Sad Teens & Young Adult Thriller

1st April, 2021


Dear Diary,

 And today is the first day of April, and on this day the day of lies is celebrated, and honor is given to liars!

 As this strange adjective increases more and more, more and more people adopt this adjective in their personalities, someone once had the original day to honor it by creating a day especially dedicated to these creatures.

 But living too long in a world created and based on lies, can become dangerous and harmful, both for those who lie and for those who pretend to believe the lie, ending up being an accomplice from the moment they discover it and cover it up.

Some become liars when they are caught in the web of those perfect artists, and when they realize they are already completely wrapped up in a pestilent cocoon and scream for help, but it is too late because no one hears them anymore. Impossible ?!

 No, unfortunately they are more frequent situations than many of us can imagine.

 Nobody should say never, because the road to travel is long and during the same, we may be thirsty, and in the unexpected make a mistake.

 And what can distinguish a liar from a person who lied, in my opinion, is the courage to admit his lie instead of doing it as the perfect liar. that feeds on your lies, fattening them more and more. This could be what distinguishes a lie from a mistake, because no one is perfect that doesn't make them.

 The perfect liar is that artist who thinks that no one will ever discover his lies, and thus build his world based on them, and he is happy like that. And don't add ...lie?!

Whatever the type of relationship, from the moment there has been a serious lie, nothing will be the same as before. I already lost some supposed friends, precisely because there were serious and too dangerous lies, however after a period of change and reflection, I came to the conclusion that they were never true, and that they only wanted to implement the seed of discord in my world, in that that I built, because in the end they wanted to have just a little bit of the courage that I had and continue to have. And the last time I realized the existence of those that I didn't want to see that still existed in my life, it was precisely when I was fighting for my life, against a lymphoma, it was at that moment that the masks fell off completely. I could not immediately understand why, and how it was possible to know the situation and yet still advance against me with all their weapons of destruction, and it almost cost me my life.

 But everything has a reason and a reason for action…

So I decided to spend my day teaching kids the dangers of lying even if today makes it look totally cool and acceptable.

I've read lots of posts from my friends, lots of them pranking and lying with such ease that really made me want to puke away my intestines so I rather busy myself with this kids.

I've got lots of story books and posters warning kids against lying and cheating and I really hope my plans would work out well for me.

So I am going to write to you later and tell you all about my day. Dont miss me much. Good bye Diary!


1st April,2021

10:32 pm

Dear Diary,

Today was really busy and tiring. I couldn't locate the orphanage I wanted to visit and teach the kids about April Fool's Day on time. When I got there, I was already upset with myself for being so late and so unprepared but I guess that didn't prevent me from being an angel.

The kids were beautiful, cute and pretty lively. Their eyes were filled with love and happiness and I realized that such a simple act would really mean a lot to them

I really didn't think anyone would appreciate my effort but I was totally wrong. The teachers over there loved my speech, my presentations and my approach. I didn't regret spending the first day of April with those kids.

There was this really pretty girl who asked if April Fool's Day could be stopped all over the world and I realized at that very moment that I had saved a little child from the ignorance of many. She understood what I needed everyone to understand, she realized there was a necessity to stop this ridiculous act. It was quite depressing when I couldn't give her my words to stop April Fool's Day but I really would do it if I got a wish from a genie.

I dont know if you agree with me that today is really a toxic day to the society. Can you think of it?

A day to celebrate pranksters, cheats and liars! A day everyone can make up any lie and wouldn't be judged for it. Its really disgusting to think about it, don't you think so?

The society needs to know what I know, they need to view today through my eyes and understand what I really understand. I dont mean to be boring and I know you don't think I am boring but we need to be frank about today.

I'm really happy about today and hopefully, I would always celebrate the first day of April this way. I would always try to do the opposite of what everyone is doing, I wouldn't ruin the whole day lying and pranking away time.

Diary, I don't know if you will understand me now but I hope you will someday. I can't wait for next year, another year to put smiles on the faces of little kids and everyone out there willing to listen to me.

I'm really exhausted and I need to get to bed. Tomorrow will hopefully be a great day for us. Have a good night sleep and I will definitely write tomorrow. Love You Diary!

P.S~ I'm proud of myself!


April 01, 2021 14:41

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23:18 Apr 06, 2021

hi! I saw Priya's comment down there, and I can see how the teaching to not lie thing would be a good deed, and it did make sense. The only thing would be that the text is a bit formal to be in a diary, since diaries are normally written when you're tired at the end of the day. Another thing is just, why was there a "..." after Anna at the bottom? Just wondering :) ~ Amethyst


Adanna Anita
08:31 Apr 07, 2021

That was a diary....the Anna is the diary writer.


00:24 Apr 08, 2021

Yes, I know, just my feedback was that it was a bit formal for diary entries :) Yeah, just why did you put the “dot dot dot”?


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<inactive> .
13:31 Apr 05, 2021

This was a questionable story…I don’t see the part where the main character does good deeds. There was a lot of talk about lying but most of it went over my head. The main character seemed really close minded... we didn’t even know why they hated April fools so much, they didn’t reveal their motive... after a re-read and closer look at the title, I think you definitely you have added more spice. Overall, this made me frown after reading and has the same energy of a homophobe teaching kids on pride days why LGBTQ+ is wrong. Please don’t take ...


Adanna Anita
17:50 Apr 05, 2021

Thanks for leaving your point of view but I think you should learn to be polite and encouraging.


<inactive> .
06:40 Apr 06, 2021

Likes are nice, but honest feedback is better. A false positive is worse than false negatives in some ways, even though they are preferred to false negatives. I’m going to get you a second opinion <3


Adanna Anita
08:34 Apr 06, 2021

We're down here. I love you keep your opinion to yourself


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