Thriller Drama

The golden rays of sun touches my face as it risen. I am currently drinking my coffee here in my room's balcony while watching the sun rise. I close my eyes and heave a sigh as I felt the warm breeze.

The sunrise symbolizes a new day. A new day for me to start all over again.

My dream is to become a model in a magazine since I was five years old. I don't know but I really love fame and everyone's attention. I love having everyone's attention, but sadly my family deprived it to me.

It was like I am not existing in their life. That they don't care that I am breathing. They always ignore me and never did ask me if I'm ok.

For years, I learned to be ok with that. All I want in my life now is to be the most famous model in the whole world. And maybe this is my time to shine. 

I smiled when I received a message from the owner of the B Magazine, the most popular magazine business in the world. It says that I am accepted to their company and I need to be there today. 

I Immediately fix myself with a wide smile on my face. I tied my long straight black hair into a high ponytail. I wore a stylish pastel pink sweet-heart top off-shoulder dress that perfectly shaped my curves and exposing my neck and collar bone. When I got satisfied at my look, I spray my purfume all over my body. 

It took me a few minutes to arrive at my destination. The moment I took a step on their tiled floor I can't stop but to smile so wide because of so much happiness. I will finally reach my dreams. 

The secretary guided me to the CEO's office. When I enter the room, Miss Bella, the CEO welcomed me with a tight hug. 

"Welcome to my company Venus." she formally said. 

"Thank you for accepting me in your company madame." I answered politely. 

"Oh silly! A beautiful and sexy girl like you is what I need in my company. Now, let's go to the studio, you should meet the other models." she said and guided me to the studio. 

My eyes sparkled when I saw the whole studio room. This is my dream! To be one of the models and to pose in front of the camera while everyone's admiring and praising me. 

"Venus, this is Faye and Sam. I want you three to be comfortable at each other. I chose the three of you to be partners." Miss bella said. I smile and offer my hand to faye and sam to shakehands. 

Both of them were beautiful too. Faye has a childish attitude but she's friendly and I got more comfortable with her. While sam, she's serious and not so talkative unlike faye. As I observed, sam was the sexiest among us. 

The team took a few photos of us together. There's a sports theme, business attire, long gown, casual attire and a swimwear. I have a great day with them. 

A few days past and Miss Bella conducted an audition for the three of us. It says that whoever wins the audition, she will be having a solo shoot in a magazine. I got a little nervous about that because I really wanted to win that audition. Having a solo shoot is a big deal. You will be much more popular than having a partner in a magazine. 

I work so hard for it. I woke up early every morning to exercise and took a balance diet. I always took my skincare every night and sleep early to avoid having a dark circles. 

The audition came and every one of us, even the team and miss bella were busy. The audition is like a beauty pageant but there's no question and answer or talent shows. We only need to walk in a stage a few times with a different clothes and the one who wears it and pose beautifuly and elegantly will be the chosen one. 

I walk sexily to the stage wearing a black bikini. I raised my chin while smiling and confidently turned around and pose in front of the camera. 

I exhale so loud when I finished. The next one will be sam. I can't help but to admire her perfectly shaped body wearing a red bikini which made her white skin lighter. She pose and pose confidently in front of everyone. I don't know but I felt sad seeing her be praised by everyone instead of me. 

The audition is finally over. My heart broke into pieces when the judges chose sam as the winner. I can't stop my tears from falling so I decided to go in the backstage where no one is there. 

I cried and cried until I felt a warm hand slowly tapping my back. I raise my head to see who is it and I saw faye, smiling at me. 

"It's ok venus. There's more to come for us to shine." she said which make me felt relieved. 

Months have passed and sam is the talk of the town. No, talk of the world. She became the most popular model in the world. While me, some know me but most of them doesn't. 

Faye became my partner for a months now. But because of her personality, she's better known than me. I took a deep breath as I watch sam having another photoshoot. I sadly walk to the dressing room and sit infront of my bureau. 

"If only she's not here." I unconsciously said while facing the mirror. My heart skips a beat when I saw faye looking at me. She then sat beside me while adding some make up on her face. 

"Are you ok?" she ask. 

I nodded and averted my eyes from her. Did she hear what I said? Gosh! What would she think of me?! Will she think that I can kill sam for me to have the honor? The fame?! 

"I'm leaving now. Bye!" faye said and finally left me here. I sigh and rest my back in my chair. 

I lazily look at the door when I saw sam enter the room. She sat infront of her bureau and fix her make up. I sigh again and closed my eyes. 

I immediately opened my eyes when I smell a smoke. I stand up and saw a smoke all over the room. I saw sam trying to open the door but it was locked. 

"Where does the smoke came from?" I asked while coughing. I tried to walk but I felt so weak and sleepy. 

"I don't know!" sam answered while coughing. A few seconds have past, she suddenly fell to the floor. 

I tried to approach her but my knees got weak which made me kneel. I was trying to cover my nose but then I finally fell to the floor and everything went black. 

I woke up with my head spinning and in pain. I touch my head but I felt a liquid there so I immediately looked at my hand. My body frozed when I saw a blood there. I looked at my other hand and I saw a knife full of blood. 

My eyes got bigger when I saw sam covered by her own blood. I cried seeing a stabs in her chest down to her tummy. I tried to touch her but stopped when a police took me and tied my hand. 

Miss Bella slap me so hard which made me cry. I know I'm not the one who killed sam but they accused me for killing her. Even I wished for her to disappear I know I can't do that!

"Are you so obsessed to be on a top that you're able to kill someone?!" miss bella shout at me while crying. 

I want to defend myself. I want to say that I didn't do that. But I can't open my mouth. And I don't think they will believe me. 

The police push me which made me walk. My tears won't stop and my knees are shaking in fear. I didn't kill her! But... Who will?

As we step outside the building, the crowd were shouting so loud to curse me. Some are trying to throw a stone to me. The police open the car's door for me to enter but before I enter, I saw a woman in the crowd. 

My body frozed when I saw faye creepily smiling at me. I cried when I saw her secretly wipes her hand full of blood. Is it her?! Did she killed sam?! 

I saw her took her phone and type something. My phone rang so I immediately took it from my pocket. It was an unknown number but I'm sure it's from faye. 

"Be careful what you wished for."

It was her. She killed sam! She heard what I said in our room. But why? Why did she do that?! 

The crowd is still cursing at me and throwing a stone even when I am inside the car now. My phone beep again and I saw a message from faye. 

"Now I will be on a top. Thank you my dear friend." 

I was trying to save her phone number so I can used this as an evidence but then a virus came in my phone which made my phone died. It was hacked! She hacked my phone! 

What should I do now?! How can I defend myself if I don't have an evidence?! I didn't wished for this to happen. 

Even when I'm in jail, the crowd was still cursing me and some wants to kill me. The news spread so fast and I became the talk of the world. 

I did not know that this way I could achieve my dream. Now, I have everyone's attention. 

I became famous for something I never actually did. 

September 01, 2020 11:30

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