Submitted to: Contest #285


Written in response to: "Write a story in the form of a landline phone conversation."

Creative Nonfiction Historical Fiction Inspirational

“Hello, this is Mary calling.” 

“Hi Mary, what’s new? Hang up, and I’ll call you back.” 

“Okay, Barnie, Thank you.”



“Hi Barnie, thanks so much for calling me back.”

“No problem. Is something wrong with someone?” 

“It’s Nick. I received another letter, and he needs money.” 

“Money for what this time?” 

“He’s building a mini hospital he’s calling a dispensary.” 

“What about the Jesuits? Can’t they help?” 

“They helped him with the church, and I know you paid for the altar to remember your daughter.” 

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But, I’d like you to consider that Nicholas has been working on the infrastructure of Patna for so long, and he needs so much help. It’s just something for you to think about. He’s doing the lord’s work. You know Barnie, our parents would be so proud.”

“Yes, Mary, I believe you are correct.” 

“I’ll call Joe and Charlie and Raymond, and I’ll suggest we each contribute $25,000. How does that sound to you, Mary? Acceptable?”

“Oh, Barney, yes, that would be wonderful. I’d love it if they all would contribute that amount of money.” 

“Okay, sis. Will do.” 

“Okay, Barney. I’ll let you go.”

“Right, bye for now.”



“Hi, this is Barney. Who am I speaking with, please?”

“It’s Barbara Jean, Uncle Barney. How are you?”

“Just fine. I wonder if you might put your dad on the line, please?”

‘Sure, no problem. Nice talking with you, Uncle Barney.”

“Yes, and with you, Barbara Jean.” 

“Joe, how is it going?”

“Not bad, thank you. And you?”

“Great. I was just speaking with Mary about Nicholas.” 

“Oh, is this a money call?” 

“You got it. I’m putting in $25,000, and I’d like you to do the same.” 

“What? $25,000. That’s a lot of money.”

“Yes, it is. But Nicholas lives like a pauper and could use our support,” 

“Support for what? Didn’t he choose to live that way?” 

“Yes, he chose that life because he has a calling to help build infrastructure for the less fortunate of Patna. You surely would want to be a part of that, wouldn’t you? Think about Mom and Dad and how proud they would be of Nicholas. To know you had a hand in something so powerful and great. Wouldn’t that be great?”

“Fine. You had to bring up Mom and Dad, didn’t you? Where do I send the money?”

“Send it to Mary.” 


“Goodbye for now.”



“Hi, this is Barney. Who am I speaking with, please?”

“It’s Tim, Uncle Barney. How are things going?” 

“Not too badly, what about you?” 

“I’m going into grade seven. Can you believe it?”

“Wow! Isn’t that something you’re becoming a big man?”

“Thanks. I hope so. Do you want to speak with my father or my mother?”

“Your father, please.”

‘Charlie here. I heard this is Barney, and you called my son a man.”

“Yes, and yes. Guilty.” the men laughed. “The reason I’m calling is on behalf of Mary for Nicholas. Before you groan, Joe is on board.”

“Okay, how much is it going to cost me?”


“Okay, where do I send the money?”

“Send it to Mary.”

“Will do.”

“Oh. and Charlie, don’t make me come over there to remind you or get the cheque that won’t be acceptable.” 

“Got it.”

“Goodbye for now,”




“Hi, this is Barney calling. Is your dad at home, please?”

“One moment, please.

“This is Raymond; how are you, Barny? How’’s the family?” 

“Everyone is fine, and everything is going well, thank you. And yours?”

“Couldn’t be better.” 

“Your business with the calcium, how’s it getting on?” 

“It’s great. We’re making a killing.”

“Well, that’s excellent news. I’m calling on behalf of Mary, hoping you’ll match your contribution with the rest of your brothers of $25,000. It’s for Nicholas, who is building the infrastructure for something in Patna. You can send them to Mary.”



“Hello, this is Mary.”

“Hi Mary, We’ve raised $125,000 for Nicholas. I didn’t bother to call Gerald, but I’ll leave that up to you.” 

“It is probably better that we just leave him alone. I’ll ask him if he wants to donate some money, but I’m not telling him the amount all of you donated. Barney, dear, you are the best.”

“Alright, Mary, I’m glad to have helped out.” 

“Goodbye, dear heart.”

“Goodbye for now.”



“Hi, Geraldine, this is Mary. Can I speak with Gerald, please?”

“Hi, Mary. Yes, Of course, he’s right here.”

“Hi Mary, what’s new?”

“Hi Gerald, I’m calling on behalf of Nicholas. He needs money to help build his infrastructure for his beloved Patna.”

“How much are we talking?”

“Any amount is great. Whatever you think you can afford to give is perfect.”

“We’re giving $500.00.”

“Fine. We’ll do the same. Are you collecting the money?”

“Yes. I’ll be sending the money by wire transfer. With all the money I’ve raised, he should be able to work for a long while. That should make him happy. I am proud he can do God’s work in such a desolate area of India. He occasionally sees Bengal Tigers and other wild animals that come through the village. It is a scary work environment.”

“Yes. I don’t think that kind of work is cut out for me. I’d rather farm here at home. Besides, wild animals aren’t my thing. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I’d be so scared. Fear can eat a person up.”

“Bill and I couldn’t do that either. Farming is in Bill’s blood.” 

“Yes. You’re right, and he’s good at it.” 

“Well, thank you, Gerald, for saying so. I’d better get going. I’ve got bread in the oven.”

“Oh, my, yes. You’d better get it.”

