
In a house, there lived a small pet, and this pet was a dog.

This dog always wanted to eat human foods, and live it's dreams. The dog's name was Sebastian. The dog's owners were both too busy cleaning to hang out with their dog, so the dog was just chilling on the floor, waiting for attention. This dog was about 2 years old. The owners love cleaning. Walls, floors, even the ceiling. This made Sebastian very interested.

Since Sebastian had no idea why the humans were cleaning, he decided to investigate. He found some cleaning supplies on the top bookshelf which made no sense, even for humans. Next Sebastian looked in the basement, which turned out not to be as scary as Sebastian thought it might be. Sebastian found even more odd cleaning supplies down there. Sebastian thought it looked like some machine broom. Of course! It was a vacuum, but Sebastian only knew that because the odd thing said “vacuum” on it.

Sebastian went to look at the stairs, then Sebastian found the oddest thing of all! It looked like some weird small vacuum. It was a small vacuum because the thing said “small vacuum” on it. “How odd is this?” Sebastian thought.

Later that day Sebastian found one of his owners talking on the phone. The owner said “Uh, Yes. I'm pretty sure that..” Suddenly, the talking stopped, and Sebastian went back to investigation.

Next, Sebastian found a weird box at the door. Sebastian had no clue what it was! Sebastian decided to investigate. The box said “Cleaningclue" on it. “Oh boy! It's here" said one of the owners.

Sebastian had know idea what that weird box was. Then Sebastian took one close look and went back inside the house.

This odd house had some other strange things that Sebastian was going to explore. Sebastian found his bowl of food, and he decided to take a nibble before exploring more of the cleaning supplies. Next he found a mop, he had no idea what it was until the owners said “I'm going to use the mop by the way."

Sebastian was still looking for more things to look at, for one second Sebastian thought all the supplies might be for Sebastian’s birthday, as he was turning 3 after all, or maybe it was new dog food that he hadn't tried before?  Sebastian couldn't wait to find out.

At nighttime Sebastian went to bed, It was a big day for Sebastian.

Later that night Sebastian woke up exited to see what that nock on the door was, he heard a someone walk in the house. He went to see who is was, he found it was just the owners coming back from buying more cleaning supplies.

Since Sebastian was awake already he decided to check out what the new supplies were. He slowly went down the stairs to see the new stuff, it looked awesome. The girl owner said “What are you doing awake? Let’s get you back in your dog bed", The male owner agreed. Later that night Sebastian woke up because he was hungry, He snacked on a treat then went back to bed.

Early in the morning Sebastian went to his owners room to wake them up for a special occasion. It was Sebastian’s 3rd birthday, The owners said “happy birthday Sebastian” to the happy dog. Sebastian kept wagging his tail like crazy, He couldn't wait for the day to start. First Sebastian got a awesome ham breakfast, He was so happy to eat it! Next he got a present, it was a ball! Sebastian knew he loved balls so I started chewing on it. The cleaning supplies was for his birthday! The family wanted his birthday to be clean. That was nice of the owners to do that. Usually they don’t pay much attention to him, But on his birthday we all know They would have have tons of birthday fun.

Next Sebastian found that the cleaning supplies turned out to be no cleaning supplies. It was treats! Lot's of yummy dog treats that Sebastian would be mouthwatering for them. And that’s why the owners bought it, Because they knew he loved them. They mopped the floor to make it clean for Sebastian’s birthday.

Then we all heard a nock on the door… It was Max! Sebastian’s best friend, And his owner seemed to also have a present for Sebastian in his hands. Sebastian couldn’t wait to see what it was, “Let the dog open it right now J” said The thoughtful owner of Max's. Max soon was playing ball with Sebastian which was fun for both of them. Then they opened up the next present, It was a Frisbee. Max and Sebastian didn’t exactly know what a Frisbee was. But when the owner of Max threw it they both were chasing after it! After they went outside to play even more Frisbee, Max always seemed to say “Go catch it” every time which makes no sense for a Dog.

Then it was time for Dog-food cake. The two dog friends were both Starving So they ate the cake until they were stuffed. The cake was so yummy it was “Liver cake". Well of course the humans wouldn't eat it but it sure was a treat for the two friends.

Then the found a whole bunch of birds, That made max and Sebastian bark. All 3 owners laughed, “What a funny day" Max’s owner said. Soon it was time for Max to go home, I'm sure he would remember what a great day they both had.

It was soon dinner time. Sebastian was happy to eat this delicious food. After dinner Sebastian watched his owners Play a board game, The game said chess on it so Sebastian knew it was called chess.

Then it was time for bed. Goodnight Sebastian, I had fun writing thisJ

This book was made by Joshie Seahorse

I hope you enjoyed reading my short story :D

I am going to make another one next week J

January 22, 2021 23:03

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Corey Melin
03:16 Jan 25, 2021

A very cute story of a dogs life. Well done and enjoyable to read. Keep up the writing


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Wake Lloire
22:08 Jan 23, 2021

I love how you really get into the small thoughts the dog was having, and how fixated he was on the cleaning supplies. The world of humans must be really strange to dogs. I love this take on it.


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