Adventure American Black

“I’m telling you, this isn’t right. What do you mean I have to file an 18-1B? And then wait in another line?” I ran my fingers through my hair.

“Sorry, sir. That’s the policy.” She played with the pearls that she wore around her neck.

“Policy? Are you kidding me?” I pushed my finger and thumb across my moustache.

“Do I look like I’m kidding you?” Her eyes bugged out, and she recoiled her neck. 

“No reason to get testy.” I straightened out my tie. 

“Testy? You think I’m being testy? No, sir.” She sat upright in her chair.

“I beg your pardon." I looked at her in disbelief.

“This is being testy.” She slammed the window and put out the closed for lunch sign even though it was only 15 minutes past ten am.”

As I stared at the office window with the sign hanging there, I threw my hand into the air and then slapped my leg. Now what was I going to do? I took a deep breath and knocked on the window. 

“Excuse me, hello? I know you’re in there. I know you can hear me.” I stood by the window and waited. I told myself I would wait however long it took to get that woman to open that window. After a few minutes, I told myself. Think. Think hard. What did her name tag say? Was it Trish? Was it Trudy? No. Wait. It must’ve been Trianne. That was it. 

“Trianne, please. Open up, won’t you? It seems we’ve gotten off to a rough start.” I spoke in the best voice I could use. Then I waited. After ten minutes, I knew she wasn’t going to open up, so I left to get a bit of lunch too. The other people in line mumbled and grumbled and moaned and then left. 

I came back to the window before I thought it would open up. This time I had a coffee black and a tea black and a bottle of water in my back pocket. I thought I was prepared for Trianne this time. 

The window opened. She saw it was me. She let out a sigh. 

“How can I help you today, sir?” It appeared as though she left the past behind and was ready to deal with me like I was a new client. 

“Hi, Trianne. How are you today?”

“Fine. And you, sir?” Her hair was down and curly. 

“I’m here because I require a license for my new dog,” I said. 

“No problem. You’ll have to go to the office down the hall. They’ll be on lunch by this time. And get a number from them. Then you’ll have to return here. I’ll provide the rest of your information then when you return with your new number. Thank you.” 

“I have to go to another office? I don’t understand. I was told by that office to come here. That I didn’t need a number from them to get a new dog license and tag from you.” 

“Yes, I’ve heard they say that, but that’s not quite accurate. You’ll have to go and see them again. Tell them I sent you and then ask them for your number.” 

“Would you care for a coffee, tea, or water?” I asked her.

“Sure. I’d love a tea. Thanks. But we’re not allowed to take anything from members of the public since that wouldn’t look right to other people in line who see me take it and then help you with your request.” She grinned at me. “Understand?” She put her hands up in the air. 

“No problem. No problem. Thanks. I’ll get to that office now then. Thank you, Trianne. You’ve been more than helpful.” I smiled at her and left the tea in front of the window with the cream, milk, and sugar packets. Then I moved toward the office window down the hall. 

I stood in that line for 15 minutes until I got up to the window, and they informed me that I was the last client before they closed for lunch. I smiled and explained my situation. I saw a woman in the background moving around from desk to desk, but I didn’t pay much more attention to her than that. 

"Sorry, sir, but that person who informed you of that is incorrect. You do not need a number from us to get a dog license from them. They are the only issuing office in this building, and you pay for the license there too.”

I must’ve had a puzzled and pissed-off look on my face because the woman who moved from desk to desk interjected before I could walk away and said, “Excuse me, sir, would you mind coming in here and speaking with me for a minute, please?”

I looked at her and past the worker at the counter and said, “Sure, no problem.” 

“Great,” she smiled. “Just wait. Right there.” 

A door on the side of the office opened up, and the woman stepped out and revealed herself to me. She smiled and put her hand out toward the door. 

“This way, please, sir.” 

I nodded and stepped inside the office. I looked around and saw the two offices were connected. That the workers could see one another and that Trianne was busy at her desk and didn’t notice I was inside looking at her. 

“We’ll go into my office and talk,” the woman said. I realized she must’ve been a supervisor when she said office. 

“Thank you. I appreciate your time,” I said. “I know your time is valuable.” 

“I’m sure yours is too. Right?” 

I nodded. “Yes, it is.” 

“So, you met Trianne?”

“Yes. I did. We didn’t hit it off that well. She’s been difficult to deal with, but not as bad as some,” I said. I looked around her office and saw that she had pictures of cats and dogs and one person. A man. She wore a beautiful dress, and her nails and makeup were impeccable. 

“Listen, honey. It’s not you. She doesn’t like dogs. So she plays this game with dog owners until they get so frustrated they don’t get a license. But nobody will file a complaint because Trianne is married to the chief of police. He also works in this building. It’s impossible to fire her because of that issue. So she does what she wants with whomever she wants.” 

“As a supervisor, can you skate around her and obtain a license for me?” I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but I understood her predicament. “It sounds like filing a complaint won’t do anyone any good anyway.”

“The short answer is yes, I can do that for you. The long answer is that I’ll have to wait until she goes out for lunch or leaves the office. You shouldn’t have to wait for that. I’ll have to take your phone number and call you when I get the license completed for you.” 

“That would be great. Thank you.” I smiled at her, and I got up to leave. I shook her hand and left her office. She walked me out. We both noticed that Trianne wasn’t at her desk. 

“Hang on, I’ll do it now.” 

“Great, I’ll wait outside.” 

“No, you should wait inside my office. I’ll be right back.” As I waited in her office, I noticed that she had the same last name as Trianne. I pondered whether this was a prank they were playing on me.

She returned to her office and gave me a tag. She told me that the tag was already on Trianne’s desk and that it was marked paid. 

I stood up. Surprised and said, “Thank you.” 

I left the office frustrated and pissed off. I passed Trianne on my way out of the building, and she said, “I’ll see you later; have a nice day, sir.” My anger and frustration reached their peak. I walked out in silence. Rather than saying a word. 

January 27, 2025 04:34

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Tommy Goround
23:42 Feb 12, 2025

hahaha. Clapping.


Luigi Conte
04:38 Feb 14, 2025

Hi Tommy, I am so glad you laughed. Thank you also for clapping.


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Dannie Olguin
22:26 Feb 06, 2025

Whoof, I hate going to government offices. It always seems like they're overworked, overwhelmed, cranky, and nit-picky. In fact, I was just feeling similarly to your MC yesterday as I tried to navigate some questions with my health insurance. Certainly a little slice of life! I would have loved to see something a bit more climactic at the end, though. Perhaps he decides to be the one to file a complaint? After all, he has his dog license and tag and there's nothing illegal about filing a complaint, even against the police chief's wife. Or p...


Luigi Conte
00:52 Feb 08, 2025

Dannie, points taken. It is a black story because it is about a black character trying to get a dog license. Trianne and the rest may be Black aslo. Not relevant to the story, though. I like the idea about an annoying sip of tea. Nice. Thank you for reading and letting me know your thoughts.


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Kim Olson
00:07 Feb 06, 2025

I liked your tale of bureaucracy. I could feel the main character's mounting frustration. The ending, to me, felt a bit anticlimactic. You seemed to be building towards something, but the situation was resolved rather abruptly. I also wondered about the relationship between the two women coworkers with the same last name. Wife 1 and 2 of the chief of police?


Tommy Goround
23:44 Feb 12, 2025

@kim, I hadn't seen that angle. Nice. (Both women were wives of Police). I figured they were sisters of sorts. I suppose that would make the Manager the Sister-in-law of the Chief of Police.


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