A Tub Of Ice Cream

Written in response to: Write a story about a limited edition item going on sale.... view prompt


Funny Romance Drama

I crossed out yesterday’s date on my calendar and glared at today. It was time. I smirked a little to add a bit more effect- you know, like villains in movies. Yeah.

It was around 4.30 A.M. If I make it there by 5, I will surely win.

I put on my jacket, locked my house, and with a deep breath, sprinted towards the store.

By the time I reached there, it was exactly 4.46 A.M. and a big crowd had gathered. No way…

I made my way through it, sneakily standing in the front part of the line.

There’s no way the neighbourhood would miss the limited edition of Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream.

What was so special about it?

It was the Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough.

Oh my god, the taste, the way the ice cream melted in your mouth. It sure was a splendid experience.

Just a few more hours.

It was around 7.30 A.M. and I was already tired because of the fight The Aunties (with a capital A) had. Apparently, Mrs. Kim’s kid had scored 2% more than Mrs. Bang’s kid and then Mrs. Bang accused Mrs. Kim’s kid cheated and then they started fighting and Mrs. Kim pushed Mrs. Bang and the whole line behind her fell. Then Mrs. Bang pushed Mrs. Kim and the whole line in front of her fell. Yup, a normal day in the neighbourhood.

I bent down, in a position which would give me a heads-up if I run. Any second, the salesman would ring the bell.

I looked at my watch.

5 seconds…

4 seconds…

3 seconds.

2 seconds.

1 sec-

“Ma’am what are you doing?” A man bent down to look at me.


“The limited edition sale doesn’t start until 10 A.M.”

I looked at my watch again. 7.45 A.M.

I groaned.

I spent another hour watching the drama between two uncles- whom I see everyday, but don’t know the name of. 

Mr. Green Jacket- the one who has a strong hatred of animals and Mr. Green Jacket- the one who loves animals had a fight on whether it should be allowed for pet dogs to be let to roam around without a dog collar. Mr. Green Jacket (the one who hates animals) threatened the other Mr. Green Jacket (who adores them) to not let him buy any Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition. That’s when it got serious. The whole neighbourhood who was present there split into two groups- regardless of relationships, age, or well, anything.

I grinned on the inside. Everyone was so busy with fighting with each other they totally forgot about the Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition Sale. That means I can buy as many as I want. All of it would be MINE. And I won’t share it with anyone. ABSOLUTELY NOBODY. Just me, myself, and I. 

I let out an evil laugh. After all, I had been waiting since June for this.

While I was occupied with my evil plans of eating a whole Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition, someone tapped on my shoulder.

“Miss, the sale started, please go in.” It was the same guy from before.

My eyes widened and I ran inside.

The Aunties had surrounded the table.

I could possibly stand on them and take a tub from the upper row, right?

Nope, the uncles were already there. While fighting, Mr. Green Jacket accidentally pushed Mrs. Kim and she fell right into the table! Almost all the tubs fell down and people started to snatch them away. I ran to pick one of the tubs but slipped and fell down.

I cried while everyone took all the Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition tubs. Tears flowed down my eyes, but not from physical pain, from the pain of having to wait another year for Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition.

I got up, sighing every two seconds. I looked up at the table with a grimace.

Until I saw it.

A tub of Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough Limited Edition on the very top of the aisle. 

I dragged myself towards it, trying to reach it but I was too short. 

While I struggled to get it down, a long hand picked it up from behind me.

My breath hitched, almost as if I would drop to the floor and die any moment.

Pain and no pain did not affect me anymore. I will eventually come to an end one day. Why bother working hard when I'm going to die anyway. This cycle of life is-

“Come on Bora, why are you lying on the floor?”

I turned around with my most hatred filled look, almost ready to throw hands at the treacherous, awful, person.

A handsome looking man stood in front of me.


I saw the tub in his hand, almost feeling ecstatic.

I hugged him tightly, “Minki, you’re really the best!”

“What do you mean?” He smiled back at me.

“You’re gonna give that Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream WITH cookie dough to me, right?”

He scoffed, “No way! You might be my girlfriend, but I’m not gonna give THIS away.” He pointed at the tub.

I almost cried. “What should I do for you to give it to me?”

He looked away for a second then pointed at his lips.

I cringed and immediately got my arms off of him, “That thing only looks good in dramas!”

So as I was saying, this cycle of life is simple but humans made it harder for themselves and now question it and whine about it. Life was easy for the first generations all you had to do was-

“Okay fine! I’ll share it with you. Just don’t leave me here, okay?”

I immediately ran back to him.

Well, I can probably handle sharing a Double Chocolate Chip Nougat Caramel Nuts and Glaze Vanilla Ice Cream + Cookie Dough tub with my boyfriend, can’t I?


A/N: It's been so long since I've written here-

November 29, 2021 09:01

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Philia S
05:14 Jan 01, 2022

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY- (Yes, I'm gonna send that on every site I know you on cause yes)


Basmati Rice
07:09 Jan 01, 2022



Philia S
08:41 Jan 01, 2022

AYEEEEE-SAME TO YOU btw, are you gonna edit your bio now or no-(you know what I'm referring to ehehe)


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Philia S
04:38 Nov 30, 2021

This ees a wonderful story. Idk what else to say except a load of praise for it. Btw btw btw, best thanksgiving. ;D


Basmati Rice
04:40 Nov 30, 2021



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My Jungwoo
09:13 Nov 29, 2021

LMAO This story is amazing, it's hilarious I love it.


Basmati Rice
09:14 Nov 29, 2021



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