“Goodbye, Gerald”

“Goodbye, Mary.”

Posted Jan 10, 2025

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27 likes 27 comments

Ken Cartisano
21:56 Feb 01, 2025

The story is interesting, but even more interesting is the number of readers you have who don't have cell phones. Shocking. I think a story about 'the last land-line' would be entertaining, and frankly, I thought the day had already come and gone. We were chagrined when they refused to fix our land-line, years ago. 'Get a cell-phone, or use VOIP' they told us. I think somehow I missed the point of this story.


Lily Finch
20:20 Feb 02, 2025

Hi Ken, thanks for reading. When landlines first came out, they were called party lines. That meant every person who lived near you shared the same line. You had to listen for your short and long ring combinations in succession to know if it was for you or one of your neighbours.
That was the point of this story.
I wrote it because I knew many wouldn't get it. I wondered how many would look it up.
Thank you for reading and letting me know your thoughts.


Ken Cartisano
22:51 Feb 02, 2025

So I'm not a total idiot then for not getting the story? I'm familiar with party lines, although I never heard about the long/short ring protocol. You probably live in Europe, New Zealand, Japan, Bangladesh or New Guinea. Having a ring code sounds intelligent. I live in the U.S. (A place that often confuses stupidity with heroism, and knows nothing about intelligence.)

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I wrote a fabulous story for another writing group once, and my story was so under-appreciated, that the following week I deliberately wrote a pointless story with a meaningless, circular plot and a clueless character who never figured out who or where he was. It was my sincere intention to waste everyone's time reading my pointless story, and you'll never guess what happened. You guessed it didn't you? That stupid story came in first place. Pff.


Lily Finch
22:56 Feb 02, 2025

That's funny!


Raye McLaughlin
05:26 Jan 21, 2025

Just dialogue stories are so hard to write (at least for me)! You did it beautifully. Respect.


Lily Finch
18:23 Jan 21, 2025

thank you. I appreciate that comment. You made my day.



Martin Ross
01:28 Jan 21, 2025

Great handling of the dialogue and what it gradually unfolds. Wonderful job!


Lily Finch
01:58 Jan 21, 2025

Thanks Martin. I've been lax in my writing and reading. Having some issues.

I'm glad you liked it.


Martin Ross
02:39 Jan 21, 2025

Having some, too — the writing’s keeping me on a more even keel through everything happening. Hope you feel better soon, friend, and don’t look at it as being “lax” — you’ll get going when you feel it.😊❤️


Lily Finch
03:03 Jan 21, 2025

Thanks, Martin. You are a peach. 🙃 💙❤️


John Rutherford
10:55 Jan 19, 2025

Interesting story. I like the way you formatted the call sequence.


Lily Finch
23:15 Jan 19, 2025

Thanks John, I'm glad you enjoyed the format. It was tricky.
Thank you for reading,


Mary Butler
22:51 Jan 18, 2025

What a warm and engaging story told in such a creative format! I really loved the line: “Think about Mom and Dad and how proud they would be of Nicholas. To know you had a hand in something so powerful and great.”—it’s such a heartfelt appeal that captures family bonds beautifully. Your use of dialogue made it feel like I was eavesdropping on a genuine conversation, and I found myself smiling at the familial banter.

A truly touching piece—wonderfully written and such a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing!


Lily Finch
23:41 Jan 18, 2025

Thank you for reading. I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks Mary for recognizing there were family bonds and banters and I am pleased you thought they were beautiful. I like the line you picked out too. It's my favourite line.
So glad it touched you.


Jack Kimball
21:29 Jan 15, 2025

Hi Lily. I found myself smiling throughout The $500 was interesting and I thought about how $25k to some is less than $500 to others. And then I saw this is non-fiction which I found intriguing as I both share a history as a fund raiser AND a landline user. (I grew up with a five family party line, where neighbors broke in and said they needed to make a call... and they found my love lost teenage coversations of little value!).

As to fundraising, especially $25k, I don't think I ever gained a check without showing up with a team to browbeat someone, so your circle must be far more civilized than mine, who are more inclined to shoot wild animals for sport to my horror!

I need to read more of your stories.


Lily Finch
02:13 Jan 16, 2025

This is me. This time. Thank you. I loved this story because it reminds me of listening for the correct number of rings. So funny what went on before versus now.


Philip Ebuluofor
17:59 Jan 15, 2025

They do a lot of that raising over here these days only that it's WhatsApp and smartphone way not landline. Fine work.


Ari Walker
17:10 Jan 15, 2025

This was a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.


Tommy Goround
23:18 Jan 11, 2025

Dispensary = selling drugs to Indians?


Lily Finch
02:22 Jan 12, 2025

Yeah but I thought it was a good play on words. No?


Tommy Goround
23:06 Jan 11, 2025

Good title


Viga Boland
16:12 Jan 11, 2025

We still have a land line! Hubby refuses to part with it. Hates cell phones. What can I say? Great example of dialogue only by the way 👏👏


Lily Finch
16:23 Jan 11, 2025

Thanks, Viga.
We are fighting a slippery slope of being slowly converted to Cell phones.


Viga Boland
16:59 Jan 11, 2025

Feel like we’re not being given other options any longer. I just get a charge out of youngsters not understanding how we survive without a cell phone. Answer? Quite well, thank you very much 😂


Mary Bendickson
21:49 Jan 10, 2025

Using the long and short rings said it all being a land line:)


Lily Finch
04:43 Jan 11, 2025

Remember those days of the party lines? I can't believe people put up with that. Geez.


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