Funny Sad Contemporary

Foreword: If you're looking for literary skills, this story is not for you, but if you're looking for a bit of fun and some nonsense, then I am happy to say look no further; You've come to the right place.

Hey, Miss Editor, I don't think that's fair. (I had to warn them somehow, didn't I?) It's making fun of my 'literary skills'. (Your literary skills? I'm the one writing this.) That's insulting! I may be just a character on paper right now but I have feelings too you know! You think you just created me out of thin air? (Where else would you come from?)

I have a life! I'm only doing this because of the pay! (Pay??) Don't you know? I get 10 percent of your royalties. (What royalties? I don't get royalties.) You're lying. (*groan. Oh, there goes my phone again. Excuse me for a moment -) Well I might as well start the story now I suppose.


'Hello, who is it?

Honey, it's me, Dylan.

Sorry Dilly, but I'm writing right now, you can call me back later.


Hi, my name is – (I'm back.) Miss Editor, you interrupted me! (I have every right to interrupt. And stop calling me 'Miss Editor'. I'm the author, not the editor. I don't have an editor.) Miss Editor, Miss Editor, Miss Editor. (Argh.) Now can I continue? (Please do.)

Hi, my name is Mandy Syrel - (No it isn't.) Yes it is. (Not for this story. Your name is... Celani Bright.) Alright. But where have I heard that before? (Nowhere. You've never heard that name before. I invented it. It doesn't exist.) Are you sure? (Sure. Wait. My phone's ringing again. Think up a story while I'm gone.) Oh, um, okay.



Honey it's Dylan again. I need to talk to you -

That's really sweet of you Dilly but I'm busy right now.


(Got it?) Yes but – (Well, start then.) O-Okay...

Hi, my name is Celani Bright, and I'm just your average 12-year-old (No, no, stop.) What now? (That's not right. You're 16.) But Miss Editor, I'm not 16. (Yes, you are. How many times do I need to tell you? You're 16 if I say you are, and stop calling me 'Miss Editor'.) B – (Yes?) Nothing. (Good. Now carry on, my phone's ringing again.) Here we go again.



Honey, please stop hanging up -


Hi, my name is Celani Bright, and I'm just your average 16-year-old. I live in - (Little Hampshire) – Little Hampshire, next to a river. No objections I hope? (None so far. Argh, what IS it?) What? ( - ) Oh, the phone again I suppose.




- Excuse me but is Paul there?


Tell him it's John.

I'm sorry but I think you've got the wrong number.


one day I was walking along the river, admiring



Honey, it's important.

Look, Dylan, this is really stressful for me okay? I need to finish this story in 2 weeks and I haven't even started yet.

Are you sure that's what you're doing? You're not with - Jayden?


the way the water rushed over the rocks and thinking how nice it would be to swim in when


I didn't know that boyfriends were so possessive! Of course I'm not with Jayden. Why would I be with Jayden?

No I didn't mean it like that Honey I -

I agreed to be your girlfriend so you would stop pestering me! And look where that got me.


I spotted someone walking along in the opposite direction. I recognised them (Stop.) as my (I said, stop.) brother, with (WILL YOU SHUT UP.) (Look, your story is terrible. Your plot is terrible, your character is terrible, your writing is terrible.) Miss Editor, I think that's just a little unfair, don't you? (Start from the beginning.) After all, it's you who are writing – (Start at the beginning.) Humph. Fine.

Tip, tap, tip, tap, went the hail on my bedroom window as - (I should call Dylan back and apologize.) - I shivered by the radiator, hugging a blanket close


But Honey, if that was why then -

No I didn't mean it Dilly I'm sorry I just -

But that's what I wanted to talk to you about -


to me. I couldn't understand all the hail. Snow would be much


Yes, you had something to say?

Honey, I need to tell you that -

Just a moment.


more fun, though colder. I stared grimly out - (That's a better start.) Thank you. - of the window, but I couldn't see a thing. Then suddenly the hail cleared for a



- to tell you that -



second and – (Stop.) What've I done now? (Nothing, nothing, you haven't done anything wrong.) Then


Honey, you need to know... We're breaking up.

We - what?


what's all the fuss about? (Nothing! Just carry on.) No. I


I like Lilly and... and I never see you any more... I'm sorry -


don't think I will. (What?) I said, I don't think


I need a moment.


I will. (I heard you the first time.) Then what was the 'What?' for?




(What do you mean, what was the what for?) What? (What?) What? (Arrgh stop. Just... tell me about your story.) Alright.


You mean... Really?


Basically, it's hailing, I look out the window (of.) What? (you look out of the window, not out the window.) Humph. Alright Miss Finicky Editor.




Miss Editor? (What?) Can you tell me about yourself? (No.)

Why? (Because I don't want to.) I can't write unless I know who I'm writing for. (Since when was that a rule?) Since now.

(Look, I – You – Argh. Fine.) Give me a moment to get comfortable.


You really - want to do this?



(Okay. My name is Honey and I'm 16. There, happy?) Hm... No.


You mean - Really?

I'm sorry Honey.


(How about this then? My boyfriend's just broken up with me. Happy now?) I'm – sorry. (Mhm. That's what he said.)


I -

I'm really sorry.

I love you Dylan.


Miss Editor – (Shut up.)


I know.


Miss Editor – (I give up! I'm not writing this story. It can go as it is. All it needs is a title.) But Miss Editor – (Your titles are just as bad as your stories. Oh well, if you insist. Now if you'll excuse me I'll just go and cry in the bathroom for a few hours.) - I posted your complete story yesterday.

Miss Editor?

Miss Editor?


June 17, 2023 14:18

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19:41 Jun 24, 2023

Welcome to Reedsy: Writing skills...great!. Editing skills...fab! Characterization Of a character creating itself? Amazing!! I agree with below comment- if you are really a teenager? Don't stop writing!! If you are an adult pretending to be a teenager? Don't stop writing! Funny, loveable..laughable..publishable? can't believe this is your first submission! Love it!!


15:05 Jun 26, 2023

THANKS! Thank you SO much! But why would I pretend to be a teenager??


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Delbert Griffith
14:14 Jun 24, 2023

Fantastic tale, HL. Great voice - uh - voices. If you are indeed a teenager, then I encourage you to continue writing. That's the teacher in me advising that. We come equipped with encouragement genes. LOL Cheers!


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