The Gods of Mursi: Arol's Rod

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write a story that involves a secret or magic ingredient.... view prompt


Science Fiction Fantasy Suspense

The God’s of Mursi:

Arols Rod

The sorcerer’s pedigree has few that fall under its banner, none more dynamic than Arol Endee. The eldest God of the Elton lineage, she has raised her abilities in ways that make her a foremost member of the Mursian elite. The first of her pedigree to master five naturals, her talents are: matter transmutation (reshaping), alchemy, clairvoyance, illusion casting, and elemental mimicry. While it is the clairvoyance that sets Arol apart and establishes her as one of the most called upon Gods, it is the latter that she is currently on pace to increase many times over by way of a scepter constructed to amplify her manipulation of electrical current specifically.  

Arols divining is what has lead to the scepters significance and current state of construction. She had looked into her own future and saw reflections indicating the need for energetic amplitude. So she deemed a way to increase her displacement statistics by way of a technology that her comrade at arms Taq would surly be able to develop. The “Twelve who decide” agreed that the resource to be used was worth the expense and so its planning and development went into effect immediately. The staff is to consist of several materials: ore from an asteroid, a jewel mined from the inside of a magma pool, a particle that only exists for fractions of a blink, various crystals and a number of artificially made meta-materials. A unique combination of forces that when put together will require an unimaginable amount of pressure to compress and contain.

The team of adepts called together for their specific talents to aid in the completion of the tasks, consists of Arol herself, of course for her divining but also her transmuting and alchemy abilities, Taq for his momentum control and engineering prowess, Dysin for the guidance offered by his penetrating gaze, Yagr and Ell both for retrieval purposes, and Reen for all things force related. Their goal currently is to capture a mote that erupts ever so briefly, just before a current touches a particular metallic surface. They have each played a part to this point except for Reen, his task is but the last and likely most difficult to accomplish. When the subatomic conditions are set, it will be his unsurpassed strength that will be on display as he attempts to enclose a reaction strong enough to shatter many mountains.

-So we’re looking at a potential strong enough to restart half of the fleet, that is to be held in place and enclosed in this cylinder, and we’re certain that both Reen and this meta-alloy are up to this feat?

-General, you should know by now that our endeavors are thoroughly explored, if we could not achieve our aims, we would not be here.

-Look, I know that the Gods are the best of us.

-Not the best, just the first.

-Yes, however it is my charge to ensure that the gods are operating with full awareness of the frailty that most of our people are still subject to. We’ve made strides, but we’re still in no position to take unnecessary chances. It would be quite unfortunate were these forces to take an unforeseen turn and release this energy without constraint; so I ask again Sgt. Taq, are we certain of all measures?”

-Everything has been explored and examined elder, we are ready to complete the rod.

-Then you have our blessings to proceed.

The tall and stoic old man strides by, exiting the vast cavern-turned laboratory through a corridor towards the back of the theatre that he was just standing in. As he steps onto the open platform of his transport pod and it comes to life, he utters the common Mursian acknowledgment before departing:

-“By the Blood of Mursi…”

-“The Blood of Mursi!”

All within earshot of the prompt responds in unison.

Gen. Neex concerns did not fall on deaf or disinterested ears. The Mursian Adepts have each taken vows of service and protection to the Mursian people and the inquisitive Generals role as “Advocate” is one that they all have high regard for, though there are times when his cautions feel more to Taq like his own fears— as the people Murci trust the one’s that they call the Gods implicitly. 

It has been two cycles since the team began working on their project and now only one physical labor remains before encapsulation: the “Faster than light” extraction. By Dysins gaze into subatomic realms, and Taqs faculty to manipulate momentum, the interaction of a mote so infinitesimal that it can hardly be said to exist, will be captured and contained outside of its microscopic dimension, creating a lightning rod like none other. When the perfect frequency is reached, Taq is to have his reduction field at the corresponding frequency, which Dysin will be guiding him to through his all-seeing gaze. When all forces reach an epoch, Arol will transmute one material to another, which will nudge the mote into the chamber; from there Lt. Reen will take over.

