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Adventure Drama Funny

I am late. I am so late. My parents will disown me if I miss this. All my cousins will laugh at me till eternity and even after till our next births. It's the funeral of my aunt Tessellate or as we call her Tessie. She was 87. None of us cried when we heard the news we thought she lived long for the drinker she was. We asked her to quit, she denied and said all the doctors that have asked to quit to live a long life have died already. I have to buys flowers for her.

“A bunch of white lilies.”

“Oh, just in time. It's the last one left. Here you go. ”

I took it and as I walked out I dashed into a rather peculiar guy and we both fell on the pavement. While we were exchanging apologies,both of us inadvertently kept our flowers on a platform. Little did we realise it was a car. The car started moving and took our flowers with it. We followed it. Whenever I say this scene in the movies and show I always made fun of the characters for landing themselves in such situation. Calling them a numbskull and loony duck was was fetish. The tables have turned ladies and gentlemen I am in the situation. I was cursing everything that I could think of. That guy was running with me to catch the flowers, the difference was he was cussing out loud in a slang language I had no clue of. Come to think of it. I didn't even see his face properly. He kept running and then got tired. We landed ourselves in front of a bizzare, desolate mansion.It felt as if it was falling apart. I neither had the money to buy more flowers nor the ability to go back 5 miles back home or take the acrimonious remarks of my family. I glanced at him and in that moment we knew what we'll do. It was easy like in and out thing. We go in take the flowers and come back. No ones lives in the place like that and we convinced ourselves with a reassuring gaze that God planted this garden for us. We jumped in and started picking flowers. Little did we realise it was the mansion of an old woman. She was petrified as she saw us and started shouting MILK TEA

MILK TEA in a cacophonous voice.Her voice can trace parallel to the way the blackboard screeches when we use ruler or chalk on it. I am getting goosebumps even when thinking. My puppies will teach you a good lesson was her reply. When she said we both were somehow relaxed. Old women usually carry those bag dogs ,the one that looks like over grown rats with big eyes. However, that was not the case two adult pitbulls entered the garden one white and the other brown, somewhat making sense to the name MILK TEA. We looked at each other and started running. We climbed over fences and bushes but little milk tea didn't leave us alone. After chasing us for a significant distance in the opposite direction and tearing the back of our trousers and putting a show of our boxers for the world milk tea went back home. We were tired and started walking aimlessly. He kept talking and I kept laughing but didn't understand why we laughed at the fact that W starts with D. I looked up and saw we reached the cemetery where aunt Tessie was going to be buried and there stood the car with our flowers on top of it. Out came uncle Norbert. I swear to God I have never been angrier. We picked our flowers and bid farewell to each other we exchanged our line Id, thinking of meeting again. As I started walking , I noticed we were going in the same direction. You work here too.

“Yo man I came for a funeral you too. It's funny. ” I laughed and moved towards my family. The cemetery was unexpectedly crowded. I gave the flowers to my mother and sat down quietly. Uncle Norbert greeting everyone after making me run for miles. It was a usual event of relatives meetings nd greeting. Coming to aunt Tessie. I have just met her once or twice. She lived far away from town in a mansion in the middle of the forest. I am surprised how she lived there. It was actually her husband's idea. I don't know his name and I am sure aunt didn't too. She called him the photo man. He died rather young and aunt never remarried. Then remarriage wasn't allowed I guess but she lived a hell of a life. As I was day dreaming about my family I felt a cold hand on the neck. My spine chilled. I hesitantly looked around to see a known redhead with freckles and green eyes.

“Andrian??!! You here. ”

“Hey! man. We met again heaven might be at work or maybe the hell. ”

“I am really close relative and have been invited on personal letter. ”

“How so? ” I asked

They have mail facility in the middle of nowhere too. I was Perplexed.

“You will be surprised to know. My great paternal aunt and she, they looted a bank together in the past and then became pole dancers. I had no clue about this until yesterday when I received a letter from your family to invite me to the event. ”

“Invite? Pole dancers? Looted bank? ”

“I had no idea this happened. ”

He stood up and started talking about the same. All the family members were astonished and my grandmother fainted. When he ended we looked behind us and saw a group of strange people.

"Andrian that's not great mother Tessellante, you are on the wrong funeral.” one of them exclaimed.

“Oh sorry, my bad. ”

I didn't understand what was weird that another set of parents named their poor child tessellate or the fact that it was him again.


“It was you? Seriously.” laughter roared around the room when I told everyone the story of how I met Andrian.

August 27, 2020 18:47

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1 comment

Angela Palmer
19:35 Aug 31, 2020

Vidushi, I like the premise for this story but it was a little confusing. Parts were rushed so all the detail wasn't there for your reader to understand what was happening. Take your time. Read and reread out loud and ask yourself if your audience will know what you are thinking. I look forward to reading more of your pieces.


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