Horror Thriller Mystery

Liz and Mark have officially moved into their 1842 Victorian home. Mark inherited the house from his grandfather, so they moved in around 3 weeks ago and just now finished fully moving in it was a nice little town most of the people all knew each other so Liz and mark were kind of outsiders but also trying to get to know the town and make some friends with the neighbors Liz however didn't really like the small town or the house that much she's from california, so she's used to the city and the beach But mark grew up in a pretty small town though, so he's used to the small town life and things like that Liz and mark met while Mark was in California on vacation they both stayed in the same building, so they started to talk to each other than eventually Liz moved down here with Mark, And one reason Liz doesn't like it here is because she claims that every night when she locks up the house and looks outside she sees a old man standing in front of the house Mark however has not seen this man and thinks that it's just in Liz's imagination but little did he know it wasn't every single night the stranger would watch them in their house constantly but would only watch when Mark wasn't around Liz, Liz started asking around the neighborhood if any of them know about this strange man but none of them have seen or heard of this stranger before one day while Liz was out with some of her friends on her way back she saw the man on the side of the road just staring at her and another day she noticed the neighbor was gardening so Liz walked up to her and asked if she has ever seen this strange man before, but she said no a week or so later Mark finally believed Liz he started seeing the strange man not to long after the first time he saw him was while he was taking out the trash late at night he was standing near the fence of their backyard he tried to yell at him to get him to go away, but he kind of just stared at him then turned around and walked away Mark noticed it but still didn't think that it was all that creepy until he saw him again when he was making a quick run to the store he saw him waiting in their driveway when he got home though this time Mark almost got physical and threatened to call the cops but the man walked away as he took out his phone he went inside and finally confronted Liz about also seeing him he didn't want to admit he was wrong, but he did he told Liz about the two times he saw him “See i told you! What are we going to do about him i asked some of the neighbors, and they don't know what we're talking about” “I know if he harasses us again I'll call the cops it's all right” he said pretty unconvinced but it did manage to get Liz a little less stressed about the situation the next day Mark went to work while Liz stayed home because she doesn't have a job, so she was just really watching TV for most of the day until randomly the power went out witch was weird, but she didn't think it was that insanely weird because it was a ancient house, so she just went with that not really feeling like going in the basement to try and turn it back on she picked up a book and started reading but about 20 minutes later the power randomly came back on, so she started watching TV for a while then turned off the TV and started cleaning first she cleaned the bathroom then she started vacuuming after she finished with all the chores around the house she went outside to throw the trash away just like how Mark saw him and once again Liz saw him by the fence just like mark she threw the trash by the trash can and ran inside to lock all the doors she did, but she forgot one door the basement door that you can get into from the outside without a key witch is stupid but it's a ancient house, so she assumed things like that were conman back then, She went upstairs to call Mark she made it up the stairs and into their room, but she couldn't find her phone she remembered leaving it upstairs, but she went back downstairs to look for it she looked in the laundry room thinking maybe she left it in there, but she didnt, so she counted on to the living room to look there but it also wasn't there she was getting ready to look into the kitchen but as she was walking past the living room to get into the kitchen she noticed something on the dining table it was a piece of paper it was folded, so she un folded it and it said “Peek a boo Lizzie sue” She dropped the piece of paper and started getting scared and looking all around her last name was Sued and her nickname is Lizzie she got scared but remembered she needed to call Mark, so she walked into the kitchen and on the kitchen island she saw her phone and laptop broken into a million pieces she picks it up and almost starts crying now she believes someone is in her house she gets ready to go upstairs and try to find maybe a landline or something but as she was walking up the stairs she heard someone coming from upstairs she looked all around her for a weapon she found a random metal rod that they forgot to throw away she grabbed it and started to walk upstairs when she got to the top of the stairs she threw down the metal rod in relief it was Mark she was getting ready to ask a question and tell him how she thought that one creep inside the house, but she out of her mouth she looked down and noticed the knife in her chest she looks back up then couldn't get the words out she kept trying and trying to talk, but she just couldn't get any words manages to get the word stranger out of her mouth before she dropped to the ground dead

June 04, 2021 02:03

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