Mystery Thriller

It was Henry's wedding and this day reminded me of my wedding surprise. Henry had fought very hard for his high school sweetheart after resolving the differences between both of them for almost a year. Not until I had helped my brother's future wife, Angel, put on her gown did I notice how far I had come. It had been ten years since Jermaine surprised me on my wedding day and with Angel's astonishing looks, so many things came back to mind.

''How did Jermaine escape electrocution?'' this was one of the questions that popped up. The part of my life every family member was eager to find out. My last visit to the cells was to visit Moses and ask him his connection with Jermaine. He confessed that he knew Jermaine before coming to be my family's driver and that both he and Jermaine were childhood friends. Everything in my life happened like a tale. Marrying Jermaine and later finding out his true hidden motives. All he needed was a good family name to cover up for all his crimes. His robbery and other illegal acts, not wanting to talk about it. But why did this question have to come to mind on such an important day? My marriage with David was a success and we already had two children together; Robert and Claudia.

I pretended to forget my sudden question which was impossible since Angel's happiness reminded me of mine. 'Henry and Angel's love tale is a story on its own' my husband, David usually said. A statement I believe in but what of me, I'm an entire book to read. Growing up, marriage with Jermaine, divorce, constant worries from Jermaine, meeting David, falling in love with him, Jermaine's arrest after killing my mother and much other illegal stuff, Jermaine's electrocution and sudden escape which I'm bound to find out, the smiling devil, my wedding surprise, my initial wedding ceremony to David and not forgetting the birth of our children. Wow! I'm an entire book. I should be having journalists at my front door waiting to ask me a question every now and then. I laughed.

It was David's turn to prepare his children for an occasion. Something we peacefully did in turns. Angel came from a whole new world and with her reunion with Henry, the only family she knew now was us. An air hostess by profession traveling the length and breadth of the world to find something that only true love could produce and that was a family. She took me in as the sister she never had and our relationship was the best. With the veil over her head, I remembered my Aunt, Laura. A woman whose life was full of adventure. She traveled to every part of the world, at least that was what we knew. She never wanted to make a family since her husband was an adventure and on an adventurous tour, she died in a shipwreck.

Tears of joy rolled down Angel's checks as she happily walked into her wedding car with me. I was sensitive enough to understand her emotions that minute but I couldn't cry remembering the ironic situation I went through on my wedding day. No more surprises.

I left the bride in the car after arriving at the premises wishing her the best of luck. My Dad was there to continue. The first gentleman I ever knew. He walked Angel into the chapel-like the bride she was. Everything went smoothly with my children by my side and also seeing another member of my family getting much happier.

The priest had a whole lot to say under that white wedding but my favorite was always, ''With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!'' This was the part of the wedding even the children paid attention to. Everything was going quite well for me until I glanced upon a face. It was a woman. She was as old as Aunty Laura. I remembered her as the head of the Police department where Jermaine was kept. But what was she doing here? Who did she know here? I met her only once and that was when I told Jermaine in the fact that my heart belonged to another man. Her presence startled me but I soon forgot about her.

After spending a few hours at the church premises we moved back home for their wedding reception. 'A small welcome party' I called it.

My children, eight-year-old Robert and five-year-old Claudia had found themselves new friends and some of David's business partners were at the party. Introducing me to them as his wife was a pure delight and they all admired my beauty although few pretended not to. Kelvin, Henry's best friend, and my certified troublemaker by profession was there to entertain us all. He was the son of a multi-millionaire and he made sure his friend's wedding was celebrated to its maximum.

Henry and Angel were having the best time of their lives and I admired their love. I moved from their sight to have a drink and luckily I ended up meeting the woman I met earlier this day. We took a glass of champagne each from the waiter and stared at each other without saying a word.

''I know you,'' I begun.

''I know,'' she replied immediately.

''You are the head of...'' I ended when David put his hands around her and gave her a peg. She smiled.

''Do you know each other?'' David asked.

''No. I haven't met her before. Not even once.'' she replied looking directly into my eyes. What was this woman up to and how did she know my husband? I wanted to tell the truth but something was stopping me from.

''I guess you haven't met her too?'' David asked me.

''No'' I replied almost in a whisper. I wasn't confident enough to be a liar right in front of my husband. Something in me just told me to play along.

''Then let me introduce you to each other. This is my wife, Yvette Amour.'' David told the woman and she extended a hand towards my direction. I shook it for David's sake.

''It's a pleasure meeting you Yvette. I'm Ernestina Zepeda.'' the woman said.

''Mum Tina is a very close friend of my deceased mother. She actually took her place when I needed a mother the most. She's practically my mother.'' I was marveled by David's words.

''I took care of David as if he were my own and you have managed to become his wife after everything.'' she smiled devilishly which got me perplexed.

'After everything' was the part I didn't understand but gradually something was making sense to me. This very same woman was the head of the Police department were Jermaine was kept. She frowned at me after I informed Jermaine about my love for David Amour and then suddenly, Jermaine escaped from electrocution. Per Moses' words during my last visit, an inmate's body wasn't found during the fire outbreak. This fire outbreak occurred on the same day Jermaine was electrocuted. Could it be that this woman was behind it all? This same person I was trying to cover up for? This same woman who was soo precious to my husband. This same woman who might have helped Jermaine escape to stop me from marrying David. But why?

''I want to know why you weren't present at our wedding?'' I asked straightforwardly wanting to know why I didn't meet this special lady in David's life. A woman that appeared from nowhere and one that my husband never spoke of but mysteriously loves.

''Mum Tina wasn't in the country when our wedding was going on. She was there for the first one but not the second one.'' David responded and excused himself.

''What's all this? Why don't you want me to tell my husband the truth? Why do I feel that you have something to do with Jermaine's escape from prison?'' All these questions raced out of my lips and I noticed then my mistake. Ernestina got closer to me pretending to toast her glass of champagne with mine and her next act got me terrified.

I saw a knife being pointed at me on the stomach. She did it in such a way that no one noticed. 

''No one finds out that we have met before and no one finds out my involvement with Jermaine. You're right. I have a lot to do with Jermaine's sudden escape from prison but I trusted that boy too much and he failed me. David shouldn't know that I hate his wife and want her dead. If he finds out any of these, I won't hesitate to kill any of your children or even you!''

August 25, 2020 19:48

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. .
06:24 Sep 02, 2020

I love the ending, it was super creative! Such a great take on the prompt. Also, would you mind checking out my new story 'Ocean eyes' Thanks


14:50 Sep 02, 2020

Thanks. We all try our best to bring out what each prompt entails. Don't worry. I'm already loving the title.


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Deborah Angevin
22:19 Aug 31, 2020

The mystery slowly getting uncovered as the story progresses... wow! I'm enjoying this so much! P.S: would you mind checking my recent story out, "The Purple Sash"? Thank you :D


14:23 Sep 01, 2020

Thanks. I'll check out your story. It's not a problem at all :)


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Gip Roberts
19:11 Aug 29, 2020

You gave me a good lesson on how to write a mystery with this one. I take it the Yvette saga continues? I like the gradual reveal you provide in your stories, and the twist about the woman with the police department caught me by surprise, which is exactly what a great mystery is supposed to do. I also like how you took two different writing prompts and made a series out of them.


12:44 Aug 30, 2020

Thank you. Sometimes these comments motivate me to do more. The Yvette saga hasn't ended and isn't due to end. The mystery would keep unfolding a story at a time. This lady from the Police department just came into mind and I thought of bringing her up.


Gip Roberts
20:21 Sep 01, 2020

Thank you for all the likes on my stories :)


22:18 Sep 01, 2020

You're always welcome.


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