Gears and Hearts Part Three: A Home run

Written in response to: Set your story on a baseball field.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

Little Lottie ran around an abandoned baseball field from before the Great Reset.  Her golden locket shimmered in the afternoon sun.  Her blond hair looked like a sea of golden silk, her new purple dress was a deep purple. Birds chirped around us, singing the songs of summer.

“What is this place?” Lottie asked, laying down on the soft grass. “It seems old.”  Clearing my throat, I smoothed my new short black dress.  The black lace collar itched my neck, the ribbon in the back tied to perfection.  Ruffles danced down my arms, a silky red ribbon was tied around my neck.  The sword he gave me a week ago sat in my palm, feeling extra heavy.  

“I believe it is a game called baseball, and this is where they used to convene to cheer each other on.” I explained, my finger touching my lips. “It must be from before the Great Reset.”  Her head tilted in curiosity, an odd look dimming her face.  Her face lit up when her little fingers wrapped around a yellowed tiny ball with red stitches.  

“What is the Great Reset?” She queried, tossing the ball in the air. “I never heard of it.”  My face fell, my eyes focusing on a black shadow figure in the distance.  Something was off, the animals in the forest all going silent.  

“It was when a strange illness swept over the planet wiping out half of the population.” I uttered, still staring at the black shadow. “We should go home.”  She whined softly, trying to run in the opposite direction.  Her black boots skidded to a stop, a row of black shadows were lined up in an endless line.  

“Why are you in our field?” The tallest one asked, stepping forward. “This is cursed land.  Do you know how to play the game of baseball?”  Confused looks twisted our faces, my eyebrows cocking.  Lottie shifted uncomfortably next to me, her fingers gripping the ball tighter.  

“I have heard of it, but no I don’t.” I replied calmly, watching the leader of the shadows. “What are you suggesting?”  Red eyes glowed back at me, a white row of sharp teeth smiled widely back at me.  My heart fluttered nervously, Lottie wrapping her arms around my legs.

“Play a game with us.” He offered warmly, bowing in my direction. “It has been so long since we played with anyone.  We used to be a baseball team before the Great Reset.”  My muscles relaxed, his face inches from mine.  

“I doubt I will be any good at it.” I exhaled, messing with my side bun. “All I would have to do is hit the ball and run the bases when it is my turn.  Also we have to just catch the ball right.”  The shadow figure nodded, pulling a metal bat out of thin air.  Shock widened my eyes, my jaw dropping to the ground.  

“I will take you on my team, and little miss over there can watch.” He offered playfully, waving in her direction. “Are you okay with that?”  She nodded and bounced to a rock bench, her eyes full of eagerness.  The scene melted away around me to a brand new baseball field.  The leader of the shadows now had long red hair and twinkling green eyes.  His white and red uniform looked fresh and new.  Black cleats covered his face, many eyes looking at me.  Lottie waved at me from the now resurrected bleachers, a red and white striped uniform hugged my hourglass figure.  A red baseball cap hung sideways on my head, a new shiny bat was in my palms.  

“Ready to strike out.” The brown haired boy on the middle base taunted playfully.  The little white ball whizzed by my head,  the weird looking man in a mask shaking his head.  The red headed boy ran over to me, showing me how to swing the bat.  My face blushed, his lips brushing my cheeks.  This time my eyes focused on the ball, a metallic clang ringing out around me.  

“Run!” He shouted, pointing to the bases. “Try to get to the white diamonds.” Sweet summer hair blew all around me, my cleats smashing against the loose dirt.  Shouts and cheers erupted around me, my feet skidding to a stop at the third diamond.  He shot me a thumbs up, and stood triumphantly at the first diamond.  The bat cracked, the ball flying outside the fence.  He was towards me telling me to run to the base he was on.  The invisible crowd cheered, our faces falling.  Dark fog crept in at a frightening pace, Ominous growls surrounding us, a man in a red suit, and red hat melted the scene back to the original decay of the field.  His long black hair hung wildly around his dark eyes, black gloves tapped my shoulder.  My body shook violently, my arm short circuiting.  Breath escaped me, my mechanic's lung whirring to a stop.  Crazed grin danced across his face, the shadow figures surrounding me.  

