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Adventure LGBTQ+ Fantasy


Fires were blazing, children were screaming, and demon bats were flying everywhere attacking anything that moved. I gathered as many human children that I could and attempted to rush them inside to hide in the basement of the human school. The terrifying creatures flew overhead, bit, clawed and scratched. I tried to shield the little ones as they pulled at my long green hair. 

How did a gentle nymph like find myself in the middle of a magical war. Well a few years ago when many forests started to burn I knew that I had to do something about it. I teamed up with Sebastian and Draven, two knuckle heads I had gone to school with, to end the reign of terror caused by Zyron the Ineffable. The three of us had nothing in common really, with Sebastian being a Shapeshifter and Draven being part Wizard and part Demon. Heck the two of them can’t even get along with each other for more than five minutes because they are constantly butting heads. The differences between them were like night and day. All the girls in our class had a crush on Sebastian, including me. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and terribly good looking. While Draven was a perya, a loner. Blue skin and dark haired. There is one thing that the three of us do have in common however, our need to protect the ones we love. Our parents, our brothers and sisters, and our friends deserved a world without Zyron.

We ran for our lives towards the building. A child screamed as one of the bat demons tried to carry him off by the shoulders. I swung a large tree branch at it and it let the poor child go. Once inside the safety of the school I used my magic to grow protective vines and thorns around the outside walls. I only wish it would be enough. It was up to the others now.


Being one of the last Shapeshifters in existance can put a lot of pressure on a guy. People just expect greatness from someone that can transform themselves into anything from a house fly to a fire breathing dragon. The only other one of my kind that is known is Zyron himself. And that is why they call him the ineffable, his power and capabilities is beyond words. Being one of the last Shaptershifters was more like a responsibility. I had a duty to stop Zyron and protect the innocent. I felt so guilty most days, because this was what my kind was capable of. Pain and terror. 

The evil tyrant has one goal. To enslave all creatures to his will. Be the one and only ruler. The King of the castle. The Head Honcho. You get the idea. He has been terrorizing the masses for years. Aligning himself with evil demons. After Zyron killed my parents to eliminate the competition, I have made it my life's work to destroy him.

When we heard about the attacks this morning, I knew something was different. The attacks were on a bigger scale and all at once.

I needed to make my last stand. Alone, no one else deserved to die because of a Shapeshifter. I sent Cora to protect the human children that were being attacked. As for Draven, I knew he would not be content with being on the side lines with Cora. I could not bring him with me because I could not have him getting in the way of what I needed to do. The only way I could think of to get rid of Draven was to piss him off and make him angry, which I was good at. So I told him that he was part demon and therefore could not be trusted. I did need him and he was of no use to me.

I transformed myself into my favourite form, an eagle and headed straight for the source, Zyron’s layer. It is time for me to save the day, even if in the end I can not save myself.


That fool! The Imbecile! The audacity! The arrogance! I am not some used tissue that you can just throw away. Do you think I give a lick if Zyron takes over the world?  I’m part demon, I’ll be okay. Most can’t look past the fact considering my blue skin. My parents could care less if I were alive or dead. The only thing I do care about is Sebastian. And I don’t care what he says, he needs my help.

The ungrateful twat is going to get my help whether he wants it or not. 

Being part Demon did not put me at an advantage. When I was in school all the other students avoided me like the plague. As if Demon blood was something you could catch. Even Cora took a while to warm up to me. But not Sebastian. I remember how he used to sit at my table during lunch period when no one else dared. We would sit together in silence. We were not best buddies but it was nice to feel like I was not alone. 

I found myself making my way to Death Hill, the place where Zyron calls home. Getting to the top is no easy feat, so I spelled a broom to fly me there. Devising a plan along the way. I was going to use my demon blood to my advantage. Claim that I wanted to join forces with him. and then bring him down from the inside. All my plotting went out the window when I got there however. 

I could see at the very top of the hill a bear  and a tiger grappling with each other. Then the bear turned into a lion and the tiger turned into a mammoth and on it went. Biting and clawing each other, both making their  mark on the other. 

One transformed from a wolf to an elephant and the other from a bore to a snake. I could no longer keep track of who was what animal. The snake slithered around the elephant's back leg and sunk its fangs in. The Elephant cried out and shunk back into human form. It was Zyron the Ineffable. He quickly picked up Sebastian and flung him against the rock where he layed, unmoving. 

I knew I had to do something. From my hiding place I could see Zyron stumble slightly, the snake venom starting to take its effect. All I had to do was finish him off. I readied myself, and pulled out my trusty dagger from my boot. I waited for him to face the opposite direction, I climbed on his back, reached around and stabbed him in the heart. 

Sebastian had come to, and was back in his human form, still lying on the ground. I rushed over to him and cradled him in my arms. His clear blue eyes looked up at me. I wasn’t going to hold myself back any longer. Sebastian needed to know my true feelings for him. I grabbed him roughly and placed my lips on his. He stiffened at first in surprise but he soon melted under my touch. I was astonished that he did not pull away in disgust. Sebastian was the first to pull away.

“I am so sorry, Draven. You must know that I did not mean any of those things that I said. The truth is, I care about you so much it scares me.” Sebastian said, grabbing onto my shirt.  

“I know, you mumpsimus.” I said, bringing my forehead to his.

August 05, 2021 12:13

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1 comment

Rahul Singh Arya
16:11 Aug 12, 2021

Story is good and complete by itself.


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