small sums of money for services rendered. Also, through such means of foreseeing the future, it is only the soothsayer Joshua who can easily gather courage and close his eyes to tell one’s destiny.

The soothsayer Joshua does his work mainly in the evening when the weather is cool. Other times also due to harsh weather conditions he does his work early in the morning to earn for himself some money in order to fend for himself. Again, the measure of wealth of individuals is also done mainly by the soothsayer who can easily help individuals to win lotteries in the form of cash and also excel in life within the community.

The life of the soothsayer can be observed as one who has and cultivates good manners in all his business endeavours. It is the soothsayer who sometimes helps the country and the community as a whole in gaining foreign exchange for the country. This is because the soothsayer receives customers from overseas who render his services often and pay some money for them to be told their destiny and things which will happen and occur in the near future.

There are instances that the soothsayer keeps on meditating in order to receive a good omen about the near future, as to be precise a bright future. Again, the soothsayer also helps the Police and other soldiers who go on the battle field to know their destiny and what will happen in the near future before the war.

Also, it is noted that it is only the soothsayer who is considered as a visionary leader at all times and can help in assisting individuals to excel in life.

A soothsayer may look into the future and then contemplate and anticipate about their future. The soothsayer Joshua also known as a fortune teller is someone who can easily look into the future and by some means contemplate and then anticipate about the future.

The soothsayer Joshua is also one of the fortune tellers who looks towards the future that by some means it will possibly be bright. Again, the soothsayer Joshua is also one of the fortune tellers who looks toward the future in expectation of a bright future and what will possibly happen to the inhabitants of the community.

As noted by some others it is always the soothsayer Joshua who happens to be a fortune teller as observed to be wise and foresees and tells of what will happen actually in the near future.

Again, the crux of the matter is that man cannot actually know his true identity or destiny unless it is revealed either by the fortune teller or the soothsayer Joshua.

In addition, through experimentation, the soothsayer can easily foresee and look towards the future to see one’s destiny in life and their bright future. The soothsayer Joshua or the fortune teller helps in discerning the true identity and destiny of individuals who actually seek him. As noted, the soothsayer goes through a remarkable survival stints in his effort to find out the true identity and the destiny of individuals within a community.

Finally, an example of a soothsayer apart from Joshua who can easily foresee the future and tell individuals their destiny in life is Carte Blanche. Carte Blanche is another online soothsayer or fortune teller who can be observed as always looking into the future to tell one’s destiny in life.

April 16, 2021 19:21

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