Black Funny Inspirational

It happens. A work event. Dinner with your partner's family. A friend asks you to be last minute plus one. We all have to go to events where we absolutely know no one. Social anxiety can be summarised through one's thoughts and feelings. It's like asking someone who's afraid of heights to jump out of a plane!.

Robert was a full-time village champion. He grew,studied and spent most of his life in the village. He was a village champion in a way that no one in the area doesn't know him. He was liked by many people in the village because of his behaviors.Robert was a determined man and social life wasn't his portion since he was focused with his school activities.

After completing high school, Robert was taken to the city by his brother. He later got admitted to one of the best University in the country where he pursued bachelor's degree in computer science. While at the University,he didn't know anybody and life wasn't moving well for him. But as time went on,he got a friend called Ceasor. Ceasor became his tight buddy at the campus. Robert got to learn town life from Ceasor. The village mannerism or ideology got to disappear. Since nature demands, Robert wanted to date one of the most beautiful ladies around the campus but his demands were given deaf ears by the ladies he was approaching. He was being looked at as a villager and that was why his proposals were rejected. Robert was a bright guy though being despised by the ladies around campus. When he became acquainted with city life, Robert became a popstar at the campus. All ladies were now running after him. This made him to fall for Jackie one of the beautiful maidens around the campus. Jackie was Minister's daughter but Robert didn't know since she didn't tell him her status. Jackie was a humble and hardworking lady despite coming from a wealthy family. When Ceasor got to realize that Robert was in relationship with Jackie,he almost fainted because he could not believe basing on the status of this lady. "I told you not to continue with this lady . Do you Know the problems you will be in,to make it worse you are poor and assuming you pregnate this lady, what will you do?,all these were ceasor's Lamentations. "What do you mean by all these?,you make confused", Robert replied. .... "Heh!,you mean you don't know that Jackie is Minister's daughter?, Ceasor asked. "Chineke meee ee...........Oh my God!I am dead,what will I do if she gets pregnant for me", Robert added.

Days later, Robert asked Jackie about her family background status but she denied everything,she instead uttered different thing. Jackie was a party animal despite being humble but Robert was not a fan of parties as such.

The first time Robert attended a party was with Jackie at her father's home. It was her father's birthday party which included many people of different status around the city. Robert and his friend Ceasor didn't know anybody at the party except Jackie. When the program of the event begun,each and every one was made to introduce him or herself irrespective of one's status. After the introduction,Robert felt like disappearing but he couldn't. This was because of Jackie's father status. "Why did accept to come oo.....oo"?...while quaking,Robert said to himself. The only time he could let Jackie leave his side was when she needed the toily. And even then,he gave dagger eyes! . Robert probay would've gone with her had it not made him look like a burning boiler. "If they knew.it wasn't possessiveness but it was anxiety",he larmented. Robert was too nervous that when Jackie invited him to make a brief speech,he couldn't speak. The fear was too much in him. He was crambling and shaking while speaking. To worsened the situation,he was introduced by Jackie to her parents as her fiance. "Hey!,bring water.am dying ,am dying oo...oo. my blood pressure has risen ",he said while quaking seriously like someone suffering from epilepsy. Robert was not at ease at all during the event. He also failed to eat because of nervousness at the party. dancing alone with Jay was like pushing a trailer on hill. He was really miserable during the entire event while Ceasor was busy dancing.

What again increased Robert's anxiety was the millitary and police that rounded up the event area. He had never attended an event if such nature. "Let me hope these millitary men will not arrest us?,he could say in his mind. As a man,he came up and told Jackie how uncomfortable he was but she gave a deaf ear to him at that moment. Robert only got relief when the party ended and everybody left to their different places.

The following day when he met Jackie at school,he was furious at her. "Why didn't you tell me that we were going to meet you parents ,hah!?,with alot of annoyance he asked". "I am sorry. Please forgive me,I know how you felt. I did this because of love. I had wanted you to meet my parents". Jackie replied. He became normal again after the embarrassment at the party. Ceasor could mock him about the party but he could be mad at people because of those memory.

He later became used to party because he had started going to parties like never before. City life changed him to the fullest and never wanted to go back to the city. His relationship with Jackie ended into marriage later on. He married Jackie after their school but the previous memory of nervousness during the first party attended could not move out of his mind. At the time of his wedding with Jackie,he was normal because he had learnt a lot and avoided the nervousness again. They later produced children and lived happy life with their kids meanwhile Ceasor also took his way but he could visit Robert from time to time. He was even their master of ceremony during theie wedding event. But the nervousness during the first party couldn't be forgotten.

May 11, 2021 14:40

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Sam Okethwengu
14:47 May 11, 2021

This one is all about we tend to feel when we faced with certain things for the first time in our lives. Therefore it means that we try as much possible do away with anxiety and nervousness when experiencing certain things for the first time because it embarrasses.


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Sam Okethwengu
14:47 May 11, 2021

This one is all about we tend to feel when we faced with certain things for the first time in our lives. Therefore it means that we try as much possible do away with anxiety and nervousness when experiencing certain things for the first time because it embarrasses.


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