Thriller Suspense Fiction

   How? How was she so slick to escape the cops not once, not twice, but three times!? I watched her pull this man into the alley, hidden in the shadows. Did she know I was there? Was she not worried?? Who knows. The two acted as intimate lovers, but I knew all too well. She drew them in with her looks, dressed as a prostitute. That was how she drew her last two in too. Dressed as a prostitute, with her fishnet stockings, short skirt and crop top. 

   I watched with wide green eyes as she pulled him deeper into the alley, lips locked and bodies together. I waited to see how long she would wait. Would she do it right after they pulled away? Or wait until she got her rocks off?? Well the answer was neither, as I watched her slit the man's throat as she kissed him, only pulling away when she felt him falling to the ground. 

   Dusting her hands, she coated the knife in her saliva, from the blade tip down to the base of the hilt, and within a few minutes the knife had disappeared. This looked like the same knife she used the last two times. How did she get it so clean?? I would follow her to find out, but I don't want to be the next victim of hers, though I'm not that type of guy. If I'm being honest, I'm the type to help a girl in need. Bringing focus back to her, she had already somehow gotten rid of the cut on the throat, and the blood on the floor. I watched as she looked around, her gaze stopping where I was hidden. Did she see me? She had to! Was it my eyes? My eyes always seemed to show in the dark. She kept still, narrowing her eyes. Crap! She definitely saw me! I felt my entire body stiffen, my fear making my heart race. She smiles, getting up and carefully nudging the body, making sure not to actually touch it, to make it seem like he had fallen, before pulling out her phone. 

   I watched as she started to call someone. Who was she calling this time? With no evidence of a murder, except the body with no cuts or wounds, maybe she was calling the ambulance? She seemed to put on an act, having a worried tone when she spoke, though I couldn't understand a single word she said. Her facial expression said it all. She looked scared and worried...but I knew. I knew she wasn't. Was this to help make sure she wasn't caught? That could be the only reason I could think of. One thing was bothering me about this man though...why did he seem so familiar? Have I come across him before?? I must have. This was another thing that the victims have in common. I know I came across them before, but I couldn't remember where. 

   I peeked out from the shadows as I heard heavy footsteps, seeing a couple police officers and some paramedics come to take the guy away, the two officers going straight to the women to question her. They seemed to believe every word she said. She even turned the water works! She was crying, even though she just killed the man! Women are a mystery, I must say. I watched as the cops talked to her for what seemed like twenty minutes, before wishing her well and telling her to be careful before leaving. 

   The woman turned back to where I was, and I started to worry. Was I the next to die?? I didn’t interfere, but I did witness it. Or did she plan to kidnap me? No one would miss me, since I live here in the alley. I would leave from time to time to try and find food or water...that’s it!! Those three victims of hers! I came across them while trying to find some food. But why would she kill them? Was she always watching me?? That’d be pretty creepy though, if she just stalked me. But me and her, we come across each other a fair amount of time each month. 

   I watched her as she knelt directly in front of me, and held her hand out to me. I stared at her, unsure. She could snap my neck and toss me in the dumpster! But for some reason, I still trusted her. I slowly lean forward, feeling my ears against my head as I sniffed at her hand. I can still smell the scent of that man, his blood hidden on her hand because of her saliva. I glanced up at her, seeing her face soften as she smiled a kind smile. She spoke to me, but I couldn’t hear her. She reached for me and I panicked, feeling myself puff up with fear. What was she planning? Was this my last day? Am I going to die, looking at her kind smile?? 

   I felt her hands gently grab me, opening my mouth to cry out as she lifted me up. She carried me like someone would carry a baby, cradling me in her arms as she stood up. She calmly brushed her finger against my cheek, and I felt myself relaxing against her touch. She walked out the alley with me still in her arms, walking to wherever she must live. She continued to gently pet my cheek, and I let out a purr. As she walked, I looked around. I saw all sorts of people with their powers, one man floating above all the rest, one girl skipping with her eyes glowing purple, and a stuffed teddy bear following suit, an elderly woman with wheels on the bottom of her feet. This woman seemed to give nods to certain people, and ignored the rest of them. Was she a part of some kind of cult? 

   Eventually we got to what I could assume to be her home. It wasn’t too big, but big enough to have more than one bedroom, a kitchen and living area. The woman set me on the pale brown couch, patting me on the head and walked into the kitchen. I slowly looked around, my nose twitching. The television was switched on, some weird hospital drama playing. I stretch, my butt up in the air as I did the stretch with a yawn. I slowly turn and look on one of the walls, spotting a mirror. I saw the couch, the decorations behind me, and then myself. My, was I really this thin?? My dark fur is dirty with dirt and grime, even fleas. You couldn’t see the dirtiness of my fur, unless you looked at my white paws. I had grown accustomed to the feeling, not able to do much about it. 

   I quickly turn my head at movement, watching the woman come in with a bowl that she set down near the couch. I sniffed the air, and quickly hopped down. I sniffed at what was in the bowl, hesitant at first until my hunger got to me and I quickly started to chow down. The food was weirdly mushy, but so delicious! Hints of chicken and salmon!? I never got this kind of food back in the alley! Suddenly feeling a hand run over my back, I quickly flinch and turn, seeing that the woman was now sitting somewhat behind me. She paused, then continued to pet me, and I relaxed and went back to eating. 


   The woman smiled down at the alley cat, watching it eat. She pulls her cellphone out, answering the vibrating phone. ¨Yea, no worries boss. I got it. Yea, it’s in my house, eating...poor dear. I think he might be deaf.” She said, sighing softly. ¨I plan to keep it, yea. A cat that can purely hide in the shadows could be good use...could be a great spy for us.”

November 11, 2020 18:42

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