Future Green Goliath

Submitted into Contest #62 in response to: Write about a character putting something into a time capsule.... view prompt

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American Fiction Drama

As a kid, from a young age, I always was a big comic book fan. I was more into Marvel Comics than DC Comics. Though, DC has some great characters. Superman being on the top of my list.

Growing up as a kid in the 80’s, it was a joy. For a fact, Saturday mornings, was a great day to be a child. Several major networks showing cartoons based on Marvel and DC characters. I read a few comics (I should say watching the visuals more often) but I got to know the superheroes and the supervillains by watching them on the little screen on the Saturday morning like any kid of that era.

As a young boy, just starting school in the early 80’s in kindergarten, so it was then beginning, from my point of view, the golden age for comic book characters coming out on television, movies, as toys and any product targeted towards kids. Example, lunch boxes, shoes, t-shirts, etc. 

One character that I truly enjoyed and admired, was Bruce Banner and especially his alter ego, the Hulk. There was something about the Hulk that fascinated me. It was his energy, brute strength on very critical times and his complex psychology. Bruce always, most of the time, wanted to be left alone. He was always the good guy trying to help out a person in difficulty, until when there was this malevolent person, or an animal, object or a situation that would trigger that stress level to turn Banner to Hulk. As a little boy, I got attached to both, Bruce and the Hulk. When you were bullied as kid, and minding your own business, you wish you had the super powers of the Hulk.

I remember the Hulk tv show with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. Oh boy! I loved it! When I watch the re-runs today, it seems like a childish show but for those days, it was huge! I believe I got introduced to the Hulk by the tv show first, then the cartoons, and the comics later on.

I became such a big fan of the incredible Hulk that I had to ask my parents to buy me this action figure. I saw it the first time at a store called Rossy. About eight inches in height. It came in this large white box. The figurine had a white ripped shirt and the classic purple pants. For me, it was my dream toy back in those days. I begged, for days, weeks, or maybe a few months. Finally, my parents did not purchase it. It was my sweet good aunt! I guess she heard from my mom. That was probably one of the best gifts I ever got. Well, at the age 6, at least, in the early 80’s, for a boy.

I had Hulk stickers, comic books, many more action figures and other collectible Marvel items that were piling up. No way I was going to throw these away even once I become a teenager or adult. For me, it had sentimental value, it was my past, but also my present. My present because I am still a big fan of Marvel Comics. The future for these fictional characters was promising.

Now, that I am in my 30’s, I would like to keep these items safe, in a guarded place. Not that I am planning on selling but perhaps pass along to my kids in the future. That is if I find a suitable life long partner.

Another few years have gone by. I am still single and no sign of a potential life partner. What if I don’t have kids of my own to pass along this treasure?

One day, I was visiting my parents, and I noticed that in the basement, that they still had this big chest. A treasure chest sort of. I think a grown-up man can fit in it. I asked my parents if it was okay if I can bring this at my place. They were not using it. It was just lying there in the dust, in a dark corner of the basement. My parents had no objection. I took it back home in my SUV.

I am going to lock in this chest all my Marvel Comics items. Today, Marvel movies are going strong. Unbelievable how the demand and popularity of superhero movies have skyrocketed in the past ten or fifteen years.

I am writing a letter that I will place in the safe with my precious items. My letter will mention the day I am locking this up and a list of all the items I have in it. I want to keep this safe closed, locked, for the next fifty years. Maybe open it in May 2062 when Banner and the Hulk will celebrate their 100th anniversary. That would make sense. I think half of the items I have in there are about Dr Banner and the Green Goliath. I hope, I will still be here fifty years from now to open this. If not, I will make sure it goes to someone or a group of people that will appreciate these marvels.

The year is now 2060. Things are not going well. Not for me personally but for planet Earth. Environmentally and ecologically, we ruined our planet. I am healthy, physically and mentally but I will not be able to live till hundred like I wanted. I did not have kids. I want to leave my treasure to people who will take care of it. I have not opened yet. The time capsule is about is about expire. Sea levels have risen. Extreme temperatures are felt. Not enough food for everyone. Oil is a scarce resource now. Clean water is worth more than gold. It seems that the doomsday predicted by Isaac Newton is really a prediction coming to fruition.

Before this world ends, or before my time ends, I would like to delegate my chest to a worthy human being that will take care of it. And, when his time come, hand it down to someone else with time capsule.

I did not open yet my chest. I must hang on for two more years. Now, beside surviving Mother Nature’s wrath, I am in hunt of someone that will take over my collectibles. 

A few months later, I open the door to a kid. It is Halloween 2060. I see this kid dressed up as the Maestro from Marvel. A future version of the Hulk in the comic storyline. Wow! This is cool, unique and awesome! I gave him only a few candies but I suggested him if he wanted something better. Maybe the Green Goliath of the future…because I have the action figure in my big trunk of that character. I advised the kid, to open it in May 2062. That he needs to wait about a year and a half. Then he can decide what he wants to do with it. Perhaps, another time capsule if he wants. 

October 09, 2020 16:07

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1 comment

T. S. Burkhardh
19:31 Oct 12, 2020

You have a really interesting combination here with the references to comic book collectibles and ecological science-fiction. It's something that's relatable for a lot of people but I haven't seen anyone explore it before in-depth. You might want to start including the sci-fi aspect a bit earlier or try a slightly different structure as a few spots in the beginning lingered too long on the details and facts, from my perspective. But overall I liked this piece.


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