Fantasy Romance

 I shudder as the cold wind blows my curtains around. Watching the shadows on my walls dance around I think of what to bring with me to Hanacity. My mother, The queen of Dreamtopia has scheduled a meeting with my betrothed. Who lives almost a weeks way from me. "Molly, dear would you hurry up with the packing? We have to leave before sundown." I stare at the door, "Yes, mom." I quickly grab my crowns, (have to have a backup, of course) and any dresses I had put to the side for a maybe. Stuffing these things into my bag I place my sparkly ruby crown up top my head. I look around my room for a second and see my family's heirloom that's been around for 8 generations. I quickly snatch it up and run out of the room. "Molly, no running in the castle. Learn to be ladylike will you?" I roll my eyes, "Mom it's just us here. It's not like dad would see me running through the corridors." My mother grumbles something but I'm already out and slipping into the carriage, "Evening Thort." I greet the horse carrier. He nods in my direction so I smile back. Mother finally reaches the carriage, she runs her hand over the silk lining before slipping in. 


We reach Hanacity without a problem. I stare up at my future home. Sighing before mother tells me to straighten my posture, I walk through the windy path. Zachary meets mother and I at the castle gate, Waving politely to my mother and blowing me a kiss. We meet him. Grabbing my hand he kisses it slightly then bows towards my mother, "Shall we go to the dining pavilion?" he asks. β€œWe shall.” I respond, we walk towards the pavilion. I immediately see Zack’s mother, the Queen and his father the King. I curtsy politely and wait to be welcomed to sit and dine with the Royal family. β€œSit dear, you shall know you don't need permission to sit in your future pavilion.”  I smile at the Queen and take my place in the middle of the long table next to Zack. 

After we all dine and chat about wedding plans Zack takes me to the stables. β€œCisco has been lonely without you here to ride her.” Zach nods towards the steed I ride whenever I'm here in Zack’s kingdom. Zack helps me saddle up Cisco and we set out on the trail to the village. 

The wind blowing in my hair I feel free, I begin thinking about the seven worlds beyond my own. β€œZach, dear?” I call out behind me. β€œHmm?” I hear through the howling wind. β€œDo you ever wonder what it's like beyond our world?” I hold my breath waiting for his response. β€œWhy, now that you ask not really.” I exhale and sigh loudly. β€œZack, would you let me leave here. Just for one night, to see what's it like?”  Zack is silent. I ride ahead even more not ready to hear what he has to say. I can feel him speeding up behind me, next to me now he says, β€œMolly, My love, I would only let you go if I come with you.” I shake my head, β€œZachary it's too dangerous. You're the kingdom's future King, what would your followers think if you left and never came back?” β€œWhat would your mother think if i let you go without protection? What would I think if my soon to be wife never came back and I have nothing to hold close to me?” I think for a moment then it comes to me, β€œZack I could give u my family's heirloom. I brought it with me.” I smile knowing this was something he could hold close while I'm gone. Zachary is silent for a slight moment, β€œI could not possibly take your family's ring with your kingdom crescent embedded into it...” I sigh loudly once again, β€œZack I beg you. Please dear?” I can tell he's finally going to give in, β€œOne day.” He says shortly. I smile slowing down so Zack can ride next to me. 


When we get back to the castle Zack leads me to my sleeping chambers. β€œI expect you to be gone no longer than a day.” He says. I nod slightly, reaching for my ring finger where my family ring lays. I pull it off with no effort and hand it to Zachary. He takes it into the palm of his hand and places it on his pinky finger, the only place it would fit. I run my hands through his light brown curly locks, and look into his eyes. β€œI'll be back before you know It.” 

Zachary walks me towards his family portal, β€œhere it is'' he states as we are standing directly in front of it. Taking a deep breath I walk over to the control panel and chose which world I would like to visit first. β€˜Earth’ is at the top. I squint my eyes and focus on the word. I see it, Green, noisy, lots and lots of water. β€œEarth” I blurted out. Zack looks at me with wide eyes, β€œMy dearest, Earth is the most dangerous of all.”  I shake my head slightly, the messy bun atop my head tilts to the right. β€œI want to go there.” I stand firm, readying my hand to push the big green button that opens up the portal. Zack grumbles something I can't quite hear, he stalks towards me grabbing my hand and stares into my eyes. β€œBe safe would you?” The corners of my mouth twitch up, β€œSafer than safe.” I reply. Zack pressed my hand down onto the button and bobs his head willing me to go through the bright green light. I wave slightly, turn around to face the portal, and step closer. One foot in now, I look behind me to see Zack halfway out the door, β€œBe back Soon!” I called out before I was fully engulfed into the light.  

I stare wide eyes at the tall buildings scraping the sky. Im feeling a little queasy with all the bright lights and smells coming from all over. I take a deep breath in and smell something vaguely familiar. *HONK* I look up at the sky expecting to see geese, *HONK* I see nothing. *HONK* I turn towards the sound and see a strange carriage like thing staring back at me. People inside of it, I lean forward and tilt my head to the left.  β€œDo you need help?!” I call out confused. Someone inside the strange carriage holds out their hand and points the finger next to the ring at me. I smile thinking this was a way people on Earth say hi, so I throw the gesture back at him. His face scrunches up and I see wrinkles on his forehead. Giggling I walk away from the carriage. I'm skipping towards one of the tall buildings when someone pulls me by the arm and yells into my face, β€œCAN YOU NOT READ?! THE SIGN SAYS C-O-N-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-O-N. CONSTRUCTION” I raise my eyebrow and wonder why I had ever wanted to come here.  I fall to the ground and wake up in my sleeping chambers, Zachary leaning over me. I sit up slowly and sniff the air, β€œIt smells funny in here.” He smiles, β€œThe kids are hungry, and wonder when you shall take them to New York for Cold Stone.” I rub my eyes, β€œI don't think I want to visit Earth anytime soon, I had the craziest dream.” Rubbing my family ring that's hanging around my neck on a piece of yarn.

April 09, 2021 20:23

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