Drama Fiction Funny

It was all set up, the prank of the year, and my boss was going to win that golden statue, if it was his last mission in life to do so. For the last 5 years, his brother has won every prank, and now it was his turn to be champion. There was a lot of sleek work involved, a lot of cloak and dagger. No one wanted to be responsible for this failing, fearing the wrath of the employer.

The town was a large one, and very busy. They would see many a tourist arriving upon over sized and extravagant coaches. Coming out in droves, like ants. Making their way along the beautiful square court yard and in one long line, with matching hats or t-shirts, heading for the shops that the tour guide had special deals with. Many gave out vouchers or took a percentage off for a bus load of people buying lunch or tea. The baker shops were very successful, but when the weather was dull or the holiday season at an end, many needed to fill that gap of boredom with silly events. From April pranks, to Christmas best dressed, everyone played their part in keeping the traditions alive.

All the baker shops in town were involved, and this had been going on since time began. They said it was just a bit of friendly competition, but the two brothers, took this very seriously. From insects in cakes, to fridge's being switched off on timers, there was no fine line. One day of hell, was to be expected by all !

"Mark my words, this year, I will be the winner. My brother can suck eggs". Exclaimed Jeffery, the owner and over excited boss. Bouncing about the kitchen, while filling in his cream tarts with toppings. He wished for everyone to follow the plan. They had plenty of practise, and it had begun almost a year ago, so no one had any excuse to fail him.

It was the night before, the staff had left for home, but Jeffery remained. He rolled out his planning sheet and marked each task that would begin at dawn. This was no ordinary mission, as both brothers were once in the same business. They inherited a small bakery from their grandfather and swore that they would work out their differences and make it a success. But there came jealousy, bickering and finally resentment. One brother excelled in bread and pastries, while the other could not be defeated in his cakes and treats. This was not the only cause of such a hurtful brake-up. A woman, off course was involved. She played them for fools, and yet they blamed each other when she left. There was so much built in anger, that the only way it could be silenced or, muffled, was to split up and start a new. But apart from each other. The shop was sold and the money used for deposits in two other buildings. Such shame, to have done this. Jeffery and Pat, instantly regretted the move, when their former family baker shop, was turned into a gift store. What would their grandfather have said, if he saw what they had done to his pride and joy.

Early morning, and bakers were up and running, preparing all the yummy goodies for the day. Jeffery however, did not open up. He faked being ill and so kept his doors shut. It was the only way to defeat his brother, even if it meant losing a day's takings. But his brother had been warned ahead of time and he too had shut up shop. Both men, furious over this, organised to meet in the square to have it out. As they argued, all sorts were happening in the other bakers shops. Pranks galore, and yet in theirs, only silence and peace. Jeffery had a good prank, he was going to have his staff enter his brother's shop. They would dress up in costume and pretend it was a mail order band of clowns, annoying customers with stupid badly preformed tricks, and loud sounds. Fart bombs and the likes going off.

His brother, Pat, ordered an actor to pretend he was from Pest control, and he was going to run around with a fake spray machine. Harmless but filled with silly string that would be shot across the counters and tables.

While this argument continued, an owner of one of the other shops approached, all jolly and pleased with himself. "You boy's and your pranks, didn't you get the memo?, everyone did this morning".

Both young men shook their heads, and now dread filled their minds. He continued, " the competition, we called it all off, because the magazine lady, you know, the food critic from the big city came this morning to write her reviews on all the local bakeries". Jeffery went pale, and felt so ill. His brother had to sit down, or he would pass out. The baker laughed at his competition. "If you had only paid more attention to your business, than that silly award, this would never have happened. Why we had a great time, she was very friendly and I have no doubt, will give us a good write up".

And all this, for what ? a golden statue, made from chocolate !

They sat together now, in shame and silence. Looking at each other for the first to crack, it was Jeffery who volunteered to speak. "This has to stop, or we are going to ruin everything that we built up, just like grandfathers shop". Pat agreed. "I know, but we can not work together, it is impossible". Jeffery had an idea, what if they joined their baker shops under one name, their grandfathers. Not under the same roof, but they could share the work load and keep a brand and style that would suit both tastes. It would be better to do this, than to continue down a failing relationship and business disaster!

First, to end this prank competition. "No, Jeffery no, why don't we join forces, next year, if we are under the same brand, and our shops have the same name, then we can enter as one. Together we will win and wipe that smug look of his face and all the other bakers who think we are finished". Pat held out his hand, and they shook as bother men of business and of family.

April 01, 2021 09:50

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