My story titled both Prince Somebody and his friend Evanda Holyfield engaged in a fist fight during the recent tournament.

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Adventure Creative Nonfiction Western

My story is entitled both Prince Somebody and his friend Evanda Holyfield engaged in a fist fight during the recent tournament.

Once upon a time, Prince Somebody the huge and mascular man in his native country Ghana travelled to the United States of America a land of opportunities and plenty to engage in a fist fight with one of the sports legend of Americas boxing Amateur Evanda Holyfield.

It was noted that in his home country Ghana it was Prince Somebody who often engages in a spontaneous fight with bare fists. Also Prince Somebody lived at Bukom a community where the inhabitants were poor folks and they often eat banku and fish to grow mascular to engage in all sorts of fist fight.

They have the belief and notion that fist fight will grant them the opportunity to travel abroad and also earn for themselves some money as a result of tournaments during fist fight.

Also Prince Somebody engaging in a fist fight always had his hand clenched with the fingers doubled into his palm and then doubled inward across his fingers in order to make a punch or fight to become the ultimate winner.

Again Evanda Holyfield from the United States of America also adopted the same strategy in fist fighting ,he had his hand clenched with fingers doubled into his palm and then inward across his fingers in order to make a punch or fight Prince Somebody.

Also rumours has it that Prince Somebody was the Pugilist the fist fighter who actually encounters and engages in all sorts of fist fight within his community.

In addition the fist fight was conducted in the United States of America between Prince Somebody and his friend Evanda Holyfield as a tournament where the winner wins $100,000 dollars.

It is an irony to tell you that Evanda Holyfield the fist fighter was born with six fingers due to this he likes to engage in a fist fight to scare away all sorts of criminals and other fighters.

Since he has six fingers, he sees himself to be much stronger always whenever he engages in a fist fight.

Also since he is only a fist fighter with six fingers he himself to be proud,strong and unique at all times.

During the fist the Referee mentioned that the fist is a symbol for expressing solidarity support, strength and Unity in various contexts.

It was during the fist fight that both Prince Somebody and Evanda Holyfield engaged in fighting holding their fist up so that they level up with their cheeks.

As can be noted both Prince Somebody and Evanda Holyfield threw punches at each other quickly extending their dominant arm and hand twist. They both twisted their palms in a manner that faces down.

Again as the arm goes forward they both rotated their dominant shoulder forward to get more power from punches that they both encountered.

In addition both Prince Somebody and his friend Evanda Holyfield aimed at their opponents nose, eyes, and jaw to stun themselves. It was Prince Somebody who first made a punch to the jaws of Evanda Holyfield and the nose that caused him nose bleeding that the Referee called for a break in fight for fifteen minutes rest.

After the fifteen minutes break in fight ,Evanda Holyfield was treated of his nose bleeding by the Red Cross society through first aid before the next ultimate fight dubbed Round Two.

Also during the second Round Two, Evanda Holyfield recovered and became furious he punch the face of Prince Somebody and his head making him experience an excruciating headache ,bumps and bruises on his face.

At that moment , everybody thought that Evanda Holyfield had almost won the fight by then.

Also due to the injuries that Prince Somebody sustained ,these injuries made him not to accomplish the simple task of fighting Evanda Holyfield that he became feeble and weak.

It was then that the Referee called for another breakout of fifteen minutes.

Prince Somebody was given first aid by the Ghana Red Cross society, to be precise he was given Paracetamol and Lucozade to relief him of his pains.

He was also advice by his coach since perseverance conquers difficulties.

During their last fight to determine the winner of the tournament Prince Somebody remembered lessons and teachings of his Coach that Punching bags always makes your fist stronger in any fight.

In order for Prince Somebody to fight his best fight during the first fight tournament in the United States of America he got furious and also committed to the fight.

Also Prince Somebody was actually committed to the fight in the tournament.

It was Prince Somebody the fist fighter who focus on what to do during the last fight.

He went quickly towards his friend Evanda Holyfield in a furious manner that he exhaled sharply with every punch ,he punch the face of Evanda Holyfield that he sustained some bruises and injuries.

Also Prince Somebody punched his blocking hands that it became broken and he experienced an excruciating real pain in his arm.

Since his friend Evanda Holyfield was very weak by then due to his broken arm and the bruises on his face Prince Somebody kept on punching and beating Evanda Holyfield that he became weak and fainted by collapsing in the ring on the floor.

It was then that the Referee actually declared Prince Somebody as the ultimate winner in the tournament of fist fighting.

Evanda Holyfield later felt a deep sense of shame.

Again Evanda Holyfield got sore scalps after the fist fight he had with Prince Somebody. It was noted that Prince Somebody acted and fought in a manner that earned him esteem.

Prince Somebody was given the prize money of hundred thousand dollars that he became a well renowned legend.

Later Prince Somebody was given the opportunity to receive a laurel ,trophy and a certificate of participation from the President of the Sports Federation.

Finally his friend Evanda Holyfield was given ten thousand dollars to take care of the expenses he uncured with a laurel and a certificate of participation.

June 23, 2023 03:32

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