Adventure Fantasy Mystery

It was utterly preposterous, utterly stupid and totally unwise to make that decision. Even if Ella wanted to change her mind, she could not, but she could still feel the tingle through her fingers. 

As the cold, rough metal skimmed pasted her fingertips she knew it was a bad decision. Her hand trembled trying to stop her from going further. Yet there was no time to think, just to go. Putting her other hand on the first she used all her might to turn the knob. Inside the cogs clicked and jittered, waking to life after years of neglect. 

And with a mighty swing the door snapped at the edges. The vines crawling on the surface pulled at the root as it was opened. It took an extra shove and some will power to get the door open, her shoulder pressed against the wood, it finally budged. From the other side golden sparks flickered across the frame. It was finally open.

Lifting herself straight, Ella watched in amazement as the door disappeared leaving an archway in its place. It was odd to see lush green flora, it was a far cry from the flat sand she was used to. Then the smell hit her. Pine mixed with sweetness, vanilla perhaps? It entices her, making her stomach rumble.

She was tempted. Yet she knew nothing was nice in this horror filled land. She learnt her lesson the hard way. Rubbing the bruise on her hip from the fall, it was the first chalaged she faced which almost became her last.

Inspecting the area with her feet glued to the floor, only her head poked through the arch. On the left was a path. It wandered through trees and bushes to what looked like a stone block. On the right was a babbling, blue, brook. Seeing the precious clean water reminded Ella how dry her mouth was. 

There was no danger in sight. No winding labyrinth, no creatures lurking, not a puzzles in sight. Lifting herself she turned to the other door. It was a darker wood. No vines touched it, no type of foliage at all. It was bare from even moss and mud yet it leaked. Around the bottom was a pool of liquid. The stones around the door had strange symbols which Ella could not decode. She could open the door to see if it would let her. Yet her conscience gave a hint that it was for the best to leave it be.

In the moment she decided to stick with her first option and took her first step into the lush land. Ella instinctively closed her eyes and placed her hands on her bottom in case of another nasty fall. She shrivelled expecting the floor to swallow her whole. Yet she stayed perfectly still. 

Peeking through her lashes, found herself a meer step inside. The path and brook still present. Twisting around she expected the door to be looming in place as well, but It had been bricked up. The large fence containing the garden had continued over the door. Large tree-like hands held the stones in place. Flowers had started to sprout in the crevices, moss and vines held on top as an extra blanket of security.

Hobbling along to the brook Ella wasted no time taking a swig. Carelessly she lowered her hand to the water, flinging the blue goodness into her mouth. She repeated it thrice, letting herself soak. It cooled her throbbing head and soothed her thirst. Her hands thrashed like a dog, lapping up a drink after a day at the park. It took her a moment to realise she had split it all down her dress and a second more for the fear to kick in. 

Glaring at the now suspicious liquid, it's presence under her scrutiny. If it was poisoned she would die, if not it still felt tainted. 

She grew bored at the brook so took to the second path. Closer and closer the stone block approached. Soon it's shape formed. It was a vast structure, similar to a castle without doors or windows. She passed through a tunnel to get inside. The walls intricately decorated with swirls and flowers. On the bottom of the walls was a depiction of small creatures. Ella saw one of these at the start of her journey. It was hunched over, gawking at her from the side. Its short stubby face and strange beady eyes made it a menace in her mind. 

The tunnel finally stopped, opening up to the true garden. It was full to the brim with a maze. In the section flowers sat inside, others had stone statues. Ella had never seen something like this. The bushes a bright lime that contrasted with the deep maroon red of the roses. In the furthest corners were white, orange and yellow roses. They swayed in the wind, water trickled down the petals as the gardener watered the plants. 

They had their back turned, busy whistling away as they gave the flowers a drink. 

"Excuse me" Ella lifted a hand, calling to the man, when he did not turn she tried again but louder "Excuse me, sir!" 

And again, she was ignored. Walking to him she stepped on a rouge flower bud. The gardener had left his basket at the entrance to the shrub maze. It was brimmed full with seeds. 

"Do you like destroying poor flowers?" Finally she was acknowledged. The man stood to his full high of four inches and a bit. His face wrinkled at the cheeks, moving his brows to a scowl. "Where did you come from?" After giving her a once over the man had turned back to his flowers, bumbling around with ease. 

Completely puzzled, Ella thought of an answer but none came to mind. 

"Which was the first path you took?" He spoke for her, edging her to the correct answer. 

"The red path, I think" 

"You think?" Finishing up his plants he gave her a nod. "The first room you see, turn to the left"

Again Ella was puzzled. There were no rooms in front of her, only the maze. Her eyes snapped to the bushes, it's design seemed vaguely familiar. She did as the man said and continued on the path left. There were two options, a bright path and a dark path. 

"You came through the garden doors, correct?" 

Ella gave a nod he couldn't see. She wandered forward and ended up in a rose patch. It was a bright white, different from the others. These roses didn't make it past the bush walls, hiding in the shadows. At the edge of the room there was a long fountain leading around the maze like a moat. She had all she needed, she had a map. Patting her pockets she searched for her notebook but found it missing- when she fell down the whole it must have slipped out lost forever. Now all Ella had was her mind, faulty as it may be, it was her only chance to get out of here. 

The gardener shimmied himself over, pointing down to the maze “This door takes you to the back and this door leads to the catacombs” 

Ella gave a sigh. She was sick of the fifty/fifty but found solace in the fact there could be worse puzzles out there.  From her view she could see a room with a chess pattern floor and another filled with thick plants. Her path was the easy road, so she kept her complaints to herself. The gardener showed her the way forward but gave no advice to how the Labyrinth worked. He suggested there was no method to the madness giving a ‘it reacts to your actions’ 

Taking in the maze one more time she took a mental note. Repeating the directions over and over, Ella felt ready. She stepped out, stretching her legs. Ella hoped that she would continue on the forest path as she hated the sand. The gardener told her the directions again, giving a once over. His frown made it clear he had no faith in her survival, but Ella did not care. Ella was going to give it her all and come out better and brighter. It crossed her mind that there could be others in the maze, perhaps just as lost as she was. Her eyes glued to the red roses. There was one less rose bush in the maze; it changed. Maybe there was one less parsipet-

May 27, 2021 20:50

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