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I don't know why I bought it, but I knew it was a bargain. Usually, old instruments could still go for a few hundred bucks in good condition. I had no idea why this one was so cheap. Still, the price wasn’t the only reason I bought it. I just happened to pass it in an antique store, and something told me to grab it. 

I had just moved to a tiny apartment in the city from a big house in the country. My bank account was drained from the divorce and I was feeling pretty pathetic. I thought having something beautiful in my dingy place might be the pick-me-up I needed. If nothing else, I did feel a bit better as I carried it home.

It was an old violin. I peeked inside the body to see the label, maybe find out where it was from, but the ink had long since worn away. I could see some kind of paper glued in the back corner, but the shadows covered it. I saw bits of something rattling inside, it looked like it might be old plastic. I’d have to clean it later.

I stared at the open case. It came with a bow and everything. It needed some tuning, but otherwise was in perfect condition. I couldn’t figure out why it was so cheap. Maybe the store owner just didn’t know about instruments.

I picked up the bow. It seemed to be in good condition too. I looked at the instrument. The sleek curves shone in the evening light. I had the urge to play it, but I also had the urge to never touch it. I’d never played the violin in my life. I remembered the cartoons from my childhood, where the character “tries” the violin. The screeching and whining sounds still sent chills down my spine when I thought of them.

Finally, the temptation became too great. I mean, I already bought it. What was the point of not trying it? I placed it on my shoulder and rested my chin on it. I drew the bow across the strings. They sang beautifully. I smiled a bit. At least it wasn’t spine-chilling screeching.

“Your E-string needs to be tightened,” a voice said.

I whipped my head around. I didn’t see anyone in my house. Were they hiding? I shook my head. No, I was probably just hearing things. I placed the violin on my shoulder again and played a couple more notes.

“Please, tighten your E-string,” the voice begged.

I stood up and looked around. I definitely heard someone this time. It sounded like the person was right next to me, but I still didn’t see them. I peeked into the vent. Maybe they were in another room.

“This is getting ridiculous,” I heard from behind me.

I turned around. Still nothing. I was really starting to freak out at this point. 

“Look, wherever you are, get out now or I’m calling the cops,” I said nervously into the empty room.

“Go ahead, tell them your instrument's talking to you. That will be funny to see.”

Instrument? I looked down. The violin was still on the chair where I left it. I picked it up and searched it. No wires, no cameras. Was I really going insane? I put it next to my ear.


I gasped and almost dropped the violin. I heard a startled cry. It was definitely from the violin. What was going on?

“Okay, that was a bad idea,” the violin sighed. “Well, now that that’s solved, can you please tune the E-string?”

I don’t know if it was shock or I was tired of it asking, but I picked it up and started adjusting the E-string. I plucked at it gently. It was a little off. I did what the violin asked and tightened it a bit. I plucked again, it sounded better. The violin let out a sigh of relief.

“Much better,” it said. “Now, onto business. What would you like?”

“Like?” I asked.

It sighed again. “Think of it like a genie’s lamp. Except I’m a violin and you only get one wish. Just tell me what you want and play the strings again.”

This couldn’t be real, but, then again, what was making sense right now? A talking violin that granted wishes? Either I’d finally gone over the edge and went crazy, or this was real. At least the second way I had a shot at something good. What did I want though?

It was at that moment my upstairs neighbors got home. I could tell because of all the stomping and shouting. God, I hated the city. I missed my beautiful home in the country. The wide-open spaces, the silence. I didn’t care about the money, I didn’t care that she left me, I just missed my home.

I could wish to go back home. I quickly scratched that idea though. The house was already tainted with bad memories. I’d never forget our bitter arguments or the pain I felt leaving it that day. Maybe I could start somewhere new though. A new home, a new wife, a new chapter in my life. A fresh start. I smiled, but something flashed into my head. 

Didn’t genies always trick you with their wishes somehow? I mean, this was a magic violin, I guess, but who knew how those worked? It would be better to be specific. If I just asked for a fresh start then who knew? Maybe I’d wake up as a baby or an animal or something. I thought carefully before picking up the violin.

“I want to live somewhere beautiful. Somewhere with wide-open spaces, somewhere peaceful, somewhere I don’t have to pay rent or be bothered by neighbors. I want a beautiful home all to myself. Something no one can ever take from me,” I said gently.

“Are you sure?” The violin asked. “You only get one wish.”

“I’m sure,” I said.

“Then play the strings and close your eyes.”

I picked up the violin. I rested it on my shoulder and grabbed the bow. I closed my eyes and gently drew it across the strings. I felt both of them disappear from my hands with the fading notes. When I opened my eyes I was in a giant room. Only a couple of odd-shaped skylights illuminated the darkness. In front of me was a giant paper. Shadows covered most of it, but at the top it read: Confirmation of wish.

“Please sign your name,” the violin’s voice echoed from around me. “An agreement that I will fulfill your wish.”

A pen rolled from the dark. I picked it up and turned to the paper. Well, the impossible had already happened today, what else could happen? I signed my name on one of the edges where the light touched, the pen disappeared from my hand. 

“It is done,” the voice echoed.

I waited, but nothing changed. I was still in the large room. I walked around a minute before growing impatient. How long did a magic violin need to make a house?

“Hey, umm, how long will it take?” I asked.

“How long will what take?”

“Until I go to my new home?”

A laugh echoed around me, then it got farther away. The light from above darkened. I looked up. A giant eye was blocking the hole. I screamed, but the giant just laughed again.

“Now, now,” he said teasingly, “don’t make a fuss. We should be home in about an hour.”

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Suddenly, the entire room shook and moved. An earthquake? As the shaking stopped I heard a hollow wooden sound echo around me. As the light reappeared I noticed the entire room was wooden. A large piece of paper, almost like a sticker, was on the floor. The ink was too faded to read. As I looked at it I noticed the shape of the skylights on the floor. They were strangely “S” shaped. A wave of nausea ran through me. It couldn’t be.

“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” I cried out.

“Somewhere beautiful," the man said mockingly. "Somewhere with wide-open spaces, somewhere peaceful, somewhere you don’t have to pay rent or be bothered by neighbors. A beautiful home all to yourself. Something no one could ever take from you."

He let out a laugh at this. I heard the scrape of the violin case against the floor. I lost my balance and fell onto something hard. The bits of plastic from earlier? I picked one up. I felt the blood drain from my face. Not plastic. Bones.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s nice and quiet back at the store.”

That was it. I suddenly recognized him. It was the owner of the antique store. The lid of the case started to close and the light shifted over the paper I had signed. Not just a contract, but a list of signatures. There had to be hundreds. As the final slivers of light faded my screams echoed inside the hollow chamber.

April 23, 2020 12:02

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Rody White
15:32 May 06, 2020

Wow, that was a weird and wonderful read Leighanne. It is very clever in the beginning because I think we can all connect with buying something strange online because it was a bargain hahaha but then the magic happens and the story takes that incredible turn. It was an experience to be sure. I actually read it aloud to my 8 year old son and you should have seen his face when he realized what had happened, he sort of gasped and clutched his face hahaha. Very good read Leighanne. I would love to read the next chapter. Thanks.


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