Creative Nonfiction Drama Funny

The form from my twenty-fifth high school reunion you ask why I am feeling on out? If you knew me in high school you would be wondering why. I'm trying to figure it out as I go along. I just start with my name , Piper Andrews. Who is Piper Andrews you might ask the invisible girl that survived all four years of high school. I don't think don't think nobody ever noticed me in less they was making fun of me. I think it was easy to make fun of an red head with braces, lots of freckles. I was what you called the ugly duckling in highschool, and an hot mess. I like to think I'm feeling this form out because my looks has changed 🤷. I'm not so ugly any more I have changed a lot but pretty sure I'm still an hot mess. I got a really great job though so to show that off maybe. 🤷 I work at a big time editing company, I'm pretty good at what I do. I love my job and my looks but that's all I have to show for no kids of my own. I got to caught up with work to try and find an relationship. So you ask why an single middle aged woman wants to go to her highschool reunion. I'm desperate I heard Jared Dobbers just got divorced, and he was hot in highschool and I heard he was going. I might finally have a chance with him. We been chatting with him on Facebook he said if I went we could hook up. I never thought I would go back to the small town of Chesterville, but Jared has gave me motivation. I only have pictures of him to go by I haven't seen him since highschool, but based on his Facebook he looks the same. He still has a head full of hair brown hair, and wavy as ever. Beautiful green eyes you ever seen. He was the captain of the football team who married the homecoming queen 👑. Cheryl Dobbers, but in highschool she was called Cheryl , Brison. She got everything in highschool,and got everything in her divorce too. Jared told me she took everything. He only sees the kids on the weekends. I hate they didn't work out, I'm always wishing the best for everyone. I have always been like that. When I was little I won a race do to an little girl falling down all I could do is ask her how she was doing. I had to make sure that girl was okay before I could enjoy the win. I also couldn't enjoy this relationship with Jared until I knew Cheryl was happy. I stalked her Facebook page turns out she is happy in a relationship with her pool boy. I think also her gardner. I see why they get divorced poor Jared. I believe he needs this hook up more than I do. I think we both could use a win. I have never been laid ,and the sounds of it he hasn't in a while. He said he should of seen it coming , Cheryl always not wanting to be intimate with him ,and now he knew. He took over his dad's car lot so he's been successful so has to be another reason for Cheryl to cheat. I guess she maybe bored I don't know wasn't my business , either way I now have a chance. I booked my flight so never turning back. I will step into Chesterville for the first time in a long time. I almost didn't make it not on purpose though. For starters my alarm didn't go off, I had to leave in my PJs, and slippers. I was lucky my parents picked me up even though Jared asked I'm glad I turned it down. I didn't want him to see me in PJs for the first time. The first time I would ever seen him since highschool, so my first time with my little kitty PJs would be a bad first impression. I didn't even want my parents seeing me in these embarrassing PJs but I had none clean so I bought some last night the first ones I seen. I just grabbed them around the corner drug store, I had a late night at work so did have time doing laundry. I don't think my parents cared though they was just glad to see me I'm a bad daughter I don't visit as much as I should. I know they miss me they kept my room the same bright pink and backstreet boys posters all around my room a typical 90s teenage girls room. I know I and Jared not coming back here after our date I know that would be embarrassing. I'm not sure where our date will end up he's staying with his parents too. I believe a Motel maybe. I can't believe I'm going out on a date with Jared. I was excited until he picked me up and he catfishes me he Jared alright but two, hundred pounds heavier. I still gave him a chance though so what he is over weight and has been using old profile pictures and not updated any new ones. I know this sounds shallow but I can see why Cheryl cheated , he's pretty sloppy he has food all over his face. He a slob I felt like I wasted my time coming back here. I am still going to the highschool reunion but not with him , not only he's a slob but he's a jerk. He was so nice on the phone ,and messenger , so I don't get it. I ended the date early so back alone in my own bedroom and I'm okay with it. I shown up at the highschool reunion alone and no one remembered me but the change of my looks they all wanted to get to know me. I even got caught with my only friend I had here ,a guy I should of been with all along. I don't know why I never thought of him before. Bailey he was my only friend in highschool I never thought of him like that. He was an ugly duckling like me but turned into a beauty. I and Bailey had each other back in highschool we both came back for each highschool crush but his didn't turn out how he wanted either, Grace just using him to be on TV. Bailey has his own morning show the Bailey show, she didn't even remember him. I and Bailey showed up alone but end up getting back in touch. I know we have talked time to time but we really never really got back in touch ,and I feel bad for it. He said the same thing we even live in the same city and knew it sad to say. We always said hey how about a coffee but never did always busy. The highschool reunion reunited this time more then just friends this time. We just danced all night and ended back to my room. He has seen it before so I didn't think he cared. We talked all night and decided to fly home together and we stayed together ever since.

September 28, 2020 05:57

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