Crime Fiction Thriller

I saw it. I fucking saw it. They killed him. Cut him to pieces in cold blood. Right in front of my eyes. They didn’t see me. At least I hope they didn’t.

I just wanted to have a calm walk through the forest. To clear my head. To relax. It was half past ten, it was dark and the forest was quiet. Eerily quiet. No owl's hooting, no wind playing with the leaves, no small animals running through the vegetation. As if nature itself knew something terrible was going to happen.

I should have known better. I should have listened to my gut. Turn around immediately and not look back.

There were three people on the road. Three shadowy figures walking among the trees, seemingly without any destination in their minds. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from them. They looked like ghosts, silently treading down the hill. Just like that, without any light, their path lit only by that little bit of moonlight that got through the thick branches. I wondered why they were there.

That is until I saw a glint of the moon on a long metal blade. There was a surprised yelp, followed by a sharp cry of pain as one figure fell to the ground. Another flash and a second blade appeared in third person’s hands. Swords. Those bastards brought fucking swords! One by one, the sharp metal bit into the poor person’s body, cutting, cleaving, butchering.

I stood there hidden behind a tree, completely frozen in place, unable to look away. The pained cries were weaker and weaker and then they finally stopped. But the two figures didn't, their blades still in work as if they wanted to be absolutely sure the other won't get up anymore. Or maybe they just enjoyed it. I watched the scene, hand pressing on my mouth to suppress the scream that wanted to escape me. All I could think of was: “What if they see me here?” And then, as soon as I thought that, their heads turned right in my direction.

Chills ran down my spine. It was too dark for them to see me. I prayed it was. They didn’t move, just stared. I wanted to close my eyes, but my eyelids refused to cooperate. I just stood there like a statue, hardly breathing and waiting. Suddenly one of them started to move towards me. That was enough to get my legs into motion again. I sprinted down the path as fast as I managed in the darkness, not daring to look behind me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I wasn’t even sure if I was running in the right direction, but the adrenalin and fear were not allowing me to slow down until I was out of the forest.

I stopped and listened. There were no footsteps following me, the trees just as quiet as when I entered their kingdom. I let out a shaky breath. My hands and knees started to tremble as my brain finally fully realized what I‘ve just witnessed. I could still hear the screams of the murdered man.

I quickly went home and locked all the doors and windows. Still, I didn’t feel safe. I was sure I wouldn’t get any sleep that night, so I just sat on my bed with my father’s old Beretta, watching both door and window, jumping with every sound.


The next day I went straight to the police station, told them everything I remembered. They were a bit hesitant, but I nagged them for so long they agreed to look into it. They took me to the forest. My mind was screaming at me to walk away, but I had to do it. I had to go back.

I was surprised I immediately recognized the place. It was just a bit up the hillside, partially covered from view by thick undergrowth. I waited by the tree that shielded me the night before while the two policemen went up to investigate the crime scene. I watched them with growing anxiety as they walked around the place without bowing down once or collecting anything. They turned to me and a bolt of fear jolted through my body. It was like the last night. I put myself under control again. It was not dark and these were certainly not the murderers. But still, their weird looks gave me goosebumps.

They came back to me and informed me, that there were no signs of struggle, let alone murder. I couldn’t believe it. I saw it. With my own eyes. I didn’t imagine the whole thing. They didn’t try to stop me when I ran there, convinced that they must have overlooked something. Killing someone with a sword must’ve left some marks. But there was nothing. No blood, no body, no drag marks. Nothing. I felt dizzy.

They took me back home. They told me I must've been confused or sleep-deprived and that the dark forest just made me see things. They said that without a body they can’t do anything anyway. I didn’t say a word.


I sat by my table, thinking. I didn’t know what to do. I knew that what the policemen told me was not the truth. I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't imagining it. It really happened. I could still hear the screaming and the slashing of the swords in my head and couldn’t get them out. Even now I can hear them. I thought maybe it would be a good idea to write everything down, in case that the police found something after all. And so I did.

On this paper will be every detail I can think of from the last night. It's already dark outside when I write these lines. I can see the forest from my window. It's scary. As if waiting for something.

The shadows are growing in the room. It’s weird. I have a light on. Everything is so weird. I’m scared. I’m so scared. I don't know why. But I am. I can't hear anything from outside except for the wind. And footsteps? It’s 10:30pm. Who would come here now?

Are they opening the door? But how? I have the only key. How can they….

No. that can’t be true. Please, that can’t be true. They …

I should have known. I should have listened to my instinct.

They are here. Oh, god. They are here for me. I feel them. The presence. It’s right behind me. I don’t want to turn around. Please no, I don’t want to die. Cut to pieces. I don’t want to die. I’m so scared. I don’t ……

November 11, 2020 19:58

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Sam Reeves
12:25 Nov 19, 2020

Wow, loved the suspense! When the two murderers turned and stared at her that gave me chills too! It's an interesting spin to have the murderers come after the mc after they had gone to the police the next day instead of the same night they saw the murder. How did they find the mc? I really like the staggered sentences at the end to show the racing thoughts, very well done!


Aneta Prouzová
20:13 Nov 19, 2020

Thanks very much for reading and feedback, I'm glad you liked the story. About the murderers coming after the mc... I'd tell you but I don't want to spoil it completely, so here's a little hint: remember the number of murderers and then read the second paragraph of the second part (the one with police investigating). You'll find your answer.


Sam Reeves
00:14 Nov 20, 2020

Ahhh I get it - very clever! As I was speed reading through I skipped over the connection. Well done! Love it


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Pene Worth
18:53 Nov 16, 2020

Some great suspense here, but the story lacked a connection between the murder and then these murderers apparently coming for you. Also; use of swear words is okay in context; but in the first line it jarred; and not sure if it fully suited the character.


Aneta Prouzová
20:08 Nov 19, 2020

Thanks for reading and feedback. The connection is there, but I understand that not many people catch it (my parents didn't catch it either, only my friend and my teacher - this story is based on another I wrote in school some time ago). And it's ok, I admit I could do it a bit clearer, but I like to leave it on the reader to catch the hints. About the swearing, I didn't have it in the first paragraph, but my beta suggested it and I kinda liked it, so I added it.


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