Funny Coming of Age

He looked down the dusty path ahead of him, a path he had been walking on for 10 years. Gravel Road was only 10 km long, and yet no one that had crossed ever returned. The reason for this mayhem, ‘The Brothers Right,’ The most stubborn twins on earth.

From the day they had been born, the brothers had argued about the most pointless things: The name of an ant, how a goldfish had died, who had seen a building first. The twins would never come up with a solution to their problems, in fact they still would fight today if they weren't a 10 kilometers apart. When the twins had turned 18 years old, they looked for a place they could rule. That place was Gravel Road, Mike owned the north side and Moe owned the south. Surely they couldn’t have any more arguments, could they?

It all happened one day when Mike was being stubborn as always. A man had just been walking along the path going north when he reached Mike's look-out. Mike, who loved nothing more but to start arguments called down to him. “Hey you! What do you think you're doing going north? There is nothing up north but citys filled with gangs, go back the way you came.” The man had replied, “But sir, I’m going to the market to sell my rugs,” Mike was not pleased. “Go back the way you came you filthy rug man!” He called down, and with that, he closed the exit, now you could only enter south and not go north. Little did he know, this was a start to war.

The poor man traveled back the way he’d come with a hanging head, soon he had reached the south exit. “Hey you!” Cried Moe, “Why are you back so soon?” The man had soon explained why and was about to pass when Moe blew up. “What? Are you telling me you want to go south? There is nothing back there, back small villages and junk, go back the way you came!” With that, he closed the exit. Now the man was trapped in the middle of Gravel Road with no chance of escaping.

Over the years more and more people joined Gravel Road, not knowing they were all walking into a trap. They stay alive on the food and water from newcomers' wagons and sleep under the stars. Each dream of the same thing at night, to be free.

Every day was the same for the trapped travelers, walking back and forth hoping to find a way out. Every day was the same for Mike and Moe, sending people back the way they had come. Every day was the same, until Moe put his foot down. “I want to win this argument, Mike must fall!” Moe came up with a plan to get rid of Mike. This argument could come to an end at last, much to the pleasure of everyone trapped on Gravel Road. Unfortunately the plan to get rid of Mike might be foiled…

Mike was sitting in his chair drinking a cup of coffee when he heard shouting coming towards him. He looked up, an angry mob was charging towards him. Moe had told the trapped travelers that if they all charged at Mike and ripped his tower down, not only would they be free but they would be paid money. The mob had listened to Moe and they were now charging at Mike. This was where Moe had made a mistake, Mike had more money.

It was 3:00 in the morning when Moe woke to the sound of shouting, he looked out the window and saw an angry mob charging towards him. The crowd were ready for revenge and money, Moe tried to think of what to do… He would give them money and goods. 

Mike grinned, Moe must have been destroyed because the crowd was charging at him… For pay? No. They wanted revenge, money and goods. Moe was overpowered though, Mike had bars of gold.

It had been a long day, Moe was getting ready to go to sleep. The moment his head hit the pillow he closed his eyes, and heard the mob coming back. They were after revenge, money, goods and gold bars. Moe thought fast, and soon the crowd were running back at Mike.

Mike wanted to scream when he saw the crowd running back at him, what did they want now? Revenge, money, goods, gold bars and movie tickets. That did it, Mike called down, “Hey do you want weapons to help rip down Moes tower?”

Of course, the crowd was now growing tired of running back and forth. So they came up with a plan, rip Moe’s tower down and take all of his goods and then rip Mike’s down too. The twins wouldn’t know what had hit them.

Moe opened his eyes to the sound of shouting, for the last time. The crowd was running at him for revenge, money, goods, gold bars, movie tickets, and weapons. Moe was about to call down a knee offer when the crowd began to rip down his tower, “No!” Moe screcked as he tumbled down. He found himself in the prison wagogon a minute later, the crowd was free, but they still wanted revenge.

Mike couldn’t believe his eyes, the mob was back, with Moe in a prison wagon. He was about to congratulate them when bang! They began to tear down his tower two, Mike crumbled to the ground. Soon he was next to his brother in the wagon, and immediately began arguing, who had the best view?

The wagon set off on a long journey, Moe and Mike squealed the whole way. It was dusk by the time they reached jail, and that was when Moe made up his mind, “You know what Mike?” He began, “South really is better than north, I was wrong, you were right.” “You know what Moe?” Said Mike, “I think North is better.” 

May 15, 2021 21:44

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Ed .
21:52 May 15, 2021

Really good story. What do you think happens to the twins when they arrive at their destination? Why do you think they fight so often? Where do you think their parents are? Who knows. I loved this story so much and like the name gravel road!


Chase .
22:00 May 15, 2021

Thanks! When the twins arrive they get arested. Mind blowing fact. :)


Ed .
22:01 May 15, 2021

Ha ha. Ok!


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Arwen Dove
07:21 May 17, 2021

Brilliant story! :)


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06:14 May 28, 2021

That’s a great story there! I really liked the theme you had. Especially when the crowd was running back and forth. Well done! :)


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