Adventure Christian Contemporary

While you were bent on doing the wrong thing I made sure to send my soul to you. I wanted you to see me in you. I wanted you to really get a chance at being the best version of you. Sometimes I felt you pulling me to the other side of the world. A world where all things were wrong. A world where you pretended to be at peace just because you were doing what people wanted you to do.

It felt all wrong but you insisted on doing it. I put up all signs to show you that you deserved a better life but you clearly became blind to all these signs but I did not give up on you. However much stubborn you became,I made it my goal to direct you to the right path. I gave you someone to guide you. Someone to befriend you with my word. He told me it was not so easy since at some time you thought you had severely wronged me that you would not be redeemed.

I was so touched by your words and that made me to reach out to your heart and make some changes here and there. After that I came to your mindset. I made sure I put positivity in it that however much you thought otherwise, the right things about you overcame. I loved you so much that even when you stumbled back to your past life, I still followed up on you. I made sure you realized the true you - the one full of perfection. I did not give up on you not until you became the perfect image of me. You are mine to adore and I will always be there for you. Despite all the challenges, I will make you win them. Just be strong because you are a victor. I am going to use your challenges to your advantage. You will rejoice and see no more tears and struggles for your inheritance in me is eternity. Be still. Am here forever for you.

God will always be there for us in all situations because He is our creator. He knows how we hurt, He knows our joys. He knows all that happens with us and He is patient when we are slow and stubborn to listen and follow His word. He never forgets to be faithful to the end. His love is so constant and in abundance to all those He calls His own. Believe Him to make things right for you.

I will never forget a time when things were so messy in my life. I was caught up in all kinds of wrong things. I thought I was in the right groups just because we were among the popular kids doing the popular things. Partying was something we looked forward to every weekend. We thought we had it all mapped out but then from no where I started getting these wierd thoughts.

I call them wierd because they were uncalled for. All I wanted was to fully enjoy myself with no disturbances. I did not care about what happened to the one besides me. Sometimes I felt pity when I saw ladies being drugged and taken into dark corners but I minded my own business not until one time I was raped.

I was sober and I had visited someone I trusted as a friend. We had planned to get checked into a hotel so that we travel to our next destination of fun the next day. To cut the story short, we found ourselves in the same room since he had insisted to send me to my room. I did not know I was with a wolf in a sheep's skin. He had different plans for us. He pushed me to the bed and what happened next is what I do not want to remember. It is not because I do not want to look at my past but because I want to look at the beauty in the present.

That scenario made me remember all those times I heard voices within me telling me to do the opposite things of what I did but since I knew them as wierd voices, I thought they were just useless voices to confuse me and keep me away from what I knew as the joy of youth. Sooner or later I got to discover I was all wrong. These amazing voices were looking out for me. I decided to get help not from people because I did not want to trust them again basing on what my friend had done to me. I needed help from my maker. You might be curious about my life and how I got to meet or know my maker. All through my childhood I knew God and participated in activities that made me to know more about Him but as you know youths. We tend to be so curious to know what is on the other side of life that is why I ended up with groups that not only made me do the wrong things but also made me think everything I was doing was ok.

Flash forward, I am looking for a way to get in touch with my maker. I get connected to another group of ladies who take me with them for prayers. I get to love the things of God. I start to reflect on how my life has been and I painfully repent. I ask God for another chance to prove myself a good daughter. He teaches me one thing at a time. He never gets impatient with me. Step by step, He shows me how He truly has a lot in store for me. He puts in me His spirit and my senses are activated that whenever there is a wrong coming, I get to sense it and walk through it. He gives me the boldness to overcome everything.

I remember a time when temptations to go back to my old life were too strong but His strength filled me up. I kept to my promise. I kept to His word. I kept doing His work and I started serving Him. I felt comfortable. I was at peace. I discovered I had missed out a lot but I was glad it was not too late. I still had much more to partake in His kingdom. I became a new being for one is a new creature when their lives are taken over by God. I forgave myself of my doings since I was already forgiven by God. I chose to be different. I chose to help my maker change lives. How so? By making those around me know about Him and His doings. By being a good example to the souls around me. There is still a lot in me that has to be changed but am confident am in safe hands. I have someone who always goes after me even when I act so wise sometimes. Even in times when I think I can do it by myself, He lovingly guides me through it all. He is God. My everything and He can be anyone's everything once that person chooses to believe in Him. I choose Him over everything for He chose me too to be His beloved. His love covers up for everything. Embrace it always.

January 08, 2021 19:08

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Lerato Moeketsi
23:44 Jan 13, 2021

Beckie the story is so sad, made me to share a tear. I don't know who the main character is here. Who's helping who in this story? Quit an interesting read though.


Beckie Joan
09:27 Jan 18, 2021

Thanks for your comment. It was my first time to participate in this competition so I didn't really know what to write about until those words gave me a way. The victim in this story is me and any other person who has gone through rough hands. God is the helper. We can always lean on people to help us out but they can't be there for us always but God can be there for us all through. Have a lovely time.


Lerato Moeketsi
00:58 Jan 20, 2021

Very encouraging words dear. Truly God it the one to see us through. One good day, all will face away, through His grace of course. Keep on writing, it helps a great deal. Take care


Beckie Joan
19:14 Jan 21, 2021

Ok dear thanks. I will keep on writing. Take care too. Blessings


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