The girl with the magical remote

Submitted into Contest #32 in response to: Write a story about someone who can pause time or re-live old memories at will.... view prompt

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once upon a Time there was a little girl and a magical remote she can pause and relive her life and go back in time the little girl one day came upon a plan that she wants to relive her Dreamland. living in a magical castle on a magical land with magical funny people and beautiful princess slippers upon her feet and 🤴 prince and kings in Queens and a magical kingdom. she one day stumbled upon her magnificent plan , she really want to relive her life her best life. So she lived in a beautiful mansion with a beautiful palace dorm and then it all took place she took her remote is she rewind it and rewind it and rewind it and rewind it back in time two little girls sleeping on the bed. Dreamily falling to sleep and then she paused it what a little girl was sleeping on the bed and then she went over quietly as can be to the little girl body she a jest her arm to the position that she wanted it she thought it was very cool to be able to move her body the way that she like and then she fast forward it to when a little girl was up eating breakfast and her beautiful kingdom and then she make the little girl throws cereal everywhere everywhere all over the place she like living this life cuz it was very magical and then she like a little girl go shopping sprees play dress up play makeup and then it all happen the big night that she dreamed that the ball just not no ordinary ball dance would just ordinary people there it was princess and princess and queens and kings in this magical kingdom they dance and that dances and had contests and play games this was a magnificent wonderful party and that her prince charming walked in the door it is she I haven't seen him next over there and she said to herself oh my gosh if I can just have this one dance that will be the dream of my lifeso she danced with all the other princess and princesses and just have the ball of her life and then the magical dance took place who is going to win and then she had to pick a partner everybody wanted to dance with that Prince she knew she would never get the chance to her life and that's how happy she never got that time to dance with that princess she really wanted to dance with so will her being able to pause and rewind and magically really live her life she got that time of her life then she took a remote and she rewind and she played the part with the little girl dancing with the prince and she removed her and she put herself there and then she paused and then she never and then thought to herself man I may never ever get this moment of my life so I had to pause this for a long. time so I can live this part of my life so she left it there she went to sleep she woke up the next day nothing happened in a Dreamland then she was still stuck there with the pause and button on that moment and then she kept rewind it and playing it back. And then she did the absolute out of the ordinary got a ring play sand in his hand and had him propose to everybody in front of her she knew this will only happen because she could relive that moment and she knew that she was never going to be able to get that chance of her life so she thought if I can do this then I'll be able to get a ring have a good time at the ball and then I'll be married to him forever with nobody will never have him because I know I'm the only one that deserves him cuz I love him a lot and a great deal sorry I swimmed around the floor dancing in her finest clothes living their best wonderful magnificent life and she loved that moment and she cherish that moment that was the best moment of her life she had on her nice beautiful necklace and just looking so beautiful and she know that she'll have to go home soon to her family so that's why she made him give her the ring so they can become a family and live happily ever after I'll see that wasn't just the only story does she live then she became very evil and wicked and she locked him up in a castle and she said if I can't have him nobody will happen when I know that I can have them because I live this in my dream land mine and my dream land in my dream land and my freaking Dreamland so she became a horrible nightmare see it was not only that she was stuck at her selfish ways but she thought that if she lock him up nobody will be able to see him nobody would visit him nobody everybody to forget who he is and move on with their lives it should have him all to herself in a castle married happily ever after their own little family children's and everything but what she don't know is that he was not only just a prince but he had magical powers and you can do a magical wonderful things and he despised little evil girls that be meanso she planned this the day before the ball that she would do all these things to him these horrible terrific things to her but horrible things to him and she just came upon as she paused this will really have to work she never known for me to be this way he always know for me to be nice and kind but today I had it I had it so the Anne and I will not let nobody have him in this ball this big magnificent magical ball is going to be mine going to be mine she said upon ourselves and our little wicked evil way and she snickered and laugh and she just said okay this will be my prince this will be my prince besides all the other prince that was there what was so special about him but she knew it was just something that she loved about him and if she miss that opportunity with him she knew that she will never be able to be happy a day of her life and he danced with all the other girls in a ball besides her but no one ever notice but she did cuz she really like to him.and then and then it did it when she when she danced with the one girl that she absolutely did not care for cuz she picked on her and bullying her every day in school she hated her studies just because of her Alyssa she just thought she was all so sweet she picked on me laugh at me because I had not as nice as fancy closes her she or the most beautiful as dress to the ball that it could be and I had on this little bitty dress oh I'm so frustrated with her how could she ever danced with the prince nobody ever cares she was so so mean I never got the chance to dance with the prince all the king's watch as he smiled and she she bow and turn up her skirt and cross her legs and Bow and then she had it does she go with her master plan I'll teach I'll teach her a lesson about bullying and picking on me because I don't have also nice fancy dresses and also beautiful shoes and also nice pretty tongue and also nice beautiful ponytails and nice hair her hair was just so pinned up so nice for the ball she was this so beautiful very touching and dreaming and I couldn't take it anymore so you know what I'll do to the prince I make it where she would never see him again so she got a notepad and went over in a corner and she waited for everybody to leave and she snuck into the pallor hid in the closet she know nobody never went in that pantry cuz it was so big and everybody just stay in the main parts of the palace and I press went over and he looked out the window and when I went all the kings and queens went to bed that night she snuck out and snuck in his room he said what are you doing here why are you here in my room while I have on my slippers and my prince pajamas she look very puzzle oh I thought I'll teach you a lesson for not dancing with me at the bar you know you see me over there standing and watching you as you dance with everybody besides me so he began to apologize while I'm sorry I didn't see you over there I didn't even notice you I didn't even know that you was here well you're apologizing one get you out of this one mister so she grabbed his arm he Yanks away she said I don't know you doing and then she grab his arm and pause it it made herself very stronger than him and his story and then with the strength that she built she tied them up and drag him out of there.then he began to kick and scream she said oh hush for you make wake everybody else up she said I'm not going to hurt you I'm just going to make it that we live happily ever after so then she drags them off and that makes them disappear with the remote and a common is beautiful nice dreaming Castle he's just looking around amazed wow look at this place he said then he snap back to it I want to go back home with my mommy and my daddy he said, well no you're going to live here with me now and this beautiful magnificent castle and no one will never see you and never see us again we're going to live happily ever after she said. Then he say no I want to go back with my mommy and my daddyI love living there with my mommy and my daddy we did beautiful thing we we through nice parties and had nice people over besides you why would you take me away like that there she go stuck in her stubborn and selfish ways then she mumbled off well oh well it's too late now you're here with me and you're not going back I don't care what you say so then she makes she shows him up to the room well this is where we're going to be sleeping at a we're going to have a beautiful family and we're going to live a happy life. And her scheme work to he began to grow and grow and get used to being there in a castle no one never known what he went they put out posters and everything looking for him and trying to see where he was at at and where did he go his parents was very worried about him but pretty soon I just pronounce him dead unsolved case nobody never knew where he went and nobody never knew that she ever existed and then she began she took her emote and she made herself invisible where nobody could see her one night and she wanted she scanned everybody in the city mine inmate don't forget about them so just in case if they have to go shopping or grocery shopping or go out or perhaps go to a party nobody would never know who they would remember them so she thought to herself oh wow this comes in handy I love this remote I can make beautiful things happen but she used it in an evil way the end.

March 09, 2020 00:45

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Lynn Hester
19:17 Mar 19, 2020

This was a difficult read. There needed to be more paragraphs separating the moments. Although I appreciate the gist of it, the grammar and punctuation diminished the context of the story...


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