The Seeer

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Alicia sat at the table looking as the world passed her by, sipping her coffee at her favorite diner. She always came to the same table, at this time and ordered the same drink. Alicia was tired of the same routine, coffee, work, sleep, coffee, work and sleep. She wanted her life to have a meaning, a purpose. She wanted to look back at her life and think at this moment she had made a difference. Jack came to the table and knocked against her glasses to draw her attention away from her thoughts. Alicia looked up and smiled at her long time friend. Jack had been her friend since they were both little kids but back then Jack was Jackie. Jack had always told Alicia that thanks to her kindness and empathy he had been able to accept himself.

They had a client they had to meet at 10 am and they both headed out towards main street. This was the same street they had taken thousands of times but this day would change their lives forever. Alicia and Jack talked and chatted about the house they were selling for this new client. Alicia smiles at Jack‘a joke and did not see the truck barrel towards them. Jack screamed as the truck flipped towards Alicia, she could only stand frozen in fear. The waste from the truck smashed onto her and before she passed out from shock, she heard Jack begging her to stay with him.

Alicia floated in and out for hours, every time she opened her eyes they began to blur, each time blackness took over. She could feel her eyelashes moving but saw nothing but darkness. She called for Jack and begged him to turn on the lights. Jack with tears in his eyes tried to explain that her vision was gone. The waste had caused damage to her eyes and there was nothing the doctors could do for her. Alicia sat in the bed and as the knowledge that her vision was gone sank in, she could feel the tears running down her cheeks. She would never be able to watch the world go by, she would never be able to see Jack’s handsome face.

Alicia grew stronger with every physical therapist session, the walking stick the therapist had suggested was harder to use then she had imagined. Her strength was growing in different ways she was able to see into people’s mind. Each day her power grew she was able to see deeper into their minds. Jack was particularly fun to read because he was always worried about upsetting her. Alicia wanted to talk to Jack about her vision but was worried he would think she was crazy. Alicia had began to realize she was able to move things with her mind. She had accidentally done this when she had tried to walk by herself  but had almost fallen, she had wished for a chair to catch her and she landed on the chair and not the hard floor.

It had been 3 weeks since her discharge from the hospital and she was still finding it difficult to get around safely. Jack was there for every minute of her new life. Alicia had wanted to get out like normal but everything was different. Jack walked beside her as she tried her hardest to flow with the sidewalk. When she would fumble, Jack was there to catch her.

While standing at the crosswalk Alicia could sense something was headed their way and it was dangerous. People were screaming around them and Alicia tried to concentrate on the sounds and the situation.

The man saw a defenseless blind  woman and decided to use her to get away from the cops. Alicia stood still trying to figure out what to do, Jack stood to the side shocked and scared. He had almost lost the love of his life and he was not going to lose her again. He ran at the robber but before he could cause any harm, Alicia was floating above the ground. Her eyes had turned to dark purple and her features began to change. She moved her hands the robber flew against the building.

Alicia could feel herself hovering but could not figure how she had done it. In her mind she saw the robber shoot Jack and was not going to let that happen. Her power took over and she allowed herself to protect the man she loved. 

As the police took the robber into custody, they asked Jack and Alicia questions. They walked away from the situation and Jack looked at Alicia and told her they needEd to come up with a superhero name for her. As their lips touched, the name “the Seeer” escaped her lips.

The Seerer would protect those who needed someone to hear them even when they could not voice their problem. Alicia was proud to be a protector, she finally had a purpose and was going to use this power to protect. She was growing stronger by each day and she was proud that Jack was there for her every step of the way. Her vision would never return but she could see more than what others could see. When your mind was screaming she would come to your rescue. In a way she felt like the superhero she had read about in her favorite comic as a kid.

As word got around that the city had a protector, someone who would come when you needed. The Seerer was considered a superhero. Alicia sat at the same table, and drank her coffee but she was different, she was not the same girl that quietly watched as the world passed by. She now was a part of the world and would never step back into her shell.

Alicia was a new women and she had the love of her life by her side. Alicia was forever changed by a mistake, she had lost her sight but had gained a new life. 

July 03, 2020 04:05

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Tessa Gray
21:38 Jul 08, 2020

This was a really interesting story. I wondered where you came up with the premouse. As Someone who is visually impaired, I usually don’t like the whole superhero when you loowe vision thing, but you wrote it in a new way.


Jess Smith
16:07 Jul 13, 2020

Thank you very much. I have low vision as well and I always wondered what it would be like to be a superhero.


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