Fiction Adventure LGBTQ+

The salt of the sea burned the eyes that have yet to rest from looking beyond the horizon. Rushing waves slapped against the starboard side creating a rhythmic beat. The wind howled a low hum in the Captain’s ears singing songs of the sea. The sounds of the ocean uniting into an endless melody.

The Captain wiped the sea spray from her brow, pushing her hat into a tilted position. She watched her crew slave under the starlight - they looked like ghostly beings, swaying to and fro, rags hanging from their bodies. Loyal as the burning fires of hell, they continued to work under their Captain’s gaze.

Looking up, she saw the stars map out her course - undeniable and never changing. Straight ahead. She tugged at her dark red coat, her eyes finding the horizon once more. 

“I’m coming for you.” 

Too focused on her prize, she didn’t see her first-mate stand next to her.

“Ya sure you don’t need a rest, Cap? You’ve been on the wheel all night…” His hand tussled through dirty blonde hair.

“I’m sure Eliot. We’re almost there anyway, I don’t want to miss it.”

“We’ve been on this course for… I don’t even know how long. I’m sure a short break wouldn’t kill ya.”

“I can’t afford it.” Her eyes never left the horizon, unrelenting. 

“Well, can’t say I didn’t try now, eh? You were always stubborn. Some things never change, huh?” Eliot glanced sideways at his Captain. Her brows were furrowed, eyes like jade, locked on their destination. Her raven hair hidden under her Cap, from this side he could see the scar that stretched down her face.

“And you’re still persistent as ever…” The Captain grew a small smirk and glanced at Eliot briefly. “Tell the crew to pull the sails and keep a lookout. We should be close.”

“Aye-Aye, Cap.” Leaving the top deck, Eliot started yelling his orders to the others. 

Directing her gaze from her men, the Captain pulled a small ring from her pocket. Turning the tarnished silver band around her fingers, her heart clenched in anticipation.

“I’ll find you. I promise.”

Moving as ants under the warm soft ground, the crewmember of The Siren scurried into their jobs. Their grunting and heaving once muffled by the slapping of waves, grew intense as their ship slowed into a steady speed. 

Once the beating waves washed into a subtle thump and the sails were pulled and the ship continued on its course, the crew began feeling the aching pulses of exhaustion. Split among the port and starboard side, they followed orders dutifully - eyes peeled for the so-called treasure their Captain had been searching for.

“Oi, Luke! What d’ya think it is?” A scrappy looking crewmate, still regarded green by most of the ship grinned cheekily. Yellowed teeth spread open his face, a stark contrast to the tanned skin that was uncovered by the single vest he wore.

“Knowing Cap’m, must be worths a lots. In all my time on this ship, she’s been chasings this treasure for years. I reckon’ it’s beyond anythings we’ve seen.” Luke, a burly deckhand, scratched his full red beard. Looking back to the wheel, he saw their Captain grip the railing, head held high. 

“I’ve seens a lots of fierce-ems Captains in my days. But I ain’t seen nones like her.” 

Turning his eyes back onto the sea, Luke scanned the horizon. Hard calloused hands gripped the port-side railings. Watching the fog drift above the waves, he saw the large dark hooked shadow emerge. Twisting his head to the side as if it would aid his eyesight, Luke tried to focus on what was ahead. The wind whispered the fog away. The shadowed hook form appeared clearer. It was here.

“Ahoy! Cap’m! Port-side!”

Green jaded eyes pulled from the horizon, snapping to peer into the distance. The Hook. It was The Hook. Hope sprung in the pits of her heart. After all these years, chasing dead ends, solving the unsolvable riddles - she had finally made it. Her hand gripped the ring tighter inside her coat pocket. 

“I’ll be there soon, my Treasure.” Pulling her hand tightly down upon her head, she looked out to her crew.

“You heard the man, lads! Port-side! All hands!” Shouting natural commands, the crew followed suit. Organized madness erupted on the deck, moving bodies like a machine moved to make way to their destination. 

The Captain watched in anticipation as The Siren inched closer and closer to The Hook. Her heart raising into her throat at the thought of her long awaited Treasure. Exhaustion weighed in her boots, but she remained focused - unmoving. 

Pulling into the last yards between the ship and The Hook, the Captain ran down to be with the crew. 

“In 200 yards, drop anchor. I’ll be taking the tender the rest of the way.” Moving to the bow, the Captain tried to glimpse around The Hook catching a small glimpse of the dark cave that awaited her. 

“Luke!” The burly red-head turned and stood in front of his Captain. “Good eyes, tonight.”

“Of course, Cap’m” She nodded her head in approval and headed below deck to her quarters.

Closing the door, she rushed to her desk, grabbing her prepared sack from underneath - flinging it over her shoulder she took a deep breath to steady herself. The soft sway of the boat relaxed her- grounded her. She couldn’t fail not. Not when she was so close. Three pounds on the door raised her attention.


“Permission to come in?” Eliot’s voice traveled muffled through the heavy wood door.

“Enter.” The door creaked open, her first-mate inching in with caution. 

“So Cap, are you going to finally tell us what this long awaited treasure is?”

“I suppose you rascals will just have to wait until I return.” The Captain quipped back, raising her eyebrow.

“Are you taking anyone with you ashore?”

She shook her head quickly, “Too dangerous. I’m going alone.”

“Cap, you can’t be serious? What if you need help.”