His simple but gargantuan task of enclosing the mote within the multidimensional shaft which will be the core of Arols rod begins as soon as the process of compression reaches a critical mass and Taqs field slows the particles’ dance enough that they become perceptible to Dyshins reference. From there he will guide the stout dynamo to the exact pressure and frequency coordinate until the forces synergize and the recurring action becomes sealed. The device meant to do the nudging and extracting, Tago created. But it will be up to Reen to complete the task of sealing the capsule, a feat in which many physical laws must be compromised for success to be attained, a minor detail that Taq felt no need to bother the general with.

-General Dysin

The elegant voice of “ Mursian central knowledge” announces the arrival of the transcendent one.

The only living descendant of Maitreya; the large and burly God of Mursi mirrors his ancestor in both look and potency, though in each case he is not nearly as expansive. With a gaze that penetrates all matter, even time and space, it is said that his ability to see into things is what causes the occasional flickering that his body undergoes periodically.

“Progressing to the next level of existence is not something that happens quickly”

One of many quotes from Mytreya, etched onto the walls of the now eroding Mursian fleet.

The science and diplomacy general, waves a casual hand to all in attendance from the distance as he lumbers over to an area many long steps away and near the top of the slow-sloping incline that narrows into a small theatre-sized workstation. Wearing a sort of helmet that conceals his eyes under an extremely thick layer of some rubbery-type of substance, the God takes off his shielding and enters the enclosed cauldron apparently made just for him. A bright glare sweeps the chamber as he climbs into his chair and the back of the cauldron seals itself, enclosing him within.

The dazzling brightness emitted by his eyes blinds all other sights when unfiltered, and even with protective shielding, the radiance can be astounding. It's been said that while the general does not engage in battle and always advocates for peaceful solutions, his unfiltered gaze can remove all violent motivations, or motivations of any sort as the blinding light of his gaze makes all that are caught within it numb and unable to see anything but the whiteness radiated from his eyes. His gaze penetrates through all, from the micro to the macro; there is nothing that our liege cannot find; even through time, his divine looking penetrates.

In this case, he will be using his powers of sight to guide a most volatile task, and it will take him some time before finding the appropriate frequencies to view from and to.

-A long, daytime doze is all the time I’ll need team, I’ve been adjusting for the past two lights, so we’ll be good to go in just a while.

A pleasant surprise, one which Arol, Taq and, Reen most of all, are completely in league with. None are more than ready to get started than the stout commander of the “Eminence” banner.

-So everything is set, the alignments are made and now it’s just a matter of fine-tuning the frequency; Dyshin are you ready?

-I am

The enclosed all-seer transmits over radio waves.

-Reen, you have your position?

-I do

-Remember Arol; you must begin the transmutation exactly when your scanner displays a .0000121 resistance, that’ll be our window and from there, it’s all Reen.

 Other than the participants in this event, only a few other members involved and a small handful of Gods and Generals are in attendance to witness the spectacle. The occasion is one that all the people of Mursi are interested in as Arol is a public favorite, and any time a General is elevated to God status, the occasion is looked upon as a momentous occurrence for all Mursian people. A broadcast would not be possible with Dysins glare making a recording or transmitting images an impossibility, though Falqin and Iphil have devised a way to transmit a recreation using Falqin’s triune; filtering out the blinding aspects and replacing it with a less harmful illumination.

With everything and everyone in place, the lead scientist of the Mursian Elite pulls a large lever and then another. He walks around to a console and starts inputting data. The entire hall begins to hum and the power of what is being dealt with starts to become evident. The chamber grows black with only the floor and area that Taq, Arol, and Reen standing in illuminated, until Dyshin begins his penetrating gaze. Now it is the light of the apparatus and a beam of light coming out of a slot in Dyshins cauldron that captivates the audience that has been instructed to don their own protective gear.

The humming, inputting, and electrical sounds continue for several minutes before Taq exclaims:


At which point everyone here to view the marvel, turns his or her attention to the large, reflective flat surface rising from the floor.

The typing and inputting continues as Dyshin begins to give instructions:

-Ok Taq, you are starting very close to the aperture, that’s good; you just need an alternating variance now, I want you to slowly increase your dynamic range to .000727.

