Antidepressants at an Alien Marketplace

Submitted into Contest #67 in response to: Write a space adventure story that features a visit to an alien marketplace.... view prompt


Adventure Science Fiction Fiction

"Do we really have to go to the alien marketplace today?" Risa whined.

"Yes." Slate responded.

He gathered various items into his bag along with an empty pill bottle.

"The alien marketplace?"

"Yes, Risa. Stop asking."

"But dad!"

"No buts. We've postponed this errand long enough. We can't postpone it any further. Now go get your shoes on. We're leaving."

Risa ran off and Slate heard the sound of the pressure releasing from the automated door. He sat at a table that he had polished moments before and stared into his reflection. He was older with a salt and pepper beard and sky blue eyes that sat close together. A pair of old-fashioned spectacles rested on the bridge of his nose. He could have had contacts implanted into his eyes with all of the new technology but he decided against it. Most people went blind these days with all of the experiments the government had done.

Risa walked sluggishly to her father. Slate darted from his reflection and sprang up. He placed his hand on the scanner by the door. It shot up fast and they proceeded down a long strip of floating stones.

"Aren't you scared that you may fall off one day?" Risa asked as she swung her arms.

Slate shook his head.

Risa sighed crossing her arms. Failing to get her father's attention she stepped to the stone behind him instead of keeping her distance.

"Risa quit messing around."


"Because you are acting like a child."

"You're so boring these days. Why can't we have fun anymore? Like we used to."

"Why do you have to ask so many questions?"

She stopped in her track and glared at her father.

Risa remained silent as they entered the crowded street of merchants. Species of all kinds fluttered by, some walked, some flew, and some simply vanish and reappeared in different areas. Slate and Risa were mere humans so all they could manage was a nice brisk walk.

The alien marketplace was busy around this time of year. Everything was in stock and all sorts of species bought from Fria, the shop owner, and the only of her kind that still existed around these parts.

Fria was very kind. Although she was well known no one really knew anything about her. They knew she owned a shop and didn't have a family. People thought this was the reason that she was so kind and humble.

Slate and Risa set foot into the marketplace, brushing shoulders with others. It was packed and Slate was agitated because of this. If they would've left earlier like he wanted to, there would have been fewer people. Risa knew that.

Humans weren't as common as other aliens were so every time they entered somewhere all attention was directed on them. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It got them things they wanted quicker unless they were recognized by the wrong species.

"Well if it isn't the humans."

Slate turned to see a tall alien with silver skin. Patches of silver were nearly translucent. The thing that stood out most about this species was their deep purple eyes. The purple color became a sign of beauty in every region.

"Ignore him." Slate whispered to Risa.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her through what felt like an endless maze.

"Woah there. Where do you think you're going?"

The silver alien reached for Slate and he dodged him.

"Don't touch me."

"Someone is feisty." The silver alien laughed.

"Save it, Hores." Slate barked.

"You know, I'm getting real tired of you humans acting like you own the place. I think we ought to put you back in your place." Hores smiled.

Hores swung at Slate forcing him into a cold glass wall. Slate ducked as Hores threw another punch. Slate stayed low and pushed his way through the others. If he stayed low maybe he wouldn't be noticed.

Slate bounced back and forth as he heard Hores taunt him.

Where is Risa?

Slate stood up and looked over the wave of species.

"Where is that white hair?!" Slate breathed. "I don't remember this marketplace being so big."

Before Slate could continue, the back of his jacket was yanked and he was lifted off of his feet. He was turned and met those purple eyes and silver skin,

"Found you," Hores smirked and looked Slate over, "I bet you're mighty tasty. Most humans are." Two tongues exited Hores' mouth and licked his mouth over and over again.

"Leave my dad alone!" Risa slammed a metal chair into the back of Hores.

Hores fell to the ground, a blaster sliding across the floor. Slate scrambled for the blaster practically pouncing on it. He pointed the blaster at Hores.

"Don't. Move."

Slate threw Risa the blaster and walked up to the counter. Fria was still nowhere to be seen. He walked behind the counter and grabbed a mini bottle of pills. On the label, it read 'antidepressants.' Something only humans needed.

He stuffed the bottle into his bag and approached Risa. She handed him the blaster and he shoved it into his bag too.

Without another word the two left the marketplace and headed back home.

"What was that guy's deal?" Risa said.

"You can say Hores and I... have a past. And it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows."

"Did he know mom?" Risa whispered.

"Yes, he knew mom. Why do you ask?"

"You seemed pretty angry at him. Like you loathed him. I couldn't really think of why but then I remembered mom telling me that you were the jealous type." She smirked and punched her dad's arm.

"I am not the jealous type!"

"Then how do you and mom know Hores?"

Slate sighed and stomped off. He entered his room closing the door behind him and emptied his bag. Grabbing the bottle of pills he took one and placed the rest beside. On his nightstand sat a picture of Risa's mother, Gelena. He kissed the frame, laid down, and drifted to sleep.

November 13, 2020 07:11

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