“You can help me, by staying here and making sure the crew doesn’t kill each other before I get back.” She walked up to Eliot and put a hand on his shoulder. 

“Trust me when I say, I need to do this alone.” A soft silence drifted upon the two. 

“Are you sure Sam can’t watch the ship? I can come with you.” Earnest dark eyes met stormy green.

“Not this time Eliot.”

“Still stubborn.” He shook his head. The Captain patted his back and headed for the door.

“And still persistent.” With that, the Captain made her way out of the cabin and back onto the deck. 

Walking past her crew, head held towards a single vision. The Treasure. Making her way to the bow’s port side she threw her sack into the tender. 

“All right, lads. As usual, Eliot is in charge once I leave this ship. She better stay in one piece when I come back.” Swinging her legs over the railing, the Captain dropped into the smaller boat.

“Yer sure, yer don’t need more hands to carry the treasure, Cap’m?” A rough singular voice raised from the crowded crewmates. 

“My hands will do just fine.” Shining her singular grin, the Captain pulled the rope. Herself and the tender fell with gravity into the dark - the only evidence of her location of the splash of the sea against the wooded tender. 

The crew watched in eerie silence, as they watched their Captain ride the sea to the hidden cave. A single silhouette under the vast sky, threatened to be turned and pulled into the waiting depths. 

The cold air of the dark cave rushed around the Captain’s body as she approached the shore. Her eyes, blinded by the absence of light, burned with determined emerald flames. Picking up the tender’s lantern, she flicked the switch and illuminated her surroundings. Her heat beat an endless march in her soul. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

Stepping onto the jagged floor, she made her way to a crack in the wall. A subtle breeze whispers out from pitch darkness, hinting at its untold secrets. Placing a hand on the cold wet stone, she lightly dragged her fingers on the sharp teeth edges. 

“Blood for blood.” 

Reaching for the dagger in her boot, she slid the metal from its hidden sheath. Placing the lantern on the ground, she traced the lines on her palm with the thin blade. Marking a spot, she pulled along her skin, bright red life pooling from the cut almost matching the jacket on her back. The Captain smeared the ichor that flowed from her veins on the hard granite - moving her hand swiftly she left marks and symbols on every open space. It was a demented finger-painting exucted by a desperate soul.

Stepping back, the ground below black boots rumbled and groaned. Before the Captain could take another step back, the granite split below and swallowed her into black depths. Free falling into an endless pit, the Captain was sure she would soon hit the bowels of Hell. Her movements ended that same way her journey began - with a splash of water. Swimming to the surface, she flailed and greedily grasped for air. Sputtering water from her mouth, she moved to what she assumed was the bank of the pool of water she had landed in. 

Pulling herself back onto the land she rolled over, her body was cushioned by grass. Grass

Shooting up in a blur, the Captain searched her surroundings, trying to make sense of the new environment. This was it. 

All the stories. All the signs. All the journeys. She had made it.

Despite being swallowed into an endless darkness, the area around her was lit with a soft mystical glow. Grass spread across the ground along with flowers in bloom, trees in spring, and luscious life. Looking beyond the enticing flora, a small wooden cabin hid behind trees. 

It was almost improbable to think that after all these years her Treasure was hidden in a cabin of wood. Tears choked her throat, preventing her from shouting out. Her tongue was heavy and her limbs of lead. Everything she ever wanted, ever needed was finally in front of her after all these years. And all she could do was sit and stare overwhelmed with an infinity of emotions. 

The slam of a wooden door, brought the Captain out of her mind forcing her body to move. Pushing up onto the land, she ran. 

Stumbling over her feet, she ran. Tears burning down her face, she ran. Lungs screaming, she ran. She ran and ran and ran. Until she saw it. Her Treasure. 

Her soul felt like it had been punched. She wanted to cry but all that came out was a chuckled sob.

Before her stood her Treasure - equally awestruck.

Dressed in sheer white robes held up by golden robes tied around her waist and shoulder, a young woman stood in front of the Captain. He blonde tresses splayed around her shoulders, blue eyes burning into emerald green. Flushed cheeks stained with silent tears of unbelief.  

“Ophelia, y-you found me.” The sweetest of voices cracked and crumbled under emotions. Ophelia, the Captain, laughed under the absurd circumstances.

“What can I say? A pirate always finds her treasure.” Wet laughed followed by an overwhelming sob. Taking a step closer, Ophelia walked into the other’s space. Pulling the silver ring out of her pocket, she lifted it in front of the woman’s eyes.

“You still have it?” Hands flew up to pale red lips.

“As if I’d ever get rid of it.” She turned it around in her hand. “I told you once, I’d follow you anywhere. Eurydice, I don’t make promises I can’t keep, and I’m certainly not going to start now.” Taking her hand, Ophelia placed the ring on Eurydice’s hand.

“Still fits.” Ophelia gave Eurydice her signature grin. Eurydice took her hand and placed it upon the Captain’s cheek.

“I missed your eyes.”

“Surely that can’t be the only thing that you missed.” 

“And you still have that pirate sass, I see.” Eurydice laughs, crinkles forming around her ocean eyes. 

“Can we sit? I just…” A sob escaped Ophelia’s throat as she pulled the short woman into a tight embrace. “This doesn’t feel real.”

“Darling, we have all the time in the world.” Eurydice’s voice was muffled by the Captain’s shoulder, “It’s just you and me.”

“You and me.” Ophelia repeated. 

“It’s you and me.”

November 13, 2020 20:27

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