Now adjust the buffers to allow for a .02…no a .07 variance.

Ease off of the vibration a bit, yes like that, now stay right there.

Reen you should be ready, even slowed by %2000, this will still be very fast; you will only have…

- 1.000th of a blink, I know, lets get to it!

The physically strongest of the adepts, Reen is not much for idol chat. It may be a reflection of his spouse’s impatient nature, but getting right to things is very much a consistent part of the small ones way.

As the humming heightens and dips in pitch, the goings-on, on the table are only perceptible to Dyshin, Arol, and Taq; the two with normal sight looking through specially designed goggles; created exclusively for this endeavor. Reen has no need for goggles as his Eminence shields him from even optical damage. The four stay focused for hours, with Dyshin indicating nudges this way and that, Taq entering new data and more new data, Arol watching and awaiting both her time of action and the reward that this is all about. And the strongest Mursian to date, anticipating his time to shine in his own way.

After so long, a whistling sound meant to indicate to Reen that his time of action was near, went off. And so he took position and prepared himself to grab a shooting star. With everything in alignment, Taq looked at Arol who was staring at her monitor, her left hand raised towards one side of the reflective table. When her readout reached .0000900 she flexed her outstretched fingers and transmuted molecular filaments into crystalline, beginning the final nudge at the prescribed .0000121 resistance. 

The sound was fierce and startling, fortunately, one of the Gods in attendance; Sgt. Maxum took hold of the grating noise and diminished it.      

It was imperceptible to all not on the inside of the undertaking what was happening, but after a few seconds, it was clear through the visage, sounds, and waves of force emanating from the table area, that the encapsulation process had begun. 

This was to be the part that would make all of the waiting worth it for onlookers. The mightiest Mursian God engaging a natural force was to be quite a display.  Even though no one could see the mote that Reen struggled against, it was apparent that something worked fervently against his attempt to bring two sides of an elongated capsule together. The struggle was long, with periodic waves of force blowing back everything and everyone not secured. Rock crumbled and cracked, Adepts had to at times use their power to protect themselves and others around. The titan battled with the mote, periodically digging his heels deeper into the ground for stronger purchase, grunting and grimacing along the way.

After a long battle a loud click, the air in the cavern withdrew as though siphoned out by machine, just before a new, fresh wind would fill the gap before anyone could miss a breath. Reen fell to one knee, and the humming that had been prevalent for most of the past few turns reduced greatly and shifted from the wondrous mechanisms to the now glowing tube that Reen was still holding. General Taq grabbed a metallic-looking belt out of a case on a counter and told Arol to come over as he took the tube from Reen. He instructed her to strap the belt on, then pulled a ring out of the same case.

-And this

He told her as he placed the ring on her finger.  

-I don’t feel anything.

Arol says quizzically.

-Try to manipulate current

 The brilliant one suggests.

Immediately as Arol tries to connect with electricity the way she has on so many occasions, the rod comes to life with electrical discharge. The rod crackled until Arol took it from Reen, when it simply hummed. Arol could now feel electricity not only within the scepter but also all around her. She waved her wand and marveled at the amounts of voltage she could recognize coursing through her body, belt, staff and ring.

-It’ll probably take some getting use to, but you should be able to call forth entire lightning storms when you’re ready. The voltage is variable and your control over it should be as it was before, just more of it.

-And what about this belt, do I always have to wear it, and the ring…

-No, you do not have to wear the belt if you don’t want to, but it is a fallback that you can use if by some unfortunate means you get separated from your staff. The Ring is a beacon of sorts, which will always direct you to the other pieces shall they fall out of reach.

-Excellent work Taq, as always.

-Let's go outside so you can really feel what you have.

Everyone that was in attendance followed the soon-to-be declared “God” out to the rocky outcrops above Taq’s lab. Thirteen Mursians were in attendance when Arol first used her scepter. She just tickled the air with it at first, making distant thunder sounds and percolating the air with minor electric shocks, and then she raised her staff to the sky and caused a lightning storm in the clouds above.


Exclaimed Gen. Neex, as he watched from above the clouds.

- All this power, from one mote, Phenomenal.

July 02, 2021 23:59

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