
“Aaaaaaaa…” yawning loudly by taking the advantage that I’m the only person in the house, I stood up and stretched all my limbs after a long period of working on the couch which numbed almost all of my body parts.

Scratching my head very inelegantly, I moved to kitchen to drink a few sips of cool water from the bottle that stayed in my refrigerator. That is when I found it weird that the house sounded abnormally silent.

Trudging back towards my couch I suddenly saw something I never saw in my house before - a mousehole.

This must be a dream. I rubbed my eyes as hard as I can to see clearly once again to find the same mousehole without vanishing in front of my eyes. When and how did something like this appear in my house without me knowing?

Wait! That is not the only point here. If there is a mousehole then does that mean, there is a mouse in my home. And it is living here without my permission?

“Chocolate” I yelled as loudly as I can and there was actually no reply from that stupid cat of mine. I don’t understand why I am even raising that stupid thing when I can’t even avoid a mouse from staying in MY HOME.

My mother just dumped a little kitten in my arms quoting that I won’t be “lonely” with its presence. What I know is just that it does not remove my loneliness but instead tries its best to disturb me from working.

And now, when I actually want it to appear in front of me it is nowhere to be found. I am just wasting my milk in a trash can.

I looked at the mousehole in front of me once again and poked my toe in it to see if there is anything on the other side. I suddenly felt as if I was dragged by something and released suddenly making my head dizzy for a few seconds.

Am I just taken in by a UFO? No that’s not what happened. I raised my head to scan my surroundings to find I was in my lawn in the middle of grass and in front of me stood my wall and a very large mousehole.

No. Something is different. The mousehole is not large, I am smaller in size instead. What on earth is going on here?

Maybe I should go inside once again. As I took a step to the front, I heard heavy running and suddenly I was pushed aside, and my head was dizzy once again. Should I scan my brain at the hospital once? Why do I feel that I am always dizzy?

Once again, I reminded myself that I was off topic and stood up to see a pair of blue eyes glaring at me with a growl from above me.

“Chocolate,” I shouted to gain its attention which was already on me or to make him realize it is actually me and not some mouse for it to eat.


Wait, is that what that stupid cat is thinking I am?

Is that why it is looking at me like a predator and I am its prey?

What? No no no no no. This is not happening to me now, right? There is no way on earth my own pet is going to feed on me, right?

Looking at its glaring eyes all my questions were answered and there was only one solution in my head and shouted to me, “RUN”.

And that’s what I did. Run as fast as I can. Run as far as I can.

I ran towards my patio and clung myself onto the tablecloth and climbed using it onto the table and ran forward and once looked at my back for a second. That cat just jumped up with a single step like it’s a piece of cake.

When did this cat become this agile? I always saw it shouting at me or lazing around but never saw it running. Okay, looks like it can run but I need to run too. I ran once again and jumped from the top of the table and landed on the soft grass.

My mom did at least something good by making my lawn beautiful with grass. Otherwise now I would have broken all my limbs.

After running for a while, I found a corner to hide and breathed as much as I can.

I slowly looked around to see the mousehole in a distance. I need to enter it again at all costs to regain my size. When did this hole come here torturing me like this? I hate fantasy even in the movies. How can I like it happening to me? Why should there be such a stupid portal in my sweet home.

Looking around, it looks like my route is clear. So, I started running towards that hole. As I was running, I heard a weird sound from beside. As I looked at my side, I saw a mouse running alongside me.

“Aaaaaaaaa” I shouted and ran as fast I can, trying my best to avoid it.

What will this thing do to me if it catches me? No, no. I don’t want to think about that. I don’t even want to be in that situation. So, all I can do is to just run and that’s what I did too.

As I was nearing the hole, the mouse was nearing me too. Can I reach the hole or will that rat take a bite of me? There was horror written all over my face as I screamed my best to gain some more speed.

Suddenly I stumbled over a small stone and fell down and the rat took that chance to catch me. As I lost all my hope to survive, I caught a glimpse of white fur and its blue eyes. It caught the rat that was half a inch away from me and took it away.

As I saw Chocolate taking the rat away, I saw a tinge of love from its eyes and my eyes twitched.

My stupid cat actually recognised me and came to my rescue.

There is wetness all over my face and I slowly turned away to run into the mousehole.

As soon as I entered it again, I felt someone pulling me and my legs gave away as I ran with inertia to the front and fell down with a soft landing.

As I open my eyes, I was lying on my couch and Chocolate was laying lazily on my stomach and snuggled into my flesh. I touched my face to feel the wetness from earlier and when the cat looked at me, I saw the love from it too.

 I removed the cat from above me and ran to see the mousehole only to find it absent there. I scratched my head as I was unclear if all this was reality or a dream.

But what I am sure is that me feeding my cat is not a waste into my trash can. At least it gives me its love.

What I want to know is that if all this is a dream, should I consider it a dream or a nightmare?????

April 25, 2020 03:39

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