Horror Fiction Fantasy




Abe walks into the small dim lit Irish Pub, pausing to stand at the entrance, as he scans the area for any hostiles. Droplets of water run slowly down the long leather coat from the never ending rain outside. The patrons briefly pause and glance at the tall dark rugged leather clad figure standing in the establishment doorway before continuing with their lives.

Eyeing a small single table in a far corner of the pub, Abe walks slowly past the usual patrons ensuring he maintains observance of his surroundings. Passing a table with three elderly ladies, which are completely out of character for the establishment, Abe tips the brim of his fedora in respect. The elderly ladies giggle.

Sitting himself at the single table in the far secluded end of the Pub, Abe places his fedora on the small round table shaking the remaining droplets of water from his long flowing wavy black hair. Ordering a bottle of Tequila, Abe enjoys the burning sensation of the first drink after a long day of battle.

“Hey! What the hell you three old women doing in our Bar?”

A mountain of a man at the far end of the bar from Abe stands, pointing at the three elderly ladies, as he downs the remainder of a large pitcher of ale. Wiping the spilled ale from his long matted beard, he wipes back his long greasy hair and strides toward the elderly ladies.

“You old women don’t belong in this place! You need to leave.”

The other patrons raise their eyes up, glancing slightly at the giant striding toward the ladies, then return to drinks at hand. Abe downs another Tequila and puts his Fedora back on.

“Why does it always have to go this way. All I want is one night, just one night of peace.”

Striding over, Abe stands between the giant and the ladies stopping the big man. Looking up from the giants chest Abe smiles and puts his hands up in front.

“Big man. How about you go back to your table and I buy you a beer so I can get back to my Tequila. No need for this.”

With a scream like a wounded animal, the giant throws Abe through the air to the far side of the bar. Landing hard on the small table, smashing the bottle of Tequila, Abe picks himself up shaking the broken glass from his long leather coat.

The giant of a man smashes a bottle and heads toward Abe, broken bottle in hand with fire in his eyes.

“I really hate when things go this way. Why can’t I have just one night to myself?”

As Abe draws a sword from the sheath from under his coat, the bar patrons lower their heads and turn away from the action. The elderly ladies giggle and watch for the outcome.

With swift agile movements, Abe slices off the giants hand with the broken bottle crashing to the floor. A deafening roar from the giant as Abe thrusts the sword into the chest of his adversary. A final swing of the sword, Abe slices off the giants head causing the giant of a man collapsing to the floor.

Abe, putting the sword away, walks back to his table, up-righting it, and orders another bottle of Tequila while two employees of the Pub remove the body and begin clean up. The waitress brings over a fresh bottle and a clean shot glass. Abe tosses a piece of silver on the tray which the waitress promptly hands back.

“The three ladies at the table over there have paid for your bottle, along with the required clean up fee.”

The elderly ladies giggle as Abe respectively gives a tilt of his Fedora in their direction as he begins consuming his Tequila.


Picking up the remaining bottle of Tequila and sliding it into the inner pocket of his leather coat, Abe finishes his final shot of Tequila begins to leave the Pub. Passing the table with the three elderly ladies, he again tips his Fedora and thanks them for their kindness. Grabbing his forearm tightly, one of the ladies stops Abe in his tracks.

“Young man, may we ask your name?”

Smiling sweetly. “You may call me Abe young lady.”

Giggling. “You are so sweet, and beautiful. Would you entertain us tonight for our midnight Tea Time? We will not take no for an answer.”

Abe gently clutches her hand. “I would be delighted.”

Scribbling down their address on a table napkin, then placing it gently into Abe’s hand.

“Now remember Abe, twelve midnight sharp – and please bring you most favourite cookie for our midnight Tea Time. We can exchange our cookies with yours.”

Abe tilts his Fedora and leaves the Pub as the elderly ladies giggle, chatting among themselves.


Abe walks up to the door of the massive secluded mansion and using the large brass door knocker, cookie box tucked under his arm, strikes the door three times. The door slowly opens and he walks inside, greeted by a tall lanky butler who stares blankly at him as a female voice echo's throughout the dim lit foyer.

“Oh my, Abe! Is that really you? You did come.”

A raised arm and pointed finger by the creepy butler, shows Abe down the hall into the dinning room. The three elderly ladies from the Pub are seated at one end of a twelve foot dinning table with a single chair at the far end from the three ladies.

Abe places the cookie box he was carrying on the table, and pulling out the chair, sits down. Staring down the long table, he notices they appear to be drinking red wine rather then tea. They each have what appears to be a single large cookie on a plate in front of them.

“So Abe, what type of cookies did you bring?”

Abe smiles softly. “I brought six of my most favourite items. And what type of cookies do you ladies have there?”

Two hounds, the size of bears enter the dinning room and position themselves on each side of the door as the Butler closes and locks it. The hounds fiery red eyes are fixed on Abe.

In unison the ladies take a sip of the deep red liquid from the crystal glasses as they cut into their cookies. Deep red liquid oozes out covering the plates.

“Our cookies are like a form of blood pudding.”

The three elderly ladies pull off the wigs, removing their facial coverings and dentures revealing their hideous true likeness. Standing, leaning over the table, they hiss displaying their long incisor fangs. The dogs behind growl drooling profusely onto the marble flooring as they get excited.

Vampire One: “We so much wanted to have you today Abe.”

Abe smiles softly as he turns the cookie box.

Vampire Two: “Yes Abraham, we are so looking forward to having you.”

Abe opens the cookie box revealing six wooden stakes.

Vampire Three: “Professor Abraham Van Helsing. We have waited so long for this moment.”

Abe stands as the chair slides back. Slowly he draws his sword.

“Why does it always have to go this way. All I want is one night, just one night of peace.”

Abe brandishes his sword as the Vampires attack.


December 09, 2020 21:00

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