“I am here to collect a very special android.” He mused, circling us. “Touching scene by the way.  Baseball was so unique in its own right.  Too bad it was my disease that killed half of the world.  Let her go, or face your doom.”  Fright paralyzed my body, Lottie running towards us.  His head tilted, his gloved hand gripping her throat.  

“Drop her now.” I growled, leaping to my feet. “I may not be at full strength, but I will accept your battle.”  Chuckling to himself, he tossed her aside.  The shadows left me, and surrounded her.  My hand trembled, the blade nearly falling out of my hand.  

“Don’t you get it now!” He teased, snapping his fingers. “I have the touch of death.  I barely touched you, so your end will be slow.”  My shoulder throbbed angrily, black creeping up my arm.  Great, now I had to figure out how to kill death himself.  The sword in my hand glowed red, fear darkening his eyes for the first time.  My shoulders slumped forward, the blade doubling in size.  Strange power surged through me, my gears whirring to life.  He lunged at me, a giant black scythe swinging my way.  Red flames engulfed my blade, the blades crashing together.  Ash fell around me, his blade scratching my cheek.  A thin line of blood dripped down my cheek, his body crashing to the ground.  Leaping up in the air, his foot smashed into my palm.  Small cracks nauseated me, my hand breaking instantly.  The gears collided together, my finger going limp.  A bullet whizzed by our heads, Viktor aiming for his heart.  Taking the chance, my blade touched Death’s heart, flames engulfing his entire body.  Pain shot through my stomach, the curve of his blade slicing the surface.  Inky blackness crept up my skin, my heart beating rapidly in my chest.  He needed to die first, before I did.  Clutching my chest, my hand ripped out his black diamond heart.  Lottie sprinted in, a white glow surrounding her blade.  A golden light blinded us, the heart shattering into tiny pieces.  The inky blackness faded on my skin, my heart beating slower.  Unnatural howls poured from his lips, his body turning to black dust.  Only his red suit lay at my feet, his hat floating away in the wind.  Viktor ran towards me, spinning me around.  His face falling at my deformed hand, the shadows were now the boys from the game earlier.  

“Keep her alive, man.” The red haired boy said, holding a metal bat over his shoulder. “Thanks for freeing us from his mad curse on the land.  You have one hell of a swing. Try to keep baseball alive for me.  See ya later .”  Waving goodbye, they floated into the sky.  Lottie waved next to me, reaching for my hand.  A bright wave of light washed over the field, animals coming out of the woods.  Flowers popped up out of the ground, a single metal bat with a helmet sitting at the pitcher’s mound.  One single black rose curled up the bat, keeping it in place.  

“Would it be so hard to ask you to stop breaking yourself?” He teased playfully, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “I would like to keep you alive like they asked.  Don’t be reckless like her, my little Lottie.”  Her face burned red, her tiny fist clenching.  My eyes rolling, my head rested on his strong chest.

“I can be just as strong as her, if I want to be.” She retorted furiously, pouting her lips.  “Just you wait.”  She sprinted ahead, just staying in my eyesight.  He lifted my chin up, his eyes gazing lovingly into mine.  

“I don’t doubt it.” I admitted, cupping his face with my good hand. “You can fix my hand right?”  Shaking his head, he pressed his lips against mine passionately.  My face flushed scarlet, his eyes looking out around the field.  

“Only you two would bring back the beauty that once belonged to this place.” He sighed, holding me tighter. “However, I will not always be able to fix you.  Just promise me that you will be careful from now on.”  Shrugging my shoulders, a goofy smile danced across my face.  Hopefully tomorrow will be just as much fun. 

March 07, 2022 20:39

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