A Deal with a Pixie (part 7)

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt


Adventure Teens & Young Adult Drama

Zack and Tina found themselves in a clearing in the woods that was full of pixies dancing and playing music around a bonfire. Some of the pixies looked at each other when Zack cleared his throat, “Hey, ladies. Remember me?” One flew up to Zack’s face and started to jingle as if she was talking to him. Tina looked from Zack to the little pixie, “Umm?” Zack then realized, “Oh right, Tina met the queen of the pixies in Wonderland, Periwinkle, daughter of Loki. Just roll with the title; Adaline was six-years-old when the idea popped into her head.” Tina nodded but still didn’t understand any of this, “How is she going to help us tell the others?” The pixie hummed in response as Zack cuckold, “She can’t understand you. Let me handle this.” Zack turned to Tina, “Pixies bring out the light-hearted side in all of us, and they help us celebrate our connection to nature. In plays and poems, these mini-forest creatures represent the cunning and playful side of human nature, and they bring us back to the magical side of fantasy stories. In traditional regional lore, pixies are generally benign, mischievous, short of stature and childlike.” Zack looked back at the queen, “Adaline makes me help her with the research for her stories. But back on topic; we need you to send a message to the others.” The pixie chimed in agreement... 

 Simon stared down at the yellow police tape that blocked the alleyway where Heather was taken from. Cody, Damian, and Liz met the others there. Damian locked eyes with Simon, “Sorry, dude. We’ll find her.” They walked back to the club room where Dan and Maddie stood in the middle. Along with Dan and Maddie, there was a girl without a mouth and nose. Where her mouth should be was a strange symbol; it was a circle with an "X" drawn through it. Dan and Maddie both have the exact same symbol on their arms. Simon remembered that it was called the Operator Symbol. Damian looked to the new girl then to Dan and Maddie, “What are you guys doing here? Didn’t you go back home to work for Slenderman?” Maddie nodded as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a human finger and took a bite, “Yeah, but this annoying fairy kept on playing tricks on us and telling us to come here,” she said as blood trickled down the corner of her mouth. Dan sighed in agreement, “I thought it was a bug right up to the pranking part. She then told us to go save Zack and Tina who are in Wonderland and think that they have found Addie.” Krystal looked back at the mouthless girl, “Okay, but who the heck is this?” Dan looked over and cuckold, “That’s Victoria, the new proxy.” Damian nodded then turned to the group, “Well, let’s go follow the white rabbit.”... 

Harper took off running through the island’s forest, passing an animatronic and a couple of dolls. Kesley burned through everything that was in his way leaving behind a path of ash. Harper saw several of the island’s residents dive into an old well to hide. That’s when an idea popped into her head. Kesley could breathe under but he’s lava now so her plan should work, but if not she was doomed... 

Zack and Tina walked back to the maze to wait for the others. One of the pixies was following them, watching them. Tina looked back at the woods, “How are you able to talk to pixies?” Zack cuckold, “The Devil’s pen is based on creatures of myths and folklore. Now that I have the pen’s abilities, I can do a lot more than just talk to pixies.” Tina stopped, “I have the pen of death’s powers; what does that mean?” Zack turned to her, “You are now a grim rapper, Tina. When this is over you will have to go through all the different worlds and help souls on their journey to the afterlife.” Tina shook her head in disbelief, “NO! I JUST WANT TO HAVE A NORMAL LIFE!” Zack sighed, “Life isn’t fair and you can’t control everything. Adaline’s own mother is proof of that. Adaline writes to escape the pain and disappointment of life, and now she’s trapped here.” Tina’s expressions soften, “Wh-what?” Zack took a seat on a nearby rock, “Addie has depression and has tried to end her own life. Her real mother never tried to get her help and it was her dad and stepmom that took her in. When Addie was in the ER, she realized that she didn’t want to die. I haven’t known her for long but Addie has started to hope again, that’s why she writes. Writing is all that she knows how to do.” Tina looked down, “I didn’t know. I am sorry.” The pixie flew by Zack’s head and started to hum. Zack glared at her, “What’s got you in a hurry?” The pixie then started to pull Tina’s hair, tries to get them to follow. Tina pulled her ponytail away from the pixie, “HEY!” Zack nodded, “I think she wants to show us something.” The pixie chimed in response. Tina looked at Zack with an unsure expression, “Are we really going to follow a pixie to who knows where?” Zack shrugged, “Life is all about taking risks.” The pixie led them away from the maze... 

Dan and Damian lead the way through the maze while Victoria and the rest walked behind them. Cody looked over at Victoria, “So, how do you breathe and eat?” Victoria stopped and left up to her hair on the back of her head revealing a monster-like mouth that was embedded into her skull. A long tongue poked out and licked the lips then a waspy voice came out, “I had acid thrown at me and twin brother thought he could help me. He did experiments on me while I slept.” Simon shivered, “When did you become Slenderman’s proxy?” Victoria’s mouth continued, “I went into the woods with my brother and killed him.” The group went silent as they continued to wander deeper into the maze, unaware of the dangers within... 

March 30, 2021 00:24

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