Fantasy Bedtime Adventure


“Where are you going with that book Sarah?”

“I’m going to talk to the fairies at the bottom of the garden Mummy.”

“Don’t be so ridiculous child, there’s no such thing as fairies and certainly there aren’t any at the bottom of my garden. Whoever heard of such a thing?”

“But I’ve seen them mummy. They are there every day and I talk to them.”

“Yes, I’ve heard you talking and I don’t like it. If I hear you talking to yourself again, I’m going to have to get you to the doctor and see what he’s got to say about it. I’m just not having it. You’re an intelligent child and intelligent children just don’t talk to themselves. Do you hear me?”

“Yes mummy but.”

“But nothing. I’m telling you and that’s final. You can sit under the tree and read your book but no talking to yourself or anything else, especially fairies. They only exist in books. And if you’re not careful I’ll take your books away from you, my girl. I’ve had just about as much as I can take. Now get down the garden and read quietly to yourself.”

“Yes Mummy.”

Sarah was almost in tears as she walked down the long winding garden path to her favourite tree.

“Sarah. Sarah.” The soft voice was a accompanied by a tinkling sound, like a wind chime.

“Go away. I’m not allowed to talk to you. You keep getting me into trouble.”

“I’m so sorry Sarah,” Said Sparkle the fairy as she waved her magic wand and sat on a tree root next to Sarah.

“Mummy is really cross with me today. She says she’s going to take my books away from me. She says she’ll take me to see the doctor if I don’t stop talking to you. I mean, talking to myself. You know I talk to you don’t you Sparkle? You know I don’t talk to myself at all, ever.”

“Yes,” said Sparkle as she waved her magic wand at Sarah and let all the fairy dust land on her their heads.

“Stop it, that tickles and makes me laugh.”

“Well, that is good and much better than crying, Sarah.”

Sarah wiped her eyes and sniffed a little.

“Can I read to you Sparkle?”

“Yes, of course. I love it when you read to me. But you must whisper as quietly as you can so that I am the only one who hears you.”

Sarah began to read her book about Fido the dog who kept burying his bone.

“That’s a lovely story Sarah. Thank you for reading it to me today.”

“I’d love to have a dog of my own,” said Sarah.

“Would you?” Said Sparkle.

“Yes. I would call it Fido like the Fido in this book. We could play all day long too. I’d brush him and cuddle him and he would be my best friend.”

“Well, little Sarah, if you wish hard enough then I can make your dream come true.”

“Can you? Can you really do that Sparkle?”

“Yes, of course. You just have to make your wish. Then I wave my magic wand and your wish will come true. But one thing you must remember that you and I will be the only ones who can see your little dog. When I go back to the woods then little Fido will have to come with me and disappear, just as I disappear.”

Sarah began to cry again.

“No, please don’t cry Sarah. Don’t I come back to visit you all the time? Don’t I come into your bedroom at night and sit with you?”

“Yes, but what about Fido? Mummy won’t let a dog in the house, ever. She said so. She says they are filthy creatures and smelly too and cost a lot of money to feed.”

“Never mind Sarah. This little Fido is a very special Fido, just like you and me. He is magical. He can come and go as he pleases and he can be seen or not seen.”

“Can we do it now please Sparkle? Can you make magic and bring me a dog like Fido in this book?”

“Yes, of course.”

Sparkle waved her magic wand and filled the air with more fairy dust. Then out of a cloud of yellow smoke appeared a little black and white dog. His tail wagged so much it looked like a propeller that was about to lift him off the ground.

“Oh Fido, Fido, you really are here.”

Fido jumped onto Sarah’s lap and licked her face. Sarah began to laugh and cry all at the same time. Fido licked her tears dry and then sat on her lap and fell asleep.

“Thank you Sparkle, that is the best gift of magic I have ever had. Isn’t Fido lovely. He’s all cuddly and warm. I love him to bits.”

“Yes, he is a beautiful dog and very friendly too.” Said Sparkle. “ When he wakes up, we can go around the garden and play with him.”

“But what if Mummy sees him and tells me off?”

“Ah but your mummy won’t be able to see him. Can she see me? Can she see Sparkle?”

“No Mummy has never seen you and that is what is so frustrating. I try to tell Mummy about you but she just won’t listen.”

“Well Sarah, when Fido wakes up and we run around the garden together then you can pretend you are just playing by yourself or dancing around the garden pond. I don’t think your mummy will mind that at all.”

“No, I think Mummy will be pleased to see me playing on my own for a change and not bothering her all the time. Shall we wake Fido up and have a game of chase or hide and seek? It will soon be time for me to go in for lunch and you will have to go back to the woods and your friends Sparkle.”

“Yes, let’s wake Fido up and go and have some fun in your garden and around the pond.”

Sparkle waved her magic wand over Fido’s head and he yawned and stretched his chubby little paws. Sarah put him on the ground and ran over to the pond. Fido ran after her and then put his paws on the side of the pond and looked down at the fish.

“Who’s this? Said a big orange fish.

“It’s my best friend Fido,” said Sarah in the softest whisper she could manage.

“But my fishy friends and I thought we were your best friend, Sarah.”

“Oh, but you are Big Fish but Sparkle said it is all right to have many best friends and so Fido is also my friend.”

“Ah well, if Sparkle says it is okay then it is okay with me, Mr. Big Fish and my best mates here in the pond. Have you got any food for us today Sarah, we’re a bit hungry?”

“I’ll go and get some from Mummy in a minute after I’ve played with Fido for a while.”

Sarah ran around and around the pond. The orange fish swam around and around the edge of the water and tried to keep up. Fido was about to take a short cut and jump over the pond when Sparkle put out her magic wand and stopped him in his tracks.

“That was close, Said Sarah.” “If Fido had gone into that water and if I have gone in after him and got all wet and frightened the fish then Mummy would have been so cross, she would probably have grounded me and not given me any lunch or tea today.”

The shoal of fish swam over to the middle of the pond to rest. Sarah took hold of Fido and stroked him to calm him down. Sparkle sat on the edge of the pond surveying all that she could see.

“Sarah. Sarah. Are you coming in for your lunch now? Bring your book because I think it’s going to rain later and we don’t want it getting all wet.”

“Coming Mummy. Said Sarah as she ran back to the tree for her book. “I’m sorry but I’ve got to go now Fido and Sparkle. It’s been really lovely playing with you today and I will be back tomorrow and we can have another lovely game.”

Fido ran over to Sarah, jumped up her and licked her face and then disappeared along with Sparkle.

“Just coming Mummy. Can I feed the fish before I sit down to lunch?”

“Yes, of course. I had forgotten about them.”

Sarah took the small tin of fish food off the shelf by the back door and ran down the garden to the pond.

“Here you are Mr. Big Fish and your friends. You won’t go hungry today.”

“Thank you Sarah,” said Mr. Big Fish. All the orange fish gathered by the edge of the pond and waggled their tails as Sarah waved them goodbye and ran indoors for her lunch.

“Sit down Sarah. I’ve been watching you playing in the garden and I’m very pleased that you’re back to your old self once more. I knew you were capable of playing on your own. Now here is your favourite lunch. Eat it up and then we can go into town and do some shopping.

“Thank you Mummy. Can we go to the book store and buy another book?”

“Of course, Sarah. Reading is good for you.”

March 26, 2021 11